Are you an aussie?

You'll be happy to take this redpill about your tax dollars then!

By now i'm sure you're aware of the politicians rorting travel allowances, perhaps you've even seen the asio user who dumped proof on the politicians having zero interest home loans via kike david gonski's bank in order to claim tax deductions.

Seems pretty bad, right? No, it can get a whole lot worse. Pic related.

>Be labor government
>Be PM
>Get your wife to create a "job seeker agency" called ingenus
>Get government contracts from your friends over at the liberals and overseas globalists
>Pay job seeker agencies enough per unemployed people per year to actually pay them a minimum wage job and save money by not paying them welfare
>Job agencies trade clients in order to make it seem like they're doing their job
>Statistics show only 2% of people find jobs through the program

At this point you may be thinking it's just ineptitude. Wrong.
As you see from pic related they are denying journalists like myself from the MSM any access to records and "shutting it down" for lack of a better word.

They have been cooking the books and lying about dole bludgers when we could have had close to zero unemployment and saved the taxpayer money.

These scum sucking globalist politicians have been draining us dry and fattening the purses of their mates and are currently covering it up.

I just wanted to say not all us journos are corrupt in this country, but between the gag orders, denial of FOI and threats we can't break stories.

However if you cunts can help me get the FOI that was denied to my mate i'll have my editor in the herald sun post a FULL PAGE expose on these globalist cunts and that's something every aussie should want.

Have a bump


cheers lads, you might find this interesting.

its happening in the UK as well, ingenus is running the same shit in the UK.

would not be suprised if this goes deeper to other countries across the globalist web.

they are draining billions in funds over this.

good luck faggots.

Bumps in name of transparency and "legitness", those tax dollars represent people's time and wasting people's time for your own benefit is the ultimate thievery.

Don't worry, it's happening to all of us.
Imagine that, put motherfuckers in charge of your money and they rob you.

It goes deeper than that mate. They're constantly telling us how these people are lazy and don't want to get jobs, but this is the reality of the situation.

>Government has cooked the books with refugees so there's more unemployed people than available jobs
>Cut staff across all govt agencies as well
>Introduced these job agencies to help people find work that does not exist, owned by their mates
>Job agencies are paid as much as a wage each year when the government could directly employ these people to do anything
>These globalists now receive kickbacks from their business friends because they've twisted the labor market in the favor of companies and the worker here now has dwindling rights as he's lucky he has a job

These aussies are not lazy (well perhaps a few are but not the majority) they are being fucked by this bullshit.

How can they get jobs that don't exist? Why is money going to friends and family of politicians to help them find jobs that don't exist?

Why are FOI requests being denied?
They're in full "shut it down" mode right now.

They and all their families should be lynched, how can they sleep at night doing this?

how do we get to the bottom of this user?

A few ways. Spam the government with FOI requests and don't back down. It's easy to silence one journalist but not thousands of requests.

They eventually will cave and throw this woman to the wolves as a scapegoat.

Would also be good if anyone was willing to leak the info confidentially so we can publish it.

Man, I would fully support someone who was to dig up all the real evidence of these pricks.

They have done more damage to the welfare system in this country. I was with these pricks for ages and not a SINGLE goddamn time did they even find me an interview.

They exist to mess with ABS statistics and for the current government to virtue signal and make out they are helping the poor and unemployed.

I fucking loath these leech organizations and they should all burn. They are a taxpayer drain and a drain on the life of the unemployed.

Could not agree mate. They've driven some people to suicide because of the hopelessness in finding a job.

They just keep bringing in refugees, "skilled" workers and shoving aussies to the sidelines.

The fact they own the job seeker agencies just proves their agenda financially, they're profiting off destroying this country. I would seek to put up a full page story in the herald sun to trigger all the boomers but i won't be able to do so without hard evidence.

At the moment i have evidence the job agencies are paid a lot, owned by govt friends....but i need more to really drive the nail into the coffin.

*could not agree more

How about you do some user cold calling posing as a government statistician? You could get verbal confirmation from the staff of their shady practices and work to shut them down.

I always thought Sarina Russo was a fictitious entity, never knew she was a real person.

Look up therese rein, krudd's wife.

You'll shit bricks.

When I was unemployed they were useless. They just ask for your resume and then for what jobs you have applied for (which centerlink does anyway so its redundant).

They should have professionals that make you do a rewriting course, help you write cover letters ect imo but they do the bare minimum just in out of people checking what jobs you apply too.

I mean, they could have just paid you what they were paying in newstart and to the job seeker agency to do any sort of work helping out the community.

And it would have cost them less.

No, Ausbro, it was YOUR tax money. It would have therefore cost YOU less. Have a bump. From stories about the jobseek agencies there from you and the bongs I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach something like this was happening.

yeah true, work for the dole at a higher rate of pay would be better.

But that would remove downwards pressure on wages they wouldn't like that now.


I fell on hard times a few years back and went on Newstart. After a month or two I got sent to a jobseeker joint to get a "case manager" to assist in landing a job.

This place was fucking bullshit. Dead set these cunts took my details and ushered me off to some woman who had all these print outs of this other recruitment agency, HAYS.

I asked her for help, not to refer me to an agency I have already been in contact with and am on the books. "Oh no we don't do that here"

Fuckin useless. Was offered a job a few weeks later without their help and took it. Case manager called up n wanted to take credit for doing nothing; told him to go fuck himself.

got put on ingeus in the uk while i was part time studying. From what I know it's a commission kind of deal where they don't get paid unless the client gets a job so basically they tried to put everyone on 0 hour contracts to make it seem like they had a job when they didn't actually have guaranteed work. I asked the person what if I wasn't given enough hours to pay my rent and they said that's something I'd have to deal with if I found myself in that position and started getting pissy when I asked why i would myself in that position to begin with. Their whole deal was basically you either find work within a set amount of time or they write you up and stop your payments for bullshit reasons. Most people I was there with were muslims who couldn't speak basic English and had no hope or desire of finding work anyway, really makes you think.

There was actually this really helpful girl who really wanted to work with me and had a background in psychology and social work, but she got fired after a few weeks, no doubt for empathising with the clients rather than doing her job and getting them out of the system by whatever means necessary.

Can't really complain too much because I'm a smart cookie and shouldn't have been on benefits anyway but Jesus Christ it was an ugly place to be and I know a few older white males who just weren't getting hired and had their benefits stopped because they "weren't trying hard enough." Nice to finally know it's a scam like everything else.