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EU Army, don't forget that card in the deck.
foreigners know linkin park?
It's not like we even care, baka
Linkin Park was my life when I was 16.
top kek
I wish it didn't come to this.
Just remember it's the EU we hate not you specifically.
We need to scrap it and start again.
>EU Army
I think you mean Germany trying to trick Europe into being its army so it can spend its entire defense budget on mud people.
Britcucks will be the next Greece soon hahahahahahah AHAHAHAHAHAHA
>He says, as Mother Merkle invites millions of Turks and Africans to flock to his shores
foreigners know internet culture
Sorry hans, we might go broke, but we won't be under the flag of isis.
No they won't. Thinking of exploiting my family ties and going there honestly.
Speak for yourself.
When do we firebomb something? We were late to that party last time around.
We really won't though because if we ever had the same deficit as Greece we would be allowed to either either collapse or get a bail out.
You're fucking keeping them on life-support and extending the suffering. This is why people hate the EU. You've damned an entire generation of Greeks and in the same breath welcome a million migrants and offer to foot the bill.
I'm a big gay bender with a curly willy and i'll bum everyone in this thread with my curly bonk-on
Piss off Boris.
Brit/pol/ is that way friend.
>this thread
>muh breitbart propaganda
we will sustain our economy through immigration while yours shrinks. In 2030 we will be able to fucking buy Britain uhm I mean England since Wales and Scotland are about to say good bye to your shitfest x)
stay mad britcuck
I bet you believed the Brexit campaigns lies as well, idiot.
Im happy for you, hope you don't get ripped off by juncker et al.
>tfw don't understand a word at first
>tfw this is probably just how they order French fries
We'll said, fellow Muslim.
I will always welcome more Saxon blood.
Das ist ja nicht mal ein Köder, das ist nur pure ungefilterte Scheiße.
Also, on topic, good job UK, hope other countries follow soon. Fuck i wish we would follow next.
We are actually helping Greece. But they are irresponsible that is why we need to have an eye on their spending habits.
The actual reason why Greece went bankrupt was because of your stock market loopholes
arschgeschmerzter Hofer Supporter detektiert.
I like to imagine you were crying as you typed this
He's too busy sucking 20-something Muslim dicks
Yes but any sane person can see that Greece will never make the repayments or be able to 'austerity' their way out. They need a partial write-off and a restructure. But we can't do that because Deutsche Bank wouldn't be able to take the hit. The EU and the member states finances should have been kept separate as was specified in the treaty. What's happening now is shutting the stable after the horse has bolted.
How does it feel that you ended your 300 years union about your autistic hissy fits about muh EU and muh brown people are taking my unskilled labor?
>We will sustain our economy through immigration
You do realise that an economy is supposed to be what sustains a population rather than the other way around though, right? What is the point of throwing money at a few more internationals when they're just going to keep displacing people and destroying foreign nations through the influence this allots them? Britain are doing the right thing, and knowing the cunts they will make do with a minor downturn in eggplant imports much more easily than the "German" government possibly could with them leaving. Fuck yourself, wallet-licker.
Enjoy fucking up your economy you degenerate inbreed island monkeys.
Probably almost as good as you feel raping a 13 year old, mohammad.
The UK is a free country, if the Scots want to leave then that's their decision.
I know democracy and all that is a new idea to you lot.
>implying you ever left your house and actually interacted with migrants in Germany
sure there are some bad apples but together we will manage to ingertate them and boost our economy which will be good for all of us.
What are you afraid of?
See the thing is I feel bad about leaving Germany as it is. But I'm also rapidly running out of alternative options if there's going to be any of that blood left whatsoever. Thank you though.
>der President hat Macht
Lel, Freu mich schon auf die nächste Nationalratswahl
Also, dont you have to get up early tomorow to waste Money you didnt earn?
trips of truth
Enjoy islam BBC
>2007 was 3650 days ago
you've got our share of the bills to pay now
Now say it without crying.
habt trotzdem verloren hahahaha :))))
>I know democracy and all that is a new idea to you lot.
yeah sure because letting the riled up angry old white men vote for the future of your diverse society is so demcratic you fucking dolt.
not an argument
>implying you ever left your house and met a refugee
They will integrate and boost our economy, what are you afraid of?
Letting Greece leave the Euro would send a bad signal to the other members.
I agree completely, we can't just keep moving around. If people came to the UK what then? Are we all then going to Australia once it's run down? Then what next after Australia?
You have to stay where you are try to make a difference or the entire West is doomed.
Living in a Muslim-majority area, for a start. So far I've not seen any integrating of those whatsoever. Whole districts are left to go brown and everyone with a lick of sense pisses off as fast as they can. Where is that supposed to end? Aren't the dead we've had already more than enough indication that this is just not working? Seriously, quit your prescription, because you sound completely brainwashed.
>all of (((us)))
thankfuly EU won't survive much longer after the UK leaves
>they will help the economy
nice delusion
Most of them cant even write or read IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE
Have fun with shittons of adult men that you have to teach a new language and then send through elementary school again. Im sure they will find many jobs when they graduate Highschool with 40 in a highly industrialized nation like Germany.
What you described was how the EU worked.
We had a simple yes/no referendum.
When were you asked if you wanted to take those 1 million migrants?
>one muslims commits a tragic crime
>all muslims are like that
so tell us why we Germans arent all evil Nazis then? Because the percentage of Nazi supporters was much higher than the percentage of muslims who support terror.
You are a bigot, thats all.
No more financial aid four you, theocratic leech.
It costs tens of billions per year.
I am paying through my ears, and I want the money to go into something productive, not so that muslims have a comfortable live, while germans can't find a Kindergarten, a decent school or even a payable rent.
You're absolutely correct, of course. Guess I'll hold the line until some friendly medics fly me out of here.
no, you'll be going back to the stone age Jamal
sad thing... youre fkn right
Well thank God we are a representative democracy which means the dumbed down AfD plebs and loser East German skinheads cant decide important questions for the rest of us :-)
So what? Thats a chance for us to educate them to become good citizens. We can start from scratch!
What you're doing to Greece is torture desu. They should get the fuck out of EU and fix their shit on their own.
They ain't going anywhere.
say goodbye to your united kingdom
I don't get why we are responsible for Greece though.
They went bancrupt.
We even offered them to leave the Euroe, but they don't want.
Do you know how high the cost of German welfare recipients is? Its much higher than what the refugees take.
Stop trying to hide your racist views behind numbers
correlation =/= causation
> Implying the SNP supporters use logic.
They would never admit it but their nationalism is like every other type, it's 50% based on emotion and if they want an independent country they'll probably get it even if it means they're all living in mud huts.
Because our written law explicitly condemns acting like a Nazi whereas their holy book explicitly encourages acting like a terrorist. You can be a German without being Nazi and Nazi without being German. You can be a terrorist without being Muslim, but not a Muslim and not a terrorist. If they do not support terrorism, they're not Muslims. So any attack on Muslims by definition spares the innocent. There is no reason to trust them. And there is no reason not to be bigoted with them either.
I think we can help them out with their debt, just to put one in your arrogant faces ;-)
Stop leeching from EU money then
>"Sustain our economy with immigrants"
>That don't work, but do claim huge amounts of benefits
Unless you can come up with a way of making money out of being raped and blown up, I don't think your cunning plan is going to work.
I unironically think Germans are still Nazis, and it's in their nature to be so.. the way they channel it is the only thing that slightly changes
honestly, you're are going to go to shit. merkel/junker will raise those energy bills to the heavens and finally that once mighty mittelstrand. or sell it to the chinese.
The awful crimes of the nazis stand in no comparison to what even ISIS does. And you know it.
Stop your relativism, the EU gave us 70 years of peace. That is something we can be proud of
>Stop leeching from EU money then
I'm not having problems, faggot. Your kike banksters seem to be shitting themselves though.
the EU offers financial aid at the expenses of local industry being destroyed that's why (((germany))) loves it so much, so you can push your products to everyone else. At the same time unemployment everywhere rises and skilled people migrate west
its the biggest scheme there is
plus a bunch of communists deciding the law of every country in europe
this EU garbage cant fail soon enough
And the cost of welfare will go up even more.
I know you are just trolling, but there is no benefit at all in it for us.
And sure, the integration works so well already with the Turks we have since decades right?
It isnt like theres a huge scandal and riots going on in the netherlands and germany and Austria with them roight now because they are more loyal to Turkey then their hostnations, right?
You need to get off Breitbart and other fake news sites for a couple of weeks.
>everyone I disagree with is a Nazi
No, I am a proud social democrat/liberal and we hate and fight nazis (more than you do since you allow Marine LePen to even run)
Just wait for it, when your economy is crumbling we will buy it all up :P
So you are trolling and I am sparring, got it. That said, sure, I'm all for peace. But I'd rather see those 70 become a 100 or a 1000 before ending it again.
This guy gets it.
We had a system in the Empire called 'Imperial Preference'. It made a closed market for our machined goods and our trade surplus went through the roof. This is all the EU is for Germany, a closed market that they control. Which is why they will never allow anyone duel access to it.
Please point to a successfully integrated group of Muslims anywhere in Western Europe.
Note the fact that we have been importing these people for decades.
I think you can only believe this if your definition of "integration" is "has a job".
ungrateful poles : your post
you should be ashamed. Once we end the partnership you would be crying at our knees begging for help against Russia.
Just that it wont. We just have to step up our integration efforts, see it as an investment.
Sure it seems epensive now but think of the future.
>map made by neo nazi fucks
opinion discarded
>So what? Thats a chance for us to educate them to become good citizens. We can start from scratch!
Yes, and you have to pay for that all. For their whole education, from scratch. And their housing while they do so. And their expenses. And probably the kids they will shit out and are most likely to become liabilities on the society, just like Daddy, the adult middleschooler.
And when they finally finish, nobody will want to employ a 35+ guy who just graduated Higschool and has 0 jobexperience in a field that isnt camel-herding. So, you have to pay for most of them for their whole lives. Thats a loss, not a win.
Why would that specifically help Germany though.
It could as well help France or Italy for example.
I have tremendous respect for the germans, and that actually includes the nazis
You're still a great nation, and now is the time to prove it by peacefully dismantling a system that's increasingly brewing discontent and bitterness and might lead to genuine conflicts
Why is it that Krauts that come to Sup Forums are still 99% cucks for the EU? like other yuros are either against it or don't care but Germans are always defending it here. Is it inherently genetic? what gives?
we will make you pay for this you will see
>Once we end the partnership you would be crying at our knees begging for help against Russia.
Tyrone? Cleetus?