Destiny fucking ruined your poor racists ideas. Maybe now you'll get a real ideology. Destiny openly challenged any of you to come on and you all ran and hid. Get fucked.
Sup Forums BTFO
>tfw you will never be as pathetic as a Sup Forumscuck
literally who?
Who? : the post
oh damn. brutal.
Phss my gun is bigger
Two gamers debating politics? Why should I care?
Showing a gun on stream will get you permabanned, fyi.
Now post the one where he debated Naked Ape :)
Destiny would get destroyed by Ryan Faulk:
But Ryan Faulk has a smaller audience so Destiny probably wouldn't agree to it.
At least im not a leaf poster
>tfw you will never be as pathetic as a leaf
>a leaf
who BTFO pol ?
After listening to this guy neuter JonTron and how he addressed Sup Forums's talking points I'm starting to question some of the shit that you autists write. It's easy to outshitpost liberals on twitter and on here but whenever a Sup Forumstard says these things out loud in a debate format they always get BTFO. Even that "nakedape" debate that destiny just had kind of proved to me how autistic and reddit-tier snarky some of you are. You need to come up with better champions for your cause.
Sup Forums btfo
>Be a leaf
>Think others care about what you have to say
>irrelevant StarCraft twitch streamer
>"BTFOs" "alt right" YouTubers
why do i feel like he just squealed and said "DAS RAYCISS" the entire "debate."
>Even that "nakedape" debate that destiny just had kind of proved to me how autistic and reddit-tier snarky some of you are.
This is one of the most off putting traits that Sup Forums tier people online have, and irl probably, but I wouldn't know I don't know anybody who's Sup Forums like irl, it'd probably be cringy as fuck though. The truth is, they're very similar to the obnoxious liberals or sjws they like to bitch about, they're just as petty, just as emotional, just as easily triggered, just as condescending, and it's tiring and childish, I say put a stop to it all, a real man is private and only openly speaks his mind about social and political issues when he's in a position of power and able to influence/change things, not when his most powerful act is voting in his local election.
what did he do?
>just had kind of proved to me how autistic and reddit-tier snarky some of you are
Thank you for perfectly describing every Destiny debate since fucking ever lear
JonTron doesn't debate and he isn't experienced. Watch the one with naked Ape and people who actually know how to debate only for Destiny to get mad and rage/rant.
Two stupid niggers
Are you serious? Hahahaha. This destiny guy sounds like a faggot. He offers no refutations but only silly rhetorical questions. e.g. typical circular logic shit. In fact, the whole debate was shit, from both sides.
But hey, you're a leaf. I expect you leafs to be fooled easily.
one day
>dude with a stripper name
He lost before it even began.
>youtube celebrity
>relevancy for more than a week
pick one lad. Nothing he has done will matter by the end of next week.
Literally RARE
Who? Looks like some loser. Looks like retards in the chat. Guess this is a shill/marketing/self-promotion thread for a non-entity. Saged.
Cool so stop being a hypocrite and shut the fuck up stealthjew
It sounds like you're describing reddit people, not Sup Forums. I for one am very private and reserved and only speak up in debate when confronted. For the most part, I let people spout their political BS, and correct them stealth mode. Most people I meet never no where I stand politically. I just blend in and hit them with the facts. Quite fun to watch.
>He offers no refutations but only silly rhetorical questions. e.g. typical circular logic shit
Sup Forums said the same thing when he debated Lauren Southern, Sargon, JonTron and some random redpilled chick. If this is true, why does every person that Sup Forums puts forward get BTFO instead of calling him out on his shit and beating him at his own game? That excuse doesn't work anymore. You'll probably say the same thing the next time Destiny destroy's another redpilled person.
>what is Ryan Dawson
>what is Martin Shkreli
>this fucking leaf implying when Lauren Southern
I've never even heard of the guy.
The fact that Sup Forums says the same thing about him, as you say, only confirms my own statement. I had no idea other people debated him and Sup Forums said the same thing.
BUT why are they giving this yt online celeb anytime. He's fucking irrelevant and insignificant.
I probably am more describing reddit tier autists, but don't tell me you haven't seen cringy posts like, "lmao liberals" or "lmao feminists" or even "he can't say that cause that's rayciss :^)" in some youtube comments, facebook posts, or wherever, a majority of those are likely redditors, but you just KNOW a number of them come from edgy teen Sup Forumslacks that think it's cool to spout these #memes outside of chans
Don't rope me in with the cuckhold OP from Quebec, not all Canucks are fucking stupid.
Pretty much this, there's a reason you see people here all the time reminding you not to reveal your energy level. We are too busy climbing the corporate ladder to whine about politics IRL. In person we smile and nod along, and just vent on Sup Forums when we get home.
It's mostly leftists and plebbitors who sacrifice their careers because they can't shut up about politics.
because it affects the majority of the younger generation aka the future
>watch my stream please i need money
>pay me to build you computers because its so difficult
>d-debate me now!!
Achmed, if we wanted your opinion we would have asked for it.
I understand wanting to blue pill yourself, but we both know this simply isn't true: kids watch youtube, kids grow up, they inherit the earth, the're childhood influences their beliefs, their beliefs influence their actions, and their actions influence society.
Ben Shapiro would eat destiny alive.
Who dat?
Viraling on Sup Forums is a good business practice
But, at the end of the day, Destiny has low testosterone. He preaches about the wonders of diversity and refugees while living in a 90% state.
90% white state*
Bullshit, Destiny stated last night that he wouldnt debate "randoms" off Sup Forums because they are openly racist. He is a dodger, only debates on his terms
I knew destiny was full of shit when his opponent mentioned that blacks have a problem with violence and crime, largely due to single mother homes (dead beat dads), and destiny responded like a typical leftist nutjob by asking him a question that assumes he would propose killing off all blacks to stop this crime problem.
After his opponent left, this same destiny goes on to state that to reduce crime and single mother homes, among blacks, we should support funding Planned Parenthood and encourage abortions. What the fuck. He just attacked his opponent with a false character portrayal of him, in which he was accused of having a racist agenda, which would kill off blacks to reduce crime. All the while it is this leftist retard who just proposed killing off black babies in their mother's womb to reduce black single mothers and crime! It's typical radical leftist tactics. Accuse your opponent of the shit you're guilty of.
Fuck destiny. Fucking faggot. Sage any thread involving this faggot.
All this Destiny faggot does is spew the regular talking points without any kind of coherent response.
He can talk, not debate.
Destiny beat Jontron in this debate. For example, Jontron says that whites shouldn't be a minority because if another race came into power they would destroy white people; so does that mean that the majority of white people hate other races, no because their would still be slavery and Jim Crow laws in the USA.
I don't follow this logic. White tolerance of other races has no direct link to other races' tolerance of whites.
delete this dogshit thread
I know this Destiny guy, used to watch him a lot when I was into Starcraft.
He is a complete cuck. Also part Cuban. Also a race mixer. Lives in Omaha Nebraska surrounded by whites.
I'm black and I don't have problem with white people. Most other people from any race don't have a problem with white people. Why because most people judge others by their actions not by how the look. Anybody can be an asshole, doesn't matter what race you are. If you think that a person that has the same skin color is automatically a good person, You are going to have a hard time in life buddy.
Welp he's gonna be banned
faggot doesn't know that twich has a no firearms policy
Destiny is not perfect but so far i have seen the sargon, jon tron and naked ape debates and he wiped the floor with them.
He just fails to understand that people prefer to be around similar looking people, and that this is not racism, its just preference. Its understandable that whites dont want to become a minority.
Sup Forums BLOWN...........................THE....................................FUCK................................OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let him try and debate Ben Shapiro. I don't like a lot of Shapiro, but hes one fucking good debater
Why delete, the rules of /pol is that as long as it is political it can stay. He/she make thread on here as long as it is political.
save & spam the pic
Literally who?
Jontron isn't even poltier. Dude's on the same level of jewish fupa man.
That's more or less my point. The tolerance of whites to other races ensures nothing about other races' tolerance of whites. The post I responded to seemed to suggest otherwise which sounded beyond naive and just straight up confused and off-base.
>I'm black and I don't have problem with white people. Most other people from any race don't have a problem with white people.
Come on man. I'm American. We all know race is a big deal out there, no matter how cordial we are with each other. I'd like for everyone to get along but sometimes I give up on that shit.
And I'm not just speaking on Whites VS you. Mexicans also can get pretty damn racist with blacks. Asians too. We all know it, let's not try and hide it.
You're Canadian, so I guess you'd be an expect in being neutered. Nobody in your country has a set of balls. You're all weak, incapable and incompetent. Detractor or not, you're all pretty useless. Canada is a shithole ripe for the taking. All the more obvious and hilarious that you're being conquered by woman and camel tamers.
lol, was that before or after Naked Ape cut his head off?
Ape literally started chimping out in the first five minutes of the call.
Your statement,"White tolerance of other races has no direct link to other races' tolerance of whites", makes it sound like majority of people that are not whites don't tolerate white people.
>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
The ad money is the smallest part of his revenue
>he uses a grip insert
What a fag
I dont game much or watch twitch streams so its all irrelevant to me. Nobody worth a shit makes youtube videos
Here's Mister Metokur making Destiny almost start crying in a debate.
Here's Ryan Dawson BTFOing Destiny on every single point for two hours.
Here's Martin Shkreli humiliating Destiny 5 minutes in and the faggot spends the next hour sucking him off because he lost so badly.
Canned Destinyfag line. Destiny got his face smashed in by NakedApe and he frankly lost to JonTron ten minutes in when he moved the goalposts out of Europe.
we're not going to start giving a shit about a fucking streamer are we ? is there anything too low for nupol ?
We idolize PewDiePie and JonTron. There is nothing too low for this board now.
I don't even know who the fuck this is and I don't care. Get the fuck out of here with this Sup Forums tier horse shit.
Mister Metokur got destroyed.
Ryan Dawson and Martin Shkreli were on their field of expertise, so naturally they dominated the conversation, to the point it wasn't much of a debate.
Didn't you hear? All of this is Sup Forums related.
>Googles: "bureau of justice" "homicide rates per 100,000" "household income" 2006
why cant i find source for:
everybody watch the mister metokur one
destiny proposes to invade mexico and overthrow the gov, put a new one in to get rid of corruption and keep paying them billions so they stay in theor country and build up mexico with that money
Guess what, If another person from that race hates me because I'm black, I not going to lower myself to their level. I'm going to hate that person as an individual because their being a dick. Trust me, I wish people didn't judge others based on their race. I wan't be judge others based on their character as a person.
Fucking lol, that didn't happen. Metokur cut his fucking head off. Go watch it again, it's funnier in retrospect since Desticuck was ALSO dead wrong about all of Trump's cabinet picks.
He also unironically advocates invading Mexico and overthrowing their government to "fix" the country. Did you even watch the video?
And guess what? Destiny is still a non-entity compared to those people :^)
>posting airsoft
Destiny is a fucking retard
he doesn't actually argue the points he just changes the argument to better suit his point.
He is a fucking joke.
Destiny BTFO!!!!
then were already fucked no matter what they said
Damn I type to fast LOL.
Destiny can't win vs. any SME, because he's just your average guy. He can't argue points with any significant depth, he can only scratch the surface. This is always going to leave the avenue open for anyone who wants to debate him to just probe for specific information to make Destiny look like a fool, because he's arguing conclusions not premises.
Debating a person who literally doesn't know how to debate. How brave. WOuld love to see even "meme tier" Milo rip Destiny's asshole in half with statistics.
>Laura Southern
Not one of us. She's from Jew-owned Rebel Media.
Sargoy of Blackdad is not "Sup Forums," he's a leftist.
Objectively won the argument less than eleven minutes in, then Destiny changed the subject to exclude Europe because he was getting BTFO.
Then there was the time he got REKT by Ryan Dawson.
Then there was the time he almost started CRYING when MisterMetokur smashed him.
Then there was the time he lost so badly to Shkreli that he developed stockholm syndrome and spent an hour asking him questions like a sycophant.
Destiny is a joke. I keep seeing these kinds of posts over and over--you try to frame Laura Southern (Jew Alt-Lite) as being representative of Sup Forums, but the only time she EVER comes up is when other people bring up the fact that she lost an argument to someone. She's a forced meme, she isn't one of us.
>He also unironically advocates invading Mexico and overthrowing their government to "fix" the country.
watching the mister metokur one, so far destiny keeps wining the arguments 90% of the time.
You guys have become right wing sjw.
keep watching until he unironically suggests to invade mexico
You should stop repeating canned lines if you want to try and crack consensus. He lost badly.
Watch the one with Ryan Dawson.
Destiny vs Jim
Make it happen.