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why do people listen to this lazy canadian faggot
his perspective is warped, it would be interesting to see how his opinion changes once his daughter is old enough to go
its true. so many white people are hardcore brainwashed about not having kids because muh education and the following debt
>went to college
>hated every semester
>engineer major
>find out as senior there is no job market
>work nights in an industrial lab 15 min from where I grew up
there isn't a day that passes by I want to an hero but I can't because Christian.
I'm sure he'll be just as steadfast against it as he is now.
College is a fucking joke. You dont actually learn anything, you go to get a piece of paper that says you can do something. It doesn't verify that you actually posses the skills.
Im wasting my time in college but I cant become what I want to become without paying the Collegiate Jew. I came in knowing just as much if not more than my "professors" who have doctorates and all they teach is sophism and how everything is racist. You dont learn concepts or thinking, just more indoctrination on WHAT to think and not HOW.
>dont go to college if youre going to have to take loans
he's right, you know that?
He's right though
>I came in knowing just as much if not more than my "professors" who have doctorates
yes, I'm sure you do, Cletus
Do you think anybody buys your bullshit you dumb 90 IQ moron?
>dont go to college if you are going to do a arts degree then after a few years go to work at starbucks tens of thousands of dollars in debt.
Keep your head up bro, your not the only one.
What part of the country are yall in?
whatcha doing?
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
I'm in History year 1, do I drop out?
But you need to go to get a high paying job, unless you're a self made man in which case good on you. But it's worth it for people going into STEM or law.
>Start college while working part time because I don't want college debt
>Get one semester in and realize it is basically bullshit
>Degrees are worthless except for specified fields that I am not interested in working
>Go into work force full time
>Barely into my 30's and house, land, and cars are all paid off
>Debt is less than $3000
>Counting usual monthly expenses like utilities and insurance and such I owe out about $450 a month
>Make over $3k a month take home even with being butt fucked by taxes
>Literally 100% of my friends and family members who went to college aren't using their degrees for shit but are swimming in debt and don't have shit to show for it
Pushing college on the masses is one of the most destructive things in terms of totally fucking up the young population's future I have ever seen in my lifetime.
I am cool with people going and getting degrees and such if they want to, but the current idea is that they HAVE to or else they are fucked forever.
That is a whole lie.
>That is a whole lie
meant to say HUGE lie. It confuses me how my fingers can fuck up like that. Not misspelling a word, that is understandable but spelling an entirely different word correctly when I meant something else.
3 grand take home is slightly less than what I made 1 year out of college at 22. I'm at 55 pre tax right now. Literally fresh out. With structured 6-10% pay raises yearly.
Isn't he Canadian/Irish? She'll be fine.
Nigger, I went from a basic high school education to having 100+ connections in my industry. I would be nowhere with college.
>I came in knowing just as much if not more than my "professors" who have doctorates
>all they teach is sophism and how everything is racist
A pompous humanities major. How cute!
It would be cool if education could be free for everyone the first year and then your next year's tuition would be dependent on your performance. Nothing complicated but just basic high performance. If you can't succeed in college then it's not going to be investment 4 years down the line.
fuck dude, you're literally me
hang in there... I guess.. but desu it doesn't seem worth it
>You need college for a high paying job
Not true at all.
Hell, even engineers don't make great cash.
You want to make good money with no degree? Go into the military, slap on that hard hat and join a union that does national work (you'll work seven days a week, but bringing home over $3k a week isn't unheard of at all and they usual have per diem too), work in law enforcement go from the ground up and an education is rarely required to reach the higher levels of the stuff as they put a premium on experience. Do your own lawn care business for a decent rate and you can make really good scratch in a lot of areas too.
In short, there is a shit load of ways to make money without a degree.
>be proud
t. college dropout
what is pol's circle jerk with this guy anyway? i never get it he seems like a salty old fuck.
The last thing the education system needs is more indecisiveness amongst the student body. I was well read about careers and had 2 internships before college.
Stef was unable to get ahead in academia, he didn't even get a phd.
He essentially got kicked out for having such poor arguments.
Everything this man advocates about is built on some personal vendetta.
>Pushing college on the masses is one of the most destructive things in terms of totally fucking up the young population's future I have ever seen in my lifetime.
And who pushes people to go to indoctrinating re-education centers. All while paying for it? Betcha can't guess!
Good on you, bro.
I also live in a super broke ass town in a super broke ass state out in the middle of nowhere where the average wage is less than 10k a year.
If I were to move to an actual big city in a populated state with my job, my pay would basically double.
I also get structured pay increases as well. Before taxes, I make almost 6k a month, I get smashed that hard.
>1 argument= 1$
If everyone was doing some form of StEM and the debt system in America was fixed, there would be far less of an issue.
Arts degrees like history and philosophy have traditionally been for the elites the patrician upper echelon who have little concern for making ends meet.
Nearly the same exact same experience as you.
I honestly feel like I am playing life on easy mode when I look at everyone else in this country compared to my own living condition and occasionally get the urge to just say fuck it and move somewhere difficult to afford just for a goddamn challenge...
Don't go to College(for useless degrees)
>tfw dropped out officially a couple weeks ago after not going to classes for like a month
Feels good that I finally grew some balls and did what I should have done a year ago. Even though i did waste a year doing something that wasnt productive and that i hated every minute of, at least i didnt spend 4 years only to get out with nothing to show for but a worthless piece of paper. The first semester was ok, i was just there cause i didnt really give it much thought and just did it because its what i was supposed to do after high school. However the second semester was where i began to get apathetic and really began to despise every waking minute.
>If everyone was doing STEM
Then STEM jobs would pay shit because the market would be flooded with qualified workers. It is already kind of a problem to begin with which is why engineers don't make anywhere near what they should.
That's basic economics, bro.
There are only a few very specific things one should go to college for. Law and Medicine for example. Most of the other reasons are a waste of money and are MUCH better learned through autodidacticism, one on one teachers or workshops/apprenticeships, and experience.
Universities are mainly scams and serve to heavily indoctrinate youth into a specific way of thinking. Uni makes a person much more receptive to propaganda. Read Jacques Ellul and you will know what I am talking about.
Self-reliance, confidence, hard work are key. Along with a good amount of wisdom through keeping an open mind and understanding your experiences.
Want an education? go to a library.
You can even sit in on some college lectures for free if you really wanted, or listen to them online.
A good rule of thumb, if you can teach it to yourself, you are better off than going to college for it. Use the money to buy experience.
I know, right? Seeing folks struggle so hard while bragging about how smart they are with their degrees in bullshit is kind of sad though.
They got jewed pretty bad and every step of the way. I advise people not to go to college routinely. Hell, if they want a special job, I actually promote trying to apprentice for it instead.
Dude come to the Midwest in the rust belt. Plenty of engineering jobs here. You will probably be in a factory though
Automation means STEM is really the only game in town. There is more to STEM than engineering, also engineering is changing and becoming more RnD focused.
STEM Is eating up the rest, hence your economic argument is flawed.
Yup. It's stupid how many skilled labor jobs there are out there and it's even more stupid how well they pay. I've told all of my friends to go into an apprenticeship or some kind of skilled labor, most didn't listen and are now in debt.
I'd feel bad for these people if they hadn't willingly paid for their own indoctrination.
Automation won't replace a shit load of jobs because it isn't anywhere near the level it needs to be at.
Installing duct work and small repairs to larger machines is HVAC work. Automation isn't replacing that soon.
Automation isn't fixing broken electrical lines and blown transformers.
Automation isn't repairing centuries old masonry work.
Automation is a big deal, don't get me wrong, but it is nowhere near the level to replace anything except basic assembly line work at this point. Outside of that, you still need humans.
You have no idea about the job market. You sound college educated.
This. Thanks for saying what I was about to say.
Come back in 10 years and tell me how wrong I was.
Machines will soon, be doing every job you listed. It is years not decades.
I gave over 4 years for my country so my college is free. Feels good man.
Fuck you I make $1k a year attending college and getting good grades
What do you do for a living?
daily reminder that moly-meme is a fanatic reactionary who frequently misrepresents his sources and argues fallaciously
I work as a welfare receiver on my reserve