I think I'm in love Sup Forums

Why are conservative women so much more attractive than liberal ones?


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Because they are confident and don't need hair dye and 16 piercings to reassure their confidence.


it's really hard to make an imbedded link

well done OP

Because ugly women have nothing going for them so they resort to bitching and whining as a means of feeling important.

No man wants a disgusting hose-beast or a fat mess of shit so those types of women become bitter, purple-haired, cat ladies with FUPAs and a wine problem.

>conservative ""women""
sure, bud. you're not tricking me again.

It's the channel link dumbfuck

I see that, also more mature too. I think many liberal women haven't grown up yet

>pig nose
>dumb whore


It's definitely the personality/mind/soul of the person. Clearly she is intelligent, reasonable, calm, ethically-aware, etc. Also I like what I call "simple elegance" in women, meaning they are clearly attractive, healthy, hygenic, but they are also relatively reserved and not ostentatious with their physical looks.

Girl in video is 100x more attractive than any dyed-hair tattooed blacked drug-dealer's slut.

no when posting youtubelinks on Sup Forums you imbed them.

stop being retarded

wtf I love boipussy now

ugly women, including former hot ones that have hit the wall, cannot compete in the dominance hierarchy of female attractiveness, so they try to change the rules of society by becoming left-wing

Conservative ones are much more foresight, and they actually care about preserving themselves and the future because it is the society they will leave to their children

let me guess its yet another le sjw are dumb :DDDD lowhanging fruit grabber youtuber who begs for money on patheon or whatever the name of this website is

>american posters

Thinking you're in love with pixels on a screen is a sign of your failure as a man. Fix yourself.

>Because they are confident

This seems to be the big difference I see. Conservative women seem to have more genuine confidence while liberal women have to talk themselves up and act like a cunt to make them seem confident. I've debated conservative and liberal women and the conservative side was always calmer and took things more serious while the left side laughs and acts like even considering another view point is outrageous. Conservatives are dumb as shit a lot of times but the left is like a cult that can't even question its own doctrine because any other views are outrageous.

>it's a creepy virgin falls in love with a 6/10 from a video episode

And yet, no matter how good her political opinions and right wing virtue signaling may be, she can never compete with an obedient and caring aryan housewife

New conservative youtuber
SJW redpilled

>nose ring

Into the trash she goes

> Anything is a 10/10 to british men

>brazil talking

That's pretty much all she is right now but I think she has potential and is browsing the right circles. After the inauguration she made a video where she talked about Richard Spencer getting punched so clearly she knows about him.

Because conservative women understand feminility. Libtards women have penis envy and daddy issues.

She doesn't go after sjw YouTubers like the others though and although she has a patreon she never mentions it in her vids. I respect that

Damn this ones hot too