Dear Sup Forums. What do you think is the most degenerate fetish? Me personally, I think vorefags need to be hanged. What say you Sup Forums?
Dear Sup Forums. What do you think is the most degenerate fetish? Me personally, I think vorefags need to be hanged...
>the most degenerate fetish
How is it not cucking?
Cute boy feet
Scat or cuckolding
Vorefaggotry only exists in furry
Is there something you need to tell us
Go ahead and pretend you aren't referring to furry vore; I would love to see you thrash and squeal
Can someone save my virgin eyes and tell me what a vore is so I don't have to Google it
It's when you get eaten by a big lady or man and digested slowly if I recall.
dog is cute
in furry circles, it's putting live animals in your ass. Usually hamsters or gerbils.
Vore is a big thing in giantess fetish circles, too.
Source: I am a degenerate that looks up gts videos
Furry/sonic people swallowing each other whole. It's autistic as fuck.
Are you kidding? Vore is something that barely impacts reality. Bug chasers on the other hand desperately need to die.
ITT: anons who know way too much about fetishes.
Foot fags. Wtf is it about feet that turn you on freaks they all look the Fucking same
Mexican Sugar Dancing
It's unfair to lump bug chasing in with other fetishes, even shit tier ones like vore or giantess.
At least there's something someone could construe as sexual, even if vaguely, in vore, giantess, lactation, tentacles, hell even cuckolding.
What's the fucking point of bug chasing? You have gay anal sex that's no different than non-pozzed anal sex, take a test after a week, then wait another week until you get some paper in the mail, and then the fetish is satiated.
It's fucking stupid.
thats good, but scat its better
Vore is hot.
Eating, normally swallowing a person whole but it can also refer to full butchering/cooking and eating.
Floor Tiles
Chemically castrate or just outright execute those who are into:
Floor tiles is the only acceptable and non-degenerate fetish.
Floor Tiles is the world's first and only redpilled fetish, fuck off with your lies.
Definitely Amputee
>implying furfag matters at all
You haven't seen those degenerate lefty intentionally getting AIDs and spreading them
Inflation fetishists are the most degenerate but vore fans are monsters we must exterminate
good thing no one mentioned lolis. Admit it Sup Forums, every young man wants a dream loli.
I think those people that find the same sex attractive should be hung that's degenerate
N-no you fucking faget
Never change Sup Forums
What if the dog consents tho
Key words being young man. Being higher than teenage and wanting loli in real life is pigdisgusting.
Cucks of course.
>tfw vorefag
It's incredibly degenerate, but trust me: I'm a cool guy.
and thus it's not even a fetish
You are mentally ill, like a tranny or a faggot. My only hope is that you are run over by a car or develop some horrible disease that will remove your existence from this planet, because just the thought of sharing this board with people like you makes me sick.
>All these vore haters
Vore is hot af
Get on my level
I mean, it's not like people are getting literally swallowed alive due to this. It's just the idea that's arousing. Nobody's getting harmed. Same goes for a lot of the fetishes you've listed.
My vote goes for rape. Literally nigger tier
Are you the type of person that bathes 4 times a day?
The answer is findom. It actually harms society rather than just producing bad sonic art online.
Cuckolding or Bug Chasing
No, but I'm just extremely disgusted and sickened by the idea that any person who is clearly so mentally deranged to the point where their sexuality is horribly warped and disfigured thinks they have any place in a board like Sup Forums which advocates for self-improvement and emotional maturity in order to raise strong families.
If you are into that sort of shit and REALLY subscribe to what we say around these parts, you need to intern yourself into a mental facility and submit to some shock therapy, and only then you will be someone respectable.
Digestion weight gain (tits and ass) master race reporting in.
Guro. All the others are excedingly degenerate, but they have no blood or death. Guro tops them all.
Kek wills it
Mexican Sugar Dancing is a patrician fetish though.
About 480 keks
fucking furries
Im going home to put on a Tykables Overnight. Are diapers really that bad? I don't do baby stuff, I'm you're average conservative I just like a different kind of underwear
Tier list
>Degenerate tier
Old people
Gay Pedophilia
Gay Incest
>Fucked up Tier
Foot fetish
Bug chasers
Straight Pedophilia (Little girl x Old man)
Straight Incest (Father X daughter
>weird but ok in my book
Straight Incest (Mother x Son, Sister x brother and Cousin x Cousin)
>Saint tier
Pedophilia (catholic priest x little timmy)
>Caring about what other people like.
It's the most inoffensive fetish my man
it's super tame all things considered, girls love getting their feet rubbed. as long as it's not the SOLE hahahah thing you're attracted to I don't see the problem.
Ohio. Without a doubt
She looks like she's stroked off her share of cocks with those feet. Asian girls are footjob artists
Latin, you nigger, how will you be able to deus vult properly when the time comes?
Shrunken man being swallowed, toyed with, having sex with, or being digested and pooped by a girl.
Scat. Massive overlap with cucks.