Sup Forums will try and refute this

>Sup Forums will try and refute this


Why won't this shit forced meme die already

Facebook-tier humour, absolutely disgusting dot jaypeg

Who can relate to this?

Labels = tiny lights operated into your brain?

>Sup Forums will try and refute this

I can, so fucking much.
I guess some people are just not wired to have relationships.

I unironically enjoy this meme

replace ancap with reactionary, and move alt-right below conservative.


>authoritarian egoism

Fucking hell that hit too close to home. I have this girl that I've been playing hot and cold with for 3 fucking years, she is still interested for some reason but I can't bring myself to start anything with her. I am going to die a fuckup.

I unironically enjoy this meme, and you do too

>He thinks anything after Fascism is anything but cheap tobbaco and shit gin powered fantasies.

Nah you're just some faggot with a neckbeard who only replies with anime pictures. Doesn't matter what you say since it will always be irrelevant. Like you at parties

stop ;_;

You all listen to shit music.

rant incoming

oh, god. me so fucking much, in high school i was in a bad relationship with a girl, and after we broke up, I spent the rest of high school playing hot and cold with girls, and it seemed I would only ever realized they liked me after I wasn't interested in them anymore, and by the time i decided i'd still like to date them, they moved on. I also turned down a couple of girls for stupid reasons, ones that were really cool and funny, and shit like that. I regret it. Part of me wanted to try relationships again, but another part didn't want to get hurt again, or waste my time on something that wouldn't last. I was really observant about girls, and if they had one bad personality feature I would just forget about it. I turned down a girl because she was on her phone too much, took too many pictures. I turned down a girl because she gossiped a lot. I turned down another because she hated my favorite kind of music.

All the good girls at my school were already taken, and the others were too shy. I'm doing way better now that I'm in college, though.

I distance myself when a girl shows interest in me because I'm incredibly self absorbed and am a generally scornful and proud person

>bog at the end


Lowest I go is Pogrom and Sachiko M

>cringey beta attitude
>must be le intelligence

anyone who identifies with this is a beta cuck faggot bitch boi

youre probably the same faggots who say shit like
>ugh I'm such a fucking manipulative sociopath, social interaction is nothing but a game to me

Newsflash, you are an autistic, ineffectual loser