Why is the average American poor?

Why is the average American poor?

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because jews and canadians steal their money.

now what will you OP do about that?

>lack of ability to delay instant gratification in favor of long-term success
>Federal Reserve inflates the shit out of the currency
>Wages have stagnated for the past few decades
>Anti-American trade deals like NAFTA

Just to name a few.

>tfw 23
>already making $73K

Wtf are these morons doing?

Dear God, South Carolinians get screwed up the ass.

I suppose it's just coincidence Republicans have run the state for decades, and look how prosperous we are!

Minimum wage jobs?

yeah but that's like a cheeseburger in real money


>Literally one of the best pro-industry states in the east
>every job is anti-apprenticeship but requires 500 years of experience

we need fucking national apprenticeships program

Look at DC and there is your answer.

Because the mongs got a degree in english or psychology and now work at target because they had literally no plan for the future. Seriously, only the retards are this poor

Fuck off, South Carolina is great. Everything is extremely affordable there.

millenials are raised thinking that in order to even survive, no mater what your intended career, you need a degree. University is massively expensive, so basically, from the start they're told "You NEED debt" but then they cant pay it because they got a degree in a field that shouldn't require one, because it doesnt pay, now they're poor. Also pevious generations arent dying or retiring so the market isnt opening up, so we're all trapped in low wage jobs

I live in Florida

Most young people I know either had to leave the state or they work some shit job like Publix. I don't know how they afford to survive. I work as a Developer and I only make 51k

>Tfw 24 and black. 110k.
Stem meme is the best meme.

I realize I gave my age away saying "we" but im studying EE because im not stupid

they will pluck you guys from trees to fill a stem job.

i went with to the local hospital for my brothers surgery and literally every fucking employee was a 65+ year old white woman.

We need to start forcing old fucks out and if they didn't plan right fuck them, we can't have thirty year olds with degrees working at fucking McDoanlds for 12000$ a year

We've been far too kind with these retarded boomers

I looked at Texas and almost wanted to laugh until I realized I make that much at 24 and live here. Fuck my life.

I have an offer for $85K USD, is it worth it? The job is in Omaha

I agree. We need apprenticeship stuff on a national level.

Of course shit is cheap here. We're so fucking poor that it has to be.

Because ghetto trash niggers and beaner anchor babies are counted as both humans and millennials for some reason.

tfw 6 figure millenial


you're pretty much a unicorn, I bet they trip over themselves trying to hire you to fulfill the diversity quotas

$85k would go pretty far in Omaha

TFW you realize South Carolina is only slightly richer than fucking Detroit-Land.


Hella rough. Glad i've got a pile of student loan debt and a good job to help pay it off.

too bad you'll never actually do anything because your probably not even smart enough to bake bread but muh affirmitive actions shot you to the top to fill quotas. black people are as bad as women

Get into healthcare. Six figures get thrown at you like candy. Delicious candy made of money. Plenty of room for developers in healthcare, by the way.

Yeah, but is it a nice place to live?

National apprenticeship programs, incentives for small business creation, tax reform, job training programs.

Doesn't the average American make like 50k?
Something isn't adding up here

Obama's The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

100K at 23 cuckfaggots

I've never been there before personally


wtf is there in wyoming that would allow that kind of an average?

Texas is higher than California, argument is invalid.

Do not look at this and come to Alaska. We don't want you.

Uh, the map is clearly a median income one for millennials, not "the average american".

I.e young people are getting fucked over by the older generation.

>Implying any company would pay someone six figures because of muh diversity.

No need to project white boys. I'm genuinely good at what i do. I don't understand why it's so hard to believe that a black man is smarter than you.

Boomers are so fucking cancerous
Their parents won the war, saved the economy, sent men into space while they just sat in fields smoking pot and listening to shit music
But now they think "w-we deserve it, y-you kids are too greedy"

Kill all boomers or fire their asses. Retire already you faggots so millennials can get hired.

And if you want a job that doesn't require a degree you're competing with Manuel and Javier who'll work for less. Hell even with a STEM degree you're competing with Pajeet and Chang who suck ass but work for nothing.

Yeah screw you too Alaska. I live in the Palmetto State!

Alaska is fucking shit anyways, I'm on the way out soon. Fuck this place. It's beautiful and I like to fish, but fuck this place.

>bait for the bait god

this is the best kind of bait. 10/10

Oh didn't see that thanks.

I have a better idea. Boomers should fucking train us when they retire from the workforce.

Tell us what you know, you bums! Pass on your skills!

I would honestly be happy with anything over $40k. Enough to pay the bills with some decent money left over.

lmao i knew that was going to be the reaction. even while i was typing it.

cant expect much more from a nigger though, no self realization possible. sad!

Checked, and this is interesting. Rates your income. pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/05/11/are-you-in-the-american-middle-class/

"poor" in America

1000+ Square feet home
Running water
Air conditioning.
Guaranteed food security
Guaranteed child education

The average American is poor because our definition of poor is someone who makes less than the average American.

By the way, I second the apprenticeship shit. I'm 24, make a great living, and still have some one off in the winters. Every college cuck I know is working in retail or some administrative position, not earning shit. Fucking faggots.

Jews, illegals.

Fake money.

Lol, I make $70K a year and live in Virginia. This makes me feel great!

>most millennials in high school or college still

Really switched my tree nuts to the on position OP.

Columbia nigger detected

If you're making


better question - what did you do? $12.40/hr, cut my life into pieces

>$70,000 a year straight out of college
>$95,000 student debt
it's an abstract kind of feel

>I live in the Palmetto State!
I don't know what that is
>I'm on the way out soon.
>military being transferred.

Because capitalism allows people to spend frivolously and live paycheck to paycheck if they would rather do that save and plan for the future, and most people are lazy and have poor self-control.

HOLY shit that realization that at 26 I'm making 3 times what people my age make roflz. But doesn't this include 15 year olds on paper routes, kind of a fucked metric.

So how did Trump win election, lol?

Because the average American is a low IQ shitskin

I'm 25 and poor pls help

You must live on bluff road or mcduffy.

What high school did you go to

Also, for some inexplicable reason PERSONAL FINANCE is not a mandatory class in pre-college school.

I'm not military you cuck, I'm just getting out of this Fuck hole before the economy really does take a shit on all of us. That old cuck Bill Walker and the legislature are going to fistfuck one another into bankruptcy.

im 21, never had a job and make literally 0 dollars a year. not even on welfare just mommy dollars

and my parents are european immigrants, family has never race mixed or anything.

Summerville High.

(p.s: down with Fort Dork!)

You do realize SC only went red in the late 90's right? Its the same story across the entirety of the south.

This. I'm technically a "millenial" (just on the cusp, '90s) and everyone is a fucking loser. They have no sense of delayed gratification, if you read any economics having a high time preference is even more associated with poverty/short life expectancy/criminality than low IQ. Though, they are often coupled.

I skipped high school, graduated college with an M.S., got some technical certs and work from home. I spin up AWS instances in my underwear and pay worthless pajeets to write Node.js services and buy $8 bootstrap templates online. I can have a CRUD service with analytics and a wordpress marketing page/SEO in about a week. I make $340k/yr before taxes and I basically just masturbate to hentai. That's not even counting the other sole proprietorship which manages Instragram API & SEO for old people who want "social media" for their business. You want 2 blog posts a week and a "dedicated social media representative" (some 3rd worlder I pay $20 on outsource.com)? It's gonna cost.

Everyone in my peer group works warehouse, janitors, apartment maintenance, servers, grocery store. We're the same age. They're just fucking retarded.

Anything near North Charleston should be burned.

Upstate masterrace.

mfw 24 y/o 125k salary

I'm 34. Do I count as a Millennial?

Kill yourself subhuman.

I can do HTML and CSS and ... javascript. how do I get rich

You're just jealous your football teams suck ass compared to the Green Wave.

You're 34 and still concerned with your high school football team?

This is why you make

Similar situation here:

>$50k offer out of college
>$70k in debt

Uh, no. I haven't gone to a home football game in like 14 years.

But we still have a massive winning streak.

Don't worry Tyrone, everyone's waiting for you to fuck up and confirm what they know.

The world is a meritocracy, passions are by definition selfish and worthless. Find something that you can bear doing 5 days a week, that pays well and solves people's problems. And work to do that. As long as it's bearable it's good enough.

STEM, trades are literally easy mode. But always start from the question, how can I solve someone else's problem and how much can I ask to do it.

I went to Waterloo for electrical engineering, then got an internship at a hydro company and did that for a bit. Now I'm working at a private business that's pretty specific so I won't go into too many details.

Average income /=/ median income.
Median income takes the 300 million people and each of their incomes are put in a graph and the 50th percentile is the common mans wealth, average just divides wealth by population ignoring that 1000 people can have 1 dollar and 10 people can have 10 billion dollars and therefore average wealth is 9 million, does this mean that the average person has 9 million dollars?

> go to college at 18, study music, realize you were on a trajectory to being poor
> join the military and get training in electronics
> start school again while still on active duty
> finish enlistment and finish bachelors degree in EE on the GI Bill
> good paying first job and now have company tuition assistance and the GIB for a master's degree


the median income is also above 50k but not for millenials

It's supposed to be birthdate '90-00 but let me administer a brief test.

> 1.cut my wrist and black my eyes, because my __________________

> 2.i was going to clean my room, _________________________

> 3.all of the sudden, i realized something -- the weather is amazing, even ____________________

> 4. what is a "rig" used for?

no googling, b honest

But you did make one song right?

I was born in 1982.

Burger in Aus

you're not even going to try the test :(

I was born in 93 and I dont know any of your pop culture bullshit.

I live in Omaha. Pretty nice.

male or female?

Are there conservative qts or is it pretty much desolate? I've looked at it quite a bit and it seems nice and affordable with room for growth

Easy How TO from Inspirobot.

Millennial generation is fucking worthless

They're not having families, they're not inventing things, they're not putting forth new ideologies, they're not starting businesses, and they're not making money. They're just sitting on Instagram and Facebook all day doing jack shit, working some shit job.

Women I meet don't even know how to talk to a man. And they lack even just the most basic common courtesy. Middle-upper class white women aren't doing anything but getting smoked out by Jamal and sucking his dick while living at home still.

This generation is completely fucked. You think it's bad now just wait 20 years until all these bitter old childless feminist cunts are involved in politics.

Pic related for some contrast

Teach me your ways, six-figure millennial bros!

27, communication studies degree. Went straight into tech sales. Moved to tech support, was a team lead then trainer, now tier 2 tech. But I'm only at 55k, want to kill myself every day, and pretty sure we're gonna get outsourced soon.

I have a few grand in savings, not enough for top tier school. I've taken a few programming classes, but dev just ain't for me. I'm more of a process oriented/concepts guy.

Not sure how to make the good money without getting into a sales aligned role, which sucks since sales is all about hoping other people nut the shit you're pushing