70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood

>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come.


So Sup Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?

>asking a loaded question on the most autistic board on a containment site for autists

Maybe because most women nowadays aren't wifey material

>why are you still an unmarried man-child?

Because 3dpd girls are gross and 2d girls are the future

Because 99% of western women are spoiled whores who find it acceptable to have sex with more than one man, and looking for that 1% seems like way too much hassle.

I met a girl once who I thought was wifey material but she ended up taking a break from me and dating someone else. Now I don't even bother with monagamus relationships and just date several girls at once behind their backs.

Same here.

Why don't men give a shit about traditional roles anymore after we destroyed traditional roles? because they're stupid and immature!

>Believing in the married meme
>fucking some chick and marrying because of the child instead of long-term dating and coming to an understanding of mutual respect
>Believing in the "SPENT 500 DOLLARS ON A DATE" meme
>Believing in the wedding meme

Lol get fuck, no "princess" moment for you

Its best of both worlds, hot as fuck that transforms into big tit kink machine. This guy is a good role model. Take notes.

Maybe it's because you are a cuck.

because i like to live life free of as much responsibility as possible

there is an app on my phone that gives me free pussy.

Please don't take the overly common bait.


I am not married because i cannot marry a 12 year old girl. Fuck women my age and millennial women in general.

>not an arguement

>Muh Freedom

Adults were never meant to have freedom you mindless millennial nigger. This is why whites will become the minority in America. And I blame boomers for making millennials into lazy sacks of shit. They were the ones who brought up this freedom at adulthood shit.

I can't get a gf, how could I ever get a wife.

Brosnan should pull an Orson Welles, gain 200 lbs, maybe people would care again. His new AMC show won't last a month.

this copypasta, this exact same fucking thread, has been posted like every other week for literally YEARS

please save yourselves the fucking trouble and do not bump this shit pasta to bump limmit


I'll take what I want

Going for the lowest common denominator meme I see.

>it's the man's responsibility to get married
>it's not the woman's responsibility to make herself worthy of marriage

This has my attention

thinking about it now I doubt there has ever been a time for a man in my relative economic and smv position to have as much sex as I do. pussy has become incredibly devalued. How can I respect a woman who gives it up so easily? Obviously the jews are behind this but it's not like I can make myself change my views of women at this point nor will the way they conduct themselves change

>Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency
Marriage and normative gender roles are a social construct and bigoted as well, has cns not heard?

>not wanting to get cucked make you a cuck
can't win, can we?

Fuck off asshole, I'm trying. I need to be able to support myself (not paycheck-to-paycheck) first before I'll look for a mate.


> live at home
>make 55+k
Life is good.
Why should I get fucked over by some cunt?

But remember, marriage is a scam.

Even the institution of marriage has been twisted into something designed to fuck men over.

Think about that for a little while.

OP wakes up every day, takes a shit, feeds his pet kangaroo and then makes this thread

> Pierce ages like fine wine
> His wife gets fatter and wrinklier every day
Why does he put up with this, he's the ultimate chad?

I think surrogacy should be more widely accepted, It's a nice alternative to have children rather then marry some gold digging cunt.

It should be used among men who don't want to marry some cunt until the laws of marriage like no-fault divorce is removed.

That's a big spread
>20 is too early
>34 is too late

Marriage is a terrible deal for men, it's a risk not worth taking. Men will always end up losing when it comes to marriage.


61 get. don't fuck me over.


>reading Brosnan's bio
>good man, never divorced, strong faith
>very atypical in hollywood
>First wife died of ovarian cancer
>married second wife
>Brosnan's daughter Charlotte died on 28 June 2013 of ovarian cancer, the same illness that claimed her mother's life


If I'm not a bard, this is fake.

99 get

>none of the women I know irl have evr wanted to date me
>go through the various humiliations that constitute modern dating
>still nope
>give up
>"Why are you ruining women's dreams, you bastard"
no u


women are giving sex away for free everywhere,
why should a man want to get married?

why do you live with your parents you fucking faggot


would you really say most men today are even husband material, though?


riiggyt gkjiiasd


here we go

When the degenerate whores start being worth it, call me back

>men have failed to make a normal progression

Why is the onus on men?

>70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>70% of Women aged 20-34 are whores

Why should I spend almost all my pay-check to support a nagging money-whore who threatens divorce every-second day and if she gets her own way, you still have to pay alimony while she fucks another sugar daddy while keeping your child away from you 5 days a week.

I say women are shitty investment.
Even in "non-feminist" Eastern Europe (thanks to the Internet and smartphones, these whores learning Western degenerate ways way faster than (((they))) expected.

DESU, just want to end my life OD'd on some extasy or heroin.

Women don't even LIKE men.

Why would I want to marry someone who doesn't like me?

I'm satisfied

>muh wedding day

God, I long for the happy day when the bitches get hauled off to the knackers' yard where they belong.

They long ago became more trouble than ten minutes of indifferent sex every three months was worth by several orders of magnitude.

And they wonder why the only men who want them are niggers with outstanding removal orders.



>60k diesel pick up for an daily driver
>vacations every year
>buy tons of weebstuff
>buy anything I want.
>help my parents in their old age
>parents are based redpilled and we get along great
Stay poor and sad married fag

I've thought about this.
I really want kids but I don't want some cunt forcing me to do Shit I don't want.

cmon 100% fighter

also if any of you guys are hard up just do a year of working out and go to an anime con and you can fuck as much as you want.

the world would be lonelier without you friend






61 ftw


I'm 18 and in college. Must I say more?

Marriage is a con.

That's why men should marry women 10 years younger


Today it is.
These women are not the same as our grandma's and moms.

Let's goooo

I'm married but I'm still a manchild.


remember bois


Something cool please

Oi oi

>naw ur just a cuck who lives with his parents at age 33. Ur prolly fat too


bard pls

Marriage has always been a con.


Rollan for Stalker.



1. Social anxiety

2. Women are spoiled whores

Oh nice. Been a while since I got to sage this Shareblue thread.




17-21 is prime for women.

28-34 is prime for any man who isn't a supermodel chad.

Ideally you would pair women with men only slightly older than them because these men have not yet reached the part of their lives where their wealth would allow them to afford multiple women.
