Daily reminder that Atheism IS degenerate.
Daily reminder that Atheism IS degenerate
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Based Orthodox Christians.
Also agnostic here, but sometimes I really wish I could beleive but it's hard. I love listening to orthodox chants though and I would gladly go into battle for Christendom to defend our brothers
>14% Muslims voted for Trump.
Why are American Muslims so suicidal?
That 14% doesn't want to be killed by the other 81%
>68.8% jew
>81.8% Religion of Peace
>67.3% Buddhist (why?)
>74.8% pajeet
>78.8% Fedora
>71.1% Lesser Fedora
>55.8% pseudo agno-atheism?
>54.7% fsm
Speaks for itself really.
Atheism will die out soon when people realise what a society devoid of religion really looks like
How come jews didnt vote trump? Trump was literally licking the arse out of every jew
Still percentage wise, more Muslims are pro-Trump than atheists.
>atheists are all one person
As an Orthodox Christian, I am actually really surprised at how many voted for Trump, and I think, based on conversations I have had with people at my parish and at others I have visited, that it is because Hillary wanted to get rid of Bashar Assad in Syria, and many of us Orthodox view President Assad as the lifeline of our brothers in Syria. If Assad goes, the Orthodox community (along with the Christian community in-general) will be wiped out, so I am glad to see so many Orthodox take a stand against the foreign policy that has driven so many Arab Christians out of their homes.
Based on conversations I have had with Muslims I know, this guy ( ) is actually close to the truth. American Muslims are actually pretty based, socially conservative people, who happen to be here because they are scared as fuck of their former countrymen.
As opposed to the Muslims immigrating into Europe, who are oftentimes the same kind of people the first wave of Muslim immigrants tried to escape.
I thought Orthodox Christians in the US were just a meme.
here in the upper midwest people are Lutheran, other Lutheran, or maybe sometimes Catholic.
Didn't think of Assad like that before. Hoepfully your brothers won't be ISIS'd.
>a+b =/= 100%
Stats are bullshit
is she syrian?
I would say that most atheists (that come to the conclusion on their own, and not to spite their parents) probably fall under the nothing in particular category.
There's two Orthodox churches in my state.
>Not a christcuck loser
What do Sup Forums?
Yeah, I have actually met quite a few Syrian Orthodox who fled Aleppo after the Archbishop their was kidnapped and presumably killed. The Christian community has, for a long time, supported the Assad government against Islamist elements that want them out of the country, so, if Assad is ousted, then they will either be killed or exiled. When Hillary said that her "number one priority" was ousting Assad, then I started campaigning fro Trump, even though I honestly don't like him very much.
Thanks I've always wanted one of these for ms.
t. Vicksburg
Yes goy, hate the white atheists, they're the reason your society is crumbling, they're the reason all the brown people are being let in, start a war against them! Shalo-err I mean Deus Vult!
Btw don't forget to show up to mass this weekend where we'll be discussing the best place to hide your refugees and illegal immigrants from the evil government! And just ignore those Islamic invaders at your door, you can get along with them because they hate atheists too!
>Buddhists voting for Clinton
As a Buddhist, I feel sick.
Its hipsters pretending to be buddhist but don't actualy do shit for it.
Bartholomew doesn't have the kind of authority the Pope has, and he has basically run out of political capital in the Orthodox Church, because he started a scandal by challenging the Church of Greece and got BTFO'd (funnily enough by an antisemitic meme bishop, so right up your alleys). I'd listen more to what Patriarchs Kirill, Daniel, and John (Antioch) have to say on the issue.
Patriarch Daniel is with the Ecumenical Patriarch on most issues, but is actually influential rather than just being a figurehead.
>Yeah, I have actually met quite a few Syrian Orthodox who fled Aleppo after the Archbishop their was kidnapped and presumably killed
>if Assad is ousted, then they will either be killed or exiled
You're welcome, MSbro.
More % of Muslims voted for trump than atheists.
Atheists need to fucking kill themselves
>separating Agnosticism as if it's mutually-exclusive/a middle-man
Orthodoxy taking the prize once again. Can one convert to Orthodoxy?
>hurr Catholics are based hurr
Good to see them btfo
As and atheist, my follow atheists disgust me. Trump is the only way.
The pinnacle of cuckistanity
Atheists are fucking cancer.
Mexicans skewed the stats
Where does 'spiritual but not religious' fit in?
I met a trump supporting Iranian interesting guy.
Yes, you can; most practicing Orthodox in the United States are converts, who either attend OCA or Antiochian (Syrian) parishes. Greek parishes are a little too steeped in Greek culture for my tastes though.
The Mormon stats look about right. You're forgetting about 3rd parties, which had record votes this election.
Mormons loved mcmuffin, but most realized that a vote for him was a vote for clinton, and mormons HATE the clintons.
Mexicans aren't even real Catholics
>buddhists vote for Hillary
>"Hurr life is suffering, achieve nirvana the eternal death TODAY"
Kek "life is suffering" sums up how a Hillary voter thinks
Hello compatriot
>something else
When will they recognize the worship of Kek as a major religion?
fucking towelheads
I thought that hindus were B R O T I E R wtf?
Unless you're a label fanatic, that's basically all of the following:
* agnosticism
* "Nothing in particular"
* Deism (not on the list)
* "Something Else"
Also roughly 50% of mormons (very community-centric, so being an open ex-mormon is very inconvenient)
50% of Mormons do not attend church regularly (
There are many different Lutheran congregations. Some are far more conservative than the Catholics.
but if you want to talk about really cucked, try Methodist.
But is there anything wrong with Greek culture? It's not their fault that they have to live a life of debt. Their culture demands it.
>least Clinton
Stupid egg mcmuffin stole too many trump votes. At least only 1/5 of us are going to hell.
No, not really, but I joined the Orthodox Church for religious reasons. A lot of Greek Orthodox put the "Greek" part before the "Orthodox" part. This is a primarily American phenomenon. If you go to, say, Russia, they just call it "Orthodoxy", not "Russian Orthodoxy" or "Greek Orthodoxy".
Ah. Orthodox churches are very lovely by the way.
90% of that stat is utah, and enough utah mormons saw that mcmuffin was a terrible pick. mcmuffin was their gary johnson. No one thought he would pull any EVs.
>Orhodox 64
I would like a source on that just so I can trigger cathocucks and protestofags.
sky cake
>tfw Protestant
Please be gentle, Vlad.
>actually hipsters trying to be Buddhist but do nothing for it
Like going to a Buddhist temple? Becoming a monk? Its more of a philosophy if anything it doesn't require you to attend a temple like the wonderful Abrahamic religions do, there is no required effort other than the effort you put in.
With that said it's really weird seeing Sup Forums go from fedora to Christian
The Ecumenical Patriarch has no power outside his own Church. He has now power over the Russians, Romanians, Greeks or others and pretty much all other patriarchs disagree with him on that as well as many other things.
Yes, they are, thankfully many are being returned to the ownership of the Church now that the USSR has fallen.
Muslims are actually less subversive than atheists.
so we owe trump's election to the protestants and the orthodox? amazing
praise christ
pagans and heathens can leave this board
I am surprised that the Soviets didn't destroy them all.
>50+ sexual partners
>3 threesome
>1 foursome
>do coke on occasion
>acid is my favorite drug
>drink more than I should
Yep, I'm as degenerate as they come
I'm atheist and I support Trump
Atheists also have IQs even higher than jews. Pure coincidence?
Not all atheists are secular humanists, it isn't a unified ideology. I voted for Trump
Was the foursome 3 girls and you? how does this work? one penis 3 baginas
>didn't vote for none of 'em
fuck u
Nah, my buddy and I and two chicks. So i guess "4-person group sex" is more apt. We often fantasize about reliving the experience, except with a midget dressed as the Mad Hatter who occasionally yells "CHANGE PLACES"
He and I both voted for Trump
>tfw Norse pagan who voted for trump
Wait, why is it? please explain your rhetoric logic.
So not only are you a tripfag but you are an actual fag too....
I'm not a tripfag, I just forgot to take it off one of of my (pic related) posting sprees.
>Be atheist
>Vote for candidates most likely to be a part of crazy cult of Satanism revolving around human sacrifice that drives their political policy because "lol God is dumb"
Daniel is a soft and kinda weak patriarch. He hasn't said anything stupid, but on many of occasions he could have said something and made a change for the better.
Whats your favorite thing about dicks?
Hindus used to be bad ass.
desu anything but Catholics or Orthodox tend to be either cucks or lunatics
They don't track votes for indecisive homosexuals.
the oven
I don't know that much about him, really, other than 1) he is A E S T H E T I C, 2) he has built lots of churches, and 3) he has encouraged good spirituality, so, my opinion of him is fairly high, but it's interesting to hear some criticism of him.
Patriarch Kirill gets more coverage in international media, but international media hates him for basically not being a liberal darling.
So, you believe in a zombie fish cloner fantasy made up thousands of years ago? I don't see how that isn't degenerate also.
> always complain about people not taking responsibility for their own actions and views
> Takes no responsibility in their own and get told what to do and how to think from a dead jews book.
Really fired up my boggles
KeK 100% TRUMP
They probably know more about Islam than most atheists.
>to smart 4 God
>to smart 4 Trump two
Feels good man
Considering certain sects of Islam would get flung from a tall building before the atheists it makes sense.
They've mixed their aztec/native folklore into Catholism. I read a report on this stuff, it's one of the reasons they can't stabilize as a country they are not true Christians.
None of those things should make you feel better about yourself.
The problem my friend is that most are. it doesn't matter if one or two are genuinely good people, when the vast majority want mass importation of shitskins and snackbars. Atheism has become a downright cancerous ideology that is starting to try and infect everything else. And we all know what happens to countries that become primarily atheist. They become Sweden.
>tfw part of the 12.9%
>tfw would gladly gas every Muslim and Atheist+ faggot
>tfw would accept being gassed after I get to gas every traitor
>We often fantasize about reliving the experience
>We often fantasize
kys faggot
Their symmetry, and not looking like an exploded butthole.
Well, we're talking about degeneracy, aren't we?
What, you don't talk and joke about fond memories with your friends?