Why is brazil such a giant shithole?

Massive country yet we dont hear about it

We're trying, ok?

Massive Race-Mixing. There's a reason why the south is the best part of Brazil.
>inb4 "he fell for the sul master race meme
fuck off, you know it's true


Welfare state dysgenics , tax the smart to negative fertility rates and give free stuff to low iq monkeys.
Now that they cant tax smart people more , nature is doing its job again.

(((Diversity))) and (((multiculturalism))).

Unfortunately, the US will be Brazil 2.0 in several decades. :(

So thats the real picture of the seal crying?

try harder

Don't laugh it's your future

>we're trying
>Bolsonaro isn't president yet
not trying hard enough, apparently

Sort of. When they go in saltwater, it gets in their eyes. So they naturally have to get it out.

Brazil is a shithole

Yes it is a shithole, pay attention, you'll be like us if you don't get rid of commies and marxists.

Leave us alone

>Brazil is a shithole

It's not.
Corruption and horrible culture.
Cultural reforms and patriotism could easily solve it, but then other countries would "liberate" us so fuck it.

But seriously, the problem starts with N and ends with iggers

Give me a rundown on Sao Paulo City.

Todo latinoamerica es una mierda excepto algunas partes de Chile, Argentina y Uruguay

Low average quality people, low genetic capital, IQ and potential. Plus the insane level of degeneracy and sexualization doesn't help.

Leftists everywhere


eh, supongo que tenés razón

ah yes

if only we were a pure nigger country like you


Best and most important city in latin america tbqh.
It now has the best mayor in Brazil, Dória.
Dória also may be the next president but i'm not 100% sure.

She's quite normal, kinda ugly desu.
There's better girls here, some really nice and horny 14 yr pardinhas who you can legally fuck and even marry if her parents like you.

You mean you didnt even watch the olympics or the world cup? Are you really that disconnected from the world?

The people of Brazil are so fat

Dumb and ugly? Ok, about 51% of the population really is like that.
But not fucking fat.

If the majority of our population was ugly, we wouldnt be famous for being beautiful and good at sex all around the world

Whatever, dude.
We're not harming anyone.

Another pretty big country

I went there once and can confirm. I was quite surprised at how well they managed to conserve the gene pool. White majority by a significant margin, hot women everywhere.
And then I had to come back to São Paulo, where it's niggers and northeastern scum everywhere.

>Brazil tries to use it's resources.

>gets ridiculed heavily by all international nations and hippie groups like peta

Is cutting down trees in Russia/Canada somehow better than cutting down trees in Brazil?

Is that seal alive?

Nobody cares about sportsball faggot.

at the rate we're going 10-20 years and it's beyond repair, we're past the point of no return best to start joining a church and circle the wagons

Just a flesh wound.

Brazil is a shithole, but at least they have beautiful women and nice weather.

everybody cares about sport ball my friend

Because it has Brazilian culture and people.


now look at these digits


Their economic freedom ranks worse than China for goodness sakes, they're basically a socialist country.

>(((economic freedom)))
good goy

Yea in Brazil because it's full of low IQ people.

Venezuela should be a lesson. And what's your personal take on the past decade or more of workers party rule in Brazil?

Communism. Next question.

bantz is strong with this monkey

I'm starting to get sick of this bullshit narrative of portraying Brazil as an inherently failed state with no chances of recovery. Yes, we are currently going through a massive corruption purge and that's stagnating our economy which was already going through a recession, but don't forget that just short of 2011-2012 our GDP projection was off the rails and it had already taken over Canada, Russia, Australia and everything else below that.

Of course, I don't wanna go full on SUPERPOWER BY 2020 either, but even though there's a lot wrong in this country, it's far from being an irredeemable hellhole.

Where did it all go wrong and how come you have so many lefties? Issues like LGBT-rights are obsolete when you're poor... literally only first world countries care about that degenerate crap because they have time

No I mean in the entire world, football is the most popular sport of the world, the 2014 final match was watched by 2 billion people worldwide

Due to the fall of a very good (economically speaking) Monarchy and the lack of smart people coming in for good economy and greed among the new elite. ((((Politicians))))

Luckily they got enough white people to have alright agriculture.

Great, we were able to become influential on world scale, our diplomacy became known worldwide, our sphere of influence grew almost to all South America, and our GDP and Internal market and industries grew like hell

Do you watch the news at all? Do you realize at what severe costs did this "progress" came from, and that thanks to the endemic corruption established by PT everything is crashing down harder than ever before?

God I hate deluded morons like you. The only silver lining is that you probably live in an already shithole state.

Because we failed to kill them all when it was allowed. Now they run rampant and use the past as a way to play victim.
They are they "workers" party, but no one from the party ever worked in their life. They also have millions of small parties that only exist because our system is fucked up and it gives them even more power.

Brazil exist so that other countries don't do the same mistakes.

Kek approved post


And now you are known worldwide for going through a literal purge. Good job goy.

yes corruption is a thing that was started by PT! I mean Brazilians were always pure and innocent before the devil called PêTê appeared
>severe costs
you mean the ones that PMDB and PSDB made it bigger than ever now, and probably with no way of recover since tax earnings are getting even lower?

what purge?

Yes because in the north they cut pinewood that grows fast what makes forestry possible

We're still western white-privilege catholic and machist and unequal burguoise society, all this bullshit still apply to us.
Our universities are full of this crap.

Good gracious, is the government censoring your media too!? The purge where your police went on strike and the criminals came out and went psycho! Does that ring a bell to you?

>look our country of over 200 million people and vast natural resources might finally be able to outproduce nations of 20-30 million people

Because corruption and shit politicians is not the problem, right? Fucking FHC and dictatorships was as shit and corrupt as Lula. Fucking hell, how short is your memory?

well yeah we just dont call it purge

Our economy is based in agriculture and cheap products, it doesn't matter how many people there are in our country, but the kind of economy it has.

Well that's what the rest of the world is calling it. Frankly, it's the only reason people talk about you outside of South America. Well, that and BOPE.

well the rest of the world sounds pretty stupid and ignorant then

We're not the ones dealing with police strikes, socialism, purges, and favelas.

Are you talking about my country?

That makes me sad.

>pic related

My thought every time I see your flag. You guys had such potential.


You make it sound like you are talking about a fullblown civil war fan fiction

Brazil's only export is police execution videos, which I'm pretty grateful for. Don't ever stop being terrible, Brazil.

If only their nation could monetize it...

It generates plenty of news, but anglophone media figured it won't sell any advertising, so ignores it. You can find Brazilian news translations on line, easy.

>anglophone media

You mean hebrewphone?

he he, Jews, am I right guys? c'mon!

Favelas are a historical problem(over 100 by now)

The talk about socialist agendas are only growing in the last 10 years, but they are a minority, just as the alt right. Both are small but bark loud.

Most of the population just wanna work for enough money to buy beer and go to bailes funk or other Brazilian shit pop music concert.

Where are still a low IQ, high niggers population country that export soy beans, sugar and other agro stuff and have a "Democratic" white oligarchy. In the end, Brazil is the same shit as 200 years ago, but modernized.

Don't worry Brazil bro, don't let the opinions of pol neck beards affect you too much.

As of this year I'm in SP regularly for business and Brazil has a lot more upside than most other countries I work in. You just need to get your lefties under control and diversify your economy so you don't stay a commodity exporter that lives and dies based on construction cycles in China.

Was very pleasantly surprised by the ladies of Brazil the first time I went :)