Why did the Jews invent circumcision?
Why did the Jews invent circumcision?
Phimosis was probably an issue for the original jews
because taking a shower once a week is really hard.
They are all secretly pedos.
They sell the flesh to make lampshades.
So we could argue about it constantly on image boards, this seems to be the only modern application of a circumcision
So they can eat the foreskin.
oh boy here we go
Oy vey here we go
Ritual mutilation helps savages build tribal loyalty or whatever. You all got the same trauma it's a bonding point.
So glad I'm not American...
At least we don't circumcise here. Enjoy your slave mark
Probably for the same reason they dont eat pork. You can get very sick and die from undercooked pork especially in the bronze age so they cut out the pork consumption. If you dont bathe often you get dick cheese under the flap and it probably would get infected eventually. So they just "cut it out" they told people its what god wanted so everyone would do it.
not a jew
try again carlos
cause they are crazy.
To prevent them from assimilating into whatever populations they lived among.
they made a scarf
Because in ancient times in the desert the concept of daily bath was unthought of so they probably came up with removing the foreskin altogether for sanitary reasons.
Why did such tradition continued in other places and throughout the times though, who knows.
You should use copper for your pork recipes.
Garlic and olive oïl as well.
Jews hate nature and try to insult it at any means possible.
Circumcision is one of them
You have a kike dick though
It's still widely practiced here in America.
I am /restoring/. If anybody wants any ratings, put yourselves inside an imgur
jews aren't the only ones to do it so no
Desert and lack of water, poor general hygiene, in those conditions ciurcumcision was a good way to prevent infections and the accidental lack of pleasure was really nothing in contrast with some dick infection.
Intentionally wounding yourself is a lot more dangerous than improper hygiene. The "hygiene" argument is fucking stupid.
And that bullshit you said about pork is also total bullshit. They did it to separate themselves from their neighbors, which is another reason for the ritual mutilation. You want to make sure your people stay different from the other people around consumption restrictions and ritual mutilation is a good way to do it.
They eat it as a snack on Hanukkah
South Korea and South Sudan.
The women as well.
A good clitoris chopping to calm the bitchez and shoes online shopping.
why south korea
To dick with you
They didn't. Egyptian priests used to do it. Maybe they picked it up from their influence when they ruled the Levant. Genital mutilation rituals are not exclusive to Jews.
Pork was the most widely consumed meat in the Mediterranean in the ancient world. Jews herded goats; you can't herd pigs, and they clearly despised other people. Zoroastrians brought all sorts of weird taboos to the Levant with the Persian invasion and they grafted those things into their current behaviors and belief systems.
"Cleanliness" is a rationalization/excuse. Rabbis who suck baby dick today claim that saliva was designed by god to prevent infection. Muslims claim chopping off clits is also a hygiene issue. It's all Semitic horseshit.
Most Americans get the Jewish brand though.
Unlike here in canada where my dick is intact
Because Japan doesn't so they went nuts doing the opposite because everybody thinks Japs and Koreans are the same people
if people were dying left and right from pork it would have been some bizarrely jewish custom
However cutting your dick is LITERALLY (yes literally) to make sex feel work. This is 100%, unapologetically why jews do it. While the Biblical excuse is as a blood sacrifice for a victory in battle, the religious explanation by Moses Maimonides is that it injuries your dick. Without easy access to lotion (a modern convenience) masterbation is far harder and male energy is focused on reproduction and other societal growing issues.
****wouldn't have
Anglo-Saxons are referred to as "Israel" in the bible. What we've been seeing recently (all of this anti-white rhetoric) is what the bible calls "The time of Jacob's trouble."
you want a medal or something? I don't care. stop replying to me mang
makes sense, they have the japs soo
They didn't, idiot. The Egyptians practiced circumcision over a 1000 years prior to the existence of Israel. Tribes have most likely done it for far longer.
Be aware there are many men out there unable to pull their foreskin back properly even after years of applying ointments and using stretching techniques.
Phimosis is a thing and some men do fins their only option is circumcision.
Educate yourself it's a fucking awful thing to go through and can fuck with a lot of young dudes heads.
It's still like 30% here for some stupid reason.
fuck I meant hate japs
checked, also 88 never lies when it's time to name the kikes
He isn't posting his softy in an imgur like I requested. Aha
ahhh, much cleaner!
Why did Jews make esperanto
You sound like an old Druid.
To curb sexual enjoyment in men AND women (women have twice as many orgasms with non-mutilated men).
Ancient Jews believed that enjoying sex too much lead to Lilith or other night spirits stealing your babies in the middle of the night. If the mother made a weird face during conception, it was seen as a bad omen. They often put bags over women's heads to prevent this.
For an excuse to put their mouths and little boys' penises.
Oy vey. You know this, goy
A partial maybe. Where is your proof. Where does it say anywhere that steroid creams don't work? My buddy had it. I told him to pull back under running warm water. He told me I saved him. Big fucken deal. And how many does this happen to? Is it genetics or laziness? No reason to chop just for that. People get it done later in life and hate it. For whatever reason memes or otherwise. Nobody chooses to get cut later. Only 2 in 1,000 for all "reasons". Everybody is restoring now. Not making excuses and lies for circumcision
Because they like sucking baby cock
Just ctrl+f for imgur. I was referring to the guy to who you were speaking. He seems proud of his. Might as well rate it lol
>the religious explanation by Moses Maimonides is that it injuries your dick
Jews produce lots of "explanations" for things, particularly when trying to convince goyim that they are just like them and share the same sorts of concerns or to show just how much holier dem Jews are.
Circumcision most likely just a symbolic castration, a show of deference to the father god.
Some have argued that Jews circumcised infants because it took the place of the sacrifice of the first born, which was a widespread practice among Semite pagans. Carthaginians did it even into Roman times.
I want you senpai :3
this guy wants picks of your cock
go bother him
Circumcision was practiced before 800 B.C. when monotheism took over, when some tribesmen still worshiped female deities like Asherah alongside gods like Yahweh and Baal.
It's more intrinsic to what I mentioned in this post There is a POWERFUL anti-sex doctrine in middle eastern mythology.
Yes please. And who are you kidding. We will all check out any links here made by anybody hehehe
>why circumcision
It's a symbol of female dominance over the men.
The tribe is controlled by their women.
This is why halakhic law bans men who marry out.
Only the offspring of the female are truly Jews.
Judaism is the canonical matriarchal society,
the ultimate nation wreckers, a clutch of
unhappy women who make up the termites of
My father died when I was 8 and I was never really educated on how to clean it or pull it back when pissing. At about 13 it hurt on occasion and I couldn't get it back. Too scared and no one to talk to I let it fester. Took me another 5 years to be able to get it back comfortably, this was with doctor visits and using creams/bathtime stretching etc. By that time I had turned into a weird shy faggot afraid to go near girls because of it. Young guy who doesn't understand why his junk doesn't work. It's pressure whether you agree or not. So I'm married now and sex with a foreskin was more pleasurable slightly but it the tightness always came back again and again I'm cut now 18 months and I'm fairly happy. Went about 2-3 months without sex even though I think they tell you you should go without it for 6 months after the operation. Sex is still sex sometimes I come quick sometimes I have to finish myself. Either way I'm comfortable with it. Teach your kids properly my dudes.
meant for
Best. Most truthful post. Ever placed on Sup Forums. Well done!!! We have that conception in serpent seed theory but everybody loves to ignore that and blame the homosexuals instead
Nobody cares go write daily bowel movement articles
It worked for him. Doesn't exactly sound like a medical breakthrough that will stand the test of time though does it? Guys are suffering with it right now and for some it is the only alternative. You think I asked for mine? It was recommended to me from speaking to multiple doctors.
It's ok. Nobody likes circumcision. It makes a mess. You will have a limp dick in no time that barely shoots any cum or feels anything but a dead door nail. Nobody has phimosis. Only you. Everybody is going in exact backward fashion to you. You do not have a compelling argument. Just some anecdotes. Who knows if they're true and nobody should care. Now that it's cleared up and restored guys cannot get it. You will find yourself restoring
Judaism is over 5000 years old. Showers and baths were not very available 5000 years ago, especially so in the middle east where Judaism was historically centered. Circumcision is a perfectly reasonably practice when understood through such a lens.
Why do muslims not eat pork? Why do Jews not eat shellfish? Why do Hindus not eat cows? Why do muslims believe the devil hides in your nose so you have to blow your nose in the morning? Why do Christians dunk new born babies in especially clean water?
Cultural evolution to pressures that are no longer relevant.
You guys are retarded.
The history of the Jews in the Old Testament is fiction. There was no such thing as a Jew until the Return from Exile; or, if you really want to take the redpill, not until after the Persian conquest in the late 5th c. BC.
In 800BC no Jews as we understand them existed, only Levantine semite pagans, behaving religiously like all their Semite pagan neighbors had for thousands of years.
>Why do muslims believe the devil hides in your nose so you have to blow your nose in the morning?
wait, woah woah woah, is this true?
You must be a nigger. It worked for your friend so all other men suffering from the same shit are idiots for not following your advice. Top f
Okay you're definitely a nigger.
Because people are too fucking lazy and disgusting to take 15 seconds to clean it.
>tfw christianity is degeneracy and jews are the real moralfags
Water worked for him. Water. I have never heard of steroid creams not working. It's ok kike go fuck a bagel. Also. Niggers circumcise. I am not cut. Like you. A nigger. Also. He showed me how I fixed him not just told me the story. Lol. I see through you. Back down. Take your lies and shit dick and go, rabbi
Speaking of jews...
An Arab crawls through the desert, dying of thirst.
After quite some time, he comes upon a Jew, selling ties.
The Arab begs the Jew for help.
>Water! Water please! I must have water!
The Jew replies:
>I don't have any water, would you like to buy a tie?
The Arab is confused.
>I don't need a tie! I need water!
The Jew tells him:
>There is an inn about 40 miles to the east, you can find water there.
The Arab crawls away.
Two days later, the Arab comes crawling back to the Jew. His face and throat are on fire form heat exhaustion and thirst.
>Water, water please! I must have water!
The Arab gasps, but the Jew has questions.
>Didn't you get water at the inn?
And the Arab replies:
>They wouldn't let me in without a tie.
Religion is just poor science without instruments or rigorous logic.
At least he doesn't have to pass his dick under the shower head for 10 seconds now. Praise circumcision!
This off by 1 quints is a pretty good post. Reasonable, informative, and correct.
Fun Fact: 85% of Americans are circumcised. I am one of them. Circumcised Nation UNITE against the yuropoors.
Pic. Where are the male versions? Also, Aussie? They are the cows presently trampling Jerusalem. Not Christians. Also they are not even the Jews the Bible speaks of. DOWN WITH MEN WE ARE "MORAL" REEEEE. WE ARE BIGGEST PROBLEM IN WORLD I AM A CHRIST HATER REEEEE I WILL NOT CIRCUMCISE MY HEART I WILL SUCKLE ON BABBY DICK REEEE
why is it that statistically more women (western world included) prefer circumcised penises?
why is that statistically more homosexual men (western world included) prefer uncircumcised penises?
can i get rational explanations to this please?
should i have my son circumcised one day?
My dad told me when i was ten that they do it because sand used to get stuck in there.
When ever we were leaving to somewhere he would say "we're off like a Jewish foreskin".
You're stupid, bro.
Circumcision is older than Judaism.
The ancient Egyptians invented it.
You know why they did it? Because they lived in a desert area. Imagine having a foreskin and living there, you dick would get smegma in two motherfucking seconds.
Plus getting sand in your foreskin probably would hurt.
Desert people invented circumcision because they were primitive desert people who found it helpful to cut off part of their penises. Then it got enshrined in religion, and because America is full of Christ-stains and kikes, circumcision became popular here too.
Dead dicks unite! Yay for pussy! Chop off entire thing maybe?
Thread was finished here.
I can assure you my dick works just fine. Also nice digits.
Because Eve was a man killer. This is why
Circumcision is not Christian
It wasn't invented by Jews. Ancient Egyptians and others were doing it before Jews existed.
I'm a black Jew lying on a hook image-board it very I've been found out
That is a physical impossibility. You also know no different. Restore lazy negroid then get back to me. Swords need sheaths lest they rust. Like your rust cock for females. Dont lift for them. Dont become a female for them
Interesting. But you'll see I was careful not to call them Jews, so your lecture is misplaced.
Jews believe the same myths. Some of the myths, at least. Some of the Jews, at least. It is regional and dependent upon sect.
This. Sumerians started it all.
The foreskin isn't meant to be pulled back until approx 14 years of age.
It's mean to be a shield for the glans
>2 in 1000
Im so fucking T R I G G E R E D right now because you didn't simplify that.
Shield for the glans sounds like an awesome action movie.