Men are physically superi-

>men are physically superi-

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she can sit on my face lol

how do I sign up for this?

that guy is a bitch as nu male. he aint even trying. doesn't say much about the bitch. but she can sit on my face desu.

lol, what a sly devil, i bet he purposefully loses

>wrastlin=/=real fight

fairly sure he let that happen, his dick was thinking in that fight. not his brain.

but if hes canadian he probably doesn't have either

I'd wrestle her, but am too scared her cock would pop out of her panties and embarrass me.

This is obviously a softcore porn you retards

that boner says it all...

Top fucking kek he so obviously lost on purpose. I would have too.


That guy actually won if you ask me.

>men and women are equa-

I have only lost to a bjj fight against the masters wife once.

Its not impossible but unless the woman in question has strong pursuits 99% they lose.

>a man with twigs for limbs got beat by a women with a basic sense of muscle

>implying men aren't looked down on for not catering to a woman's weakness

Spotted the roastie, only women claim shit like this as evidence of "muh equality".

Women never have been and never will be equal to men in any regard because of sexual dymorphisim. Deal with it.



Men are physically superior.
He is not a man.


The absolute madman

If I did that I would not be able to control my boner






what a cuck

It's tough to fight with a hard-on.

Lmao, the way she forces his face into her ass at the end.

It looks like he lost on purpose.


As it been mentioned before it's a fetish vid, not actual fight

OHohohoh !

Source on that?

what is a fetish

Like the start of a porn scene? They look a bit young...

>oh no
>what can i do?
>oh noo now you're sitting on my face
>that sucks

Saged for pornography


The weird part is that she's actually doing real moves.

hahaha he lost because of the boner!! haha


Some men choose not to be.

You dumb as fuck that guy didn't want out of that hold on purpose. If you're gay you wouldn't understand.

Honest question: how many of you guys have tried to find the source and couldn't find it?

It literally took me less than one minute to find the exact source.

this is scripted fetish porn, in case anyone retarded couldn't tell

>inhales deeply
Yeah. She sure showed him. God I'll bet she's got all kinds of adolescent puberty smell on her.

It's one of those weird fetish videos where they're clothed the entire time, exactly because they are young. It's barely legal

Please post longer version

He uses the Canadian definition of victory.

Is this a thinly veiled BBRRAAAAPP thread?

So the dude has, in successive order:
From secs 0 to 10:
* D'Arce choke.
* Anaconda choke
* Guilliotine choke

Yet @ the 11 sec mark he just let's go and lays there.

Either the dude just wanted that fine pussy in his mouth (which I'd never blame him for) or he's not even white belt, his transparent belt.

For the record, had I been that guy, I would've than the exact same thing. I'd do anything to have that pussy rubbed all over my face, all day.

So hats of to that man.

But no body should confuse what happens here with actual BJJ.

So post the sauce you dirty indian

So that's what Martin Shkreli is up to...

God, I love dominant women.

Not enough tomboys these days. It sucks. Life would be so much easier for me if I were gay, because I pretty much am gay in everything but name.

Its hard to fight with a raging erection user.

i accidently got in that possition once wrestling a friend. got weird when i stuck my tongue in his butthole to get him off off



>not fair! The guy has better technique!

>literally 2/3 of a man is stronger than a full woman who is into "fitness"

Fucking WEW lads.


Fuckin ' brutal.

Or... and hear me out on this... It's porn you dumb fuck

only one off* wasnt gay

But I want to win.

>Shooting a softcore porn is real wrestling

Honestly, if it takes more than 3 minutes for someone to find the source, they're either not very intelligent or unfamiliar with simple Google searches.

Fucking retards

This. It's porn guys.


>tfw this will never happen to me

D-does anyone have a source?

Several keks and a save.

Its over for asses user. This is boob town now.
Dealt with it.

porn? never heard of that.

I'd shoot on her if you catch my drift

[spoiler]This joke's funny because shoot like jizz but also shoot is the term in pro wrestling for fighting-for-real[/spoiler]

lol wtf its true

>>men are physically superi-
You fucking leaf

Have you tried to find it yourself? It's very easy to find.

This posting style is terrible and should be ban on sight

Any of you faggots actually replying in good faith should also die in a peat bog


here you go losers

Retards need sauces too, you know.

Not porn just some fetish video. It ends right after she sits on his face.

You can't concentrate when you wanna bang.

this one always makes me laff

I would of gotten a huge as hard on and looked like an ass. Would of been labeled a sex predator or some shit.

>no actual porn

wtf wheres the dick

rare? seems rare?

he isn't even trying wtf

bermudafag, im here almost every night


might aswell do nothing

Where is the fucking source!



WTF this was softcore porm

Oh my, how lewd, I would lose to that too.

But, isn't this rape?