What is the point of getting married in the 21st century?
What is the point of getting married in the 21st century?
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Not having criminal children.
so you have a place to burn the money, and raise a little money drainer or two!
If digits Kek will speak through the next post.
>Having kids
>Saving white demographics
>Filling your evolutionary needs
>Having tons of sex
>Having someone to spend your life with
>Not dying sad and alone
>Being a good chrisian
So you can give all your shekels to the vaginal jew
To produce intelligent, grounded, and emotionally stable white children to carry Western Civilization.
To get fat.
t. Gained 20 pounds in 5 yrs
Nothing only the 2D Waifus are worthy for marriage
There are lots of reasons, but basically what it boils down to as far as I can see is that for everything that is shit about being married, it's shittier to be alone.
You're thinking of niggers
>Having tons of sex
Stop trying to invoke Kek you faggot leaf.
being able to unlock more tax loopholes
You can do all that without getting married
The same point it's always been: showing who a cunt is owned by. Marriage is a transfer of ownership.
Fucking Jews. Every time.
the fear of dying alone on both sides, staying together despite hating each and every breath the other half of the shattered 'relationship' draws, passive aggressive cohabitation interspersed by tense tolerance periods when your children make their yearly visit to pay homage to the pieces of shit that spawned them.
learn from our ways goy, tax evasion isn't a violation of the 10 commandments.
Saving time at the deli kiosk
Soon, women in Gen Z. will be slut-shaming the kiked millennial women into an early grave. And the destroyed (((MSM))) won't be able to curb the trend with magazine covers and Lena Dunham speeches.
Women are the best weapon against women. Once virginity and monogamy are highly valued in American society, so much so that women flaunt these traits as catty accessories, all will be well for men.
It's like tattoos. Every shit head cuck and slut in the millennial crowd jumped on the bandwagon. So much so that not having tattoos is cooler and dignified and rarer.
Being a skank, you never come back. They say the more cum different men dump in a girl's vagina, the more "diverse" her offspring's makeup. Yuck. Science is on our side too. Bitches with 10+ fuck buddies are garbage moms, more likely to cheat, more prone to divorce.
White values are returning, kike values are so yesterday.
aw shit nigga is that some half life 2?
>Having tons of sex
>Being a good chrisian
What would we do without your finely tuned moral compass?
probably crash and burn, just like Europe is now that we're fleeing
Why don't burgers like tattoos again?
14 words.
Stop the kikes.
reduced taxes and health insurance for your other.
It got out of hand. Instead of someone getting quality art on their body, every bimbo and moron got some "meaningful' butterfly or trashy trampstamp. It's also an excuse for girls to dress slutty to show off their shitty dream catcher on their upper thigh. The best people with tattoos usually hide them.
Don't marry a stupid cunt and you'll have tonnes of sex. Sure, there are plenty of people complaining about having a dead bedroom I assume that everyone who's not complaining is having fun.
It totally was, episode 2 if I'm not mistaken.
If it works out and you aren't financially retarded, you get to have a comfy retirement.
>What is the point of getting married in the 21st century?
Tax breaks, visitation rights, and power of attorney.
more like
>get tired of sex
>go back to Sup Forums
Virtually none.Most guys do because they can't deal with the burden of being alone.
That's all.
> They say the more cum different men dump in a girl's vagina, the more "diverse" her offspring's makeup.
Only one sperm fertilizes the egg. What you said is retarded as fuck.
post your fat tits
Why do we have to be alone? Having a life partner is nice.
>doesn't have a good partner or no partner at all
kek. Get fucked Santiago
>What is the point of getting married in the 21st century?
Uniting families to increase wealth and power and to breed worthy successors.
2DIDF has so many offices it's retarded
You can have children through surrogates,
Ignore faggots like these if you ever talk about surrogates. If anything single father children come out far better.
No. You are clearly not married.
From the people who brought you 'Moses' and 'Jesus', prepare for a brand-new savior! Introducing... Zaxthflor! Zaxthflor! comes from Zulcron Derseion 9, can be displayed on the sky via hologram technology, and is totally rad! Only 6 easy steps for eternal salvation! Coming this millenia.
So same as before then.
I guess if (((you))) say so.
So there's no point in getting married if you're not a Christian.
Marriages can be divided in three categories.
Elites marry for wealth and power
Middle class has the luxury of romance
Lower classes fulfill their primal needs
>tons of sex
top kek
one day you cucks will find out the only reason you cant find someone worth marrying is because your not worth marrying you self
and Gylfi here does it so he can be cucked like he always wanted.
>point of getting married in the
No point. Maybe get married after the civil war when women have gone through a major crisis and are grateful to be alive, and want to be good citizens and keep a happy husband.
Go fuck yourself Plebbitor:
This basically
MGTOW are incels.
They just justify their own pathetic nature.
It's not really a loss though. We don't need their shit genes.
Just enjoy your life spending all the money you make on your manchild hobbies. Then when you die, you can give what remains of your money to the government and not the next generation!
easy answer, if you do not look for your kids and leave them in the hands of a woman they will become fags.
As tradeoff you must bear the mother (or kill her since the kids are to little to notice)
fucking lol
To return to the traditions of our forefathers. Worked perfectly fine for ages.
MGTOW already confirmed for CIA psy-OP to lower white birthrate
if you're in a comitted relationship with a woman, you literally have no reason to marry nowadays
it's disadvantageous financially, by law and don't even get me started if you two were to ever go separate ways
Tax, insurance, job perks and benefits. You're better off collecting welfare for her kids and claiming to not live with her. Sad really.
>yfw men who are too pathetic to attract a partner larp as mgtow, redpillers and other male meme subcultures
>don't reproduce
>get replaced by mohammad
>white people become a minority in their own countries and their cultures get severely diluted due to shitskins outnumbering them 10 to 1
Most of the cunts who can't attract a woman just justify it with the muh marriage meme muh gonna take half your shekeles muh gonna get cucked
Stop being an insecure beta.
>We don't need their shit genes.
We go to the sperm bank often.
>raising fucked up kids who will never meet their bio dad
>allowing possible feminist lesbians to raise your spawn, turning them into a dumb cunt
why the fuck would you do such a thing?
meant for
>Pay unto Caesar that which is Caesar's
For a woman?
>free home
>access to his money whether or not the marriage works out
>can still fuck Chad on the side. Get caught means easier access to hubby's money
For a man?
>live longer
>risk everything for the mere possibility of raising your own child (let's hope it's yours) in a two parent household
actually the Bible is pro-sex, contrary to jewish indoctrination. In fact, the Bible promotes sex within a healthy marriage. See Song of Solomon. You fell for a Jew meme, user
doing married things with a lovely wife, of course
That's like saying "you'll find out the reason no one is pretty is because you're ugly yourself"
Even if no one wants anons, anons are still able to see the lack of quality women out there, whether it be at work, school, or walking down the street
after a short period of time you will lose the fun in fucking your wife, jesus wont help.
prostitutes do.
Literally none.
Unless you are sadomasochist who wants to lose half of your earned stuff and pay alimony for the vaginal jew.
>tfw just want to raise a white kid or two in a nuclear household
I'm only 25 but why does it feel like it's getting too late to get with someone? Maybe I'll just adopt my coworker's 8 year old mixed kid. she likes playing basketball and tries in school. could do worse.
No, while there's a beta problem with any generation, the fact remains that millennial females are the most promiscuous, callous, disloyal and least traditional of any American generation.
For chrissakes, Hillary Clinton, the modern kike-indebted Lady Macbeth, almost became the leader of the (would-be formerly) free world. Women were given an inch, millennial woman took a mile (they're vaginas are a mile wide, the cock carousel equates to actual mileage).
Millennial men were getting crossed-signals, like static voices in a horror movie, warning us this women were unfit. And yet, our single moms and "working moms" had convinced us this was normal, girls were playing hard to get. So, we went inside, many blamed themselves, we watched girls become their true selves on Instagram, Snap, FB, and Tinder. Feminists to us, sluts to Chad.
Trump is blowback. We've righted the ship, taken it back from the kikes and loose, tatted millennial women, who now realize their mistake. Too bad.
We're hitting late 20s and early 30s, and Gen Z girls are embracing fashwave and Nazi aesthetic and Southern values. Coke gang bangs in Brooklyn bathrooms are as passe as Vice.com. Gen Z girls want to shoot guns and watch Hitler speeches.
Men have always ruled the Earth. Women saw Lena Dunham interview Hillary, and overplayed their hand by jacking off 100s of Chads.
Thankfully, most of these whores have tattoos, the mark of the shebeast, God's way of warning American men and boys to avoid an unfit trollop. They can get fucked by Moloch.
I feel so bad for you. I can't imagine how lonely you are.