What does Sup Forums think about Polynesians?
They seem based.
What does Sup Forums think about Polynesians?
They seem based.
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They're fat and annoying as fuck
giant island abos.
At least they don't huff petrol
this, OP has never met any and thinks they are all like the rock
Fat, loud and violent.
There's a reason Hawaii is a communist state.
I've heard that, but I've also heard that they smash immigrants.
Sup Forums a few years ago had stories about maories being degenerates but fucking smashing lebs when necessary.
is that true?
I remember writing a youtube comment saying only a retard or similarly disabled person could possibly be as ugly as maui
turns out I was wrong because there's a black kid in my math class who has a face just as ugly or perhaps even more so and has the same hair
they are the immigrants and they ate all the locals
Island niggers
just trying to educate myself desu m8
Go Google kill a haole day
They're ok but don't expect any deep conversations with them in anything other than sport
>fat waterniggers
choose wisely.
They all look like the pic except fat instead of muscle. They are also extremely loud in public.
I was at a mattress store a few months ago and a 400 lbs Maui was flopping on every single bed and bellowing out loud unfunny expletives. The cringing on the salesman's face was priceless.
they're hot
They just smash everyone 2bh it's all they're good for.
sorry, I forget you euros have thin skin
That sounds funny as fuck. I'd have laughed my ass off.
no they fuckin aren't m8
that's the one thing I know for sure about them. they are the summation of everything I find ugly
So this new Mike Brown footage is rustling the jimmies again. Possible happening tonight? Any Missouri Bros out there?
It was. He was kinda like a cartoon. Had treetrunk calves stuffed in knee-high socks and adidas sandals. Was even wearing a 3xl t-shirt that said "Tonga" on the back.
I can vouche for that I live in Cali where most of the tribes are, they're only good at being fat and liking fat women, so they're great at football, just like the Philippinos they only start to look good when you insert superior white genetics, then they can be less degenerate better looking but still huge but its still not worth racemixing
Violent, Corned Beef eating, Toyota Estima driving, minorities. they really have no relevancy to anyone
Toplel this user knows
This. They are like niggers with an island twist.
except they value strong families more and they don't trust niggers
Enjoy getting eaten to death
They are niggers
but user they are niggers. I heard they rape and beat their spawn which carries on to the next generation. A cycle of nigger destruction.
and just like niggers they have this strange racial / cultural pride that doesn't seem to be affected by how obviously shit they are and always have been
After extended conversations in various threads on Sup Forums I can only conclude that they are the niggers of Asia
Still though an Asian nigger is far more tolerable than an actual nigger
Aren't they inbred?
I mean their populations are quite small if I'm right.
>except they value strong families
And they regularly test that family strength by bashing and killing their kids, only the strong survive.
>they don't trust niggers
Who does?
They're redpilled on shininess. So I'm cool with their civilization
>bashing and killing their kids, only the strong survive
Island Abos confirmed.
They're dumb as shit, 2nd lowest IQ next to aborigines
Almost all of them are fat. Nauru has an obesity rate of like 98% or something like that. It's a shame, they have great genetics otherwise, possibly more athletic than blacks.
Let's be real. They try to impersonate niggers as much as they can, even thinking they are actually part of bloods, crips etc.
dont even start with the millennials either. the only education theyll except is from 8 Mile
I can always trust a nigger to be a nigger
Human manatees
>Disney movie
>a cartoon movie without yet another NWO subliminal agenda aimed at young people
pick only one (1)...
Correct. They have nothing else to look up to other than american niggers, which is a shame.
That's fucked.
literal pineapple niggers. hawaii is fun to visit, not to stay.
Sup Forumsynesians are based. literally /ourguys/. HIGH TEST
Subhumans in new zealand
>pineapple niggers
They're attractive to me, I'm not sure why
This was what I was hoping for.
>What does Sup Forums think about Polynesians?
Dont really think about them tbqh
Met a couple in college that were pretty cool to party with
More lazy jungle niggers
lazy fat act like niggers
My ex was a filipina. So I guess she fits as polynesian.
She craved the black cock and had sexual fantasies with LeBron James, while was her bf.
She was extremely selfish and egocentric. The again, I always heard that filipinas are the craziest women on the planet.
Pic related
their sauce is boss
>black kid in my math class
found the underage