What's the psychological term for a person who desires to be a victim?

What's the psychological term for a person who desires to be a victim?

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attention whore.

a swede

Nigger, feminist, or Jew


Also check hem.

Victim complex?
Really just add complex to the end of anything and it becomes a psychological term

>"I don't want to work."

Leftes,lefties, feminist,

>What's the psychological term for a person who desires to be a victim?





stockholm syndrome as in stockholm "SWEDEN" where it originated

being a basic bitch liberal

Reminder that we all knew this was coming. Gender dysphoria, the "Real" kind of transgender-ism is the same shit as BDD (Body dysmorphic disorder)

This is the most degenerate practice.

Stockholm syndrome means that you grow feelings for the person who held you hostage or kidnapped you.


By the way that thing is a tranny

To use the vernacular of our esteemed British chums: She's a barking mad Berkshire hunt.

Feminists, and college-age far leftists. The amount of "wanting" and demanding coming from them is fucking nauseating. Everything offends them, and if they aren't given what they demand in the form of a handout, the fucking autism kicks in; and we all know what happens then.


That shit is more offensive than anything that Sup Forums could ever do.

A pussy.


Aren't there easier ways to get disability gibs? I thought the standard was either to act like you were crazy or claim you had some kind of vague back pain that prevented you from getting off your couch. Are they starting to crack down on that?

They do not desire to be victims, they want to be treated as victims are supposed to be treated, as criminals are usually treated. They are eternal anglo wannabees.

If you spend too long reading twitter, labor camps start to make perfect sense.

Edit: New age feminists. Not fighting for voting rights, equality in the workplace, etc. I'm referencing the gigantic cellulite-filled faggots that hate men.


Check what, I see no good digits leaf. Are you new?



I'm just trying to get in the good wills of Kek, don't mind me.

If trans people are legitimate then so is this.


This, its the same logic.

so being held captive or being a hostage is not being a victim?


don't drag us regular redpilled swedes in with those fucking cuckholm swedes.



I hate to break it to you all, but victim loving has been a western tradition since 0AD

Munchausen, not by proxy.


then dominate your country Sven

This is it

Sympathy =/= victim loving. If that were the case we'd be victim lovers since we first came to be as Europeans seven thousand years ago or longer.

Cripple here, I hope these people get gassed

Perfect. Now she can't run away anymore.

how is this post any different than what a trans person does?

same fucking mental disorder




It's called Body integrity identity disorder


It's phisiological, to the point that it only affects left handeds or something like that.

thanks guize, that fits the definition perfectly


A universal root of modern evil is the belief that one — or one’s group — is, more than anything else, a victim, especially when it is based on a mostly false narrative.
There would not have been a Nazi movement without the belief that the Germans were victims. That gave them the green light to hurt others with impunity.
So has the vast lie that permeates the Islamic world — that it is a victim of the West. And the same goes for individuals whose primary identity is that of victim.

The left’s narrative that says blacks are victims more than anything else — of “systemic” racism, racist police, racist banks, racist universities and white privilege — will inevitably lead to more violence on the part of blacks.

People who see themselves as victims lose their conscience — especially when they aren’t.

This is what you get when you indulge people in their delusion.

One of the many reminders that if we don't start gassing the feminists, landwhales, and dumbasses as shown, we are all royally fucked.
