I'm gonna go on atheist message boards to fuck with them.
Give me your best arguments and memes to trigger these degenerates.
Other urls found in this thread:
this pasta's pretty good:
p1: whatever begins to exist has a cause of its existence (PSR, ex nihilo nihil fit)
p2: the universe began to exist (incoherence of an infinite regression of events, impossibility of an actual infinite)
c1: therefore, the universe has a cause of its existence.
p3: the cause is either impersonal or personal (law of excluded middle)
p4: the cause of the universe is not impersonal (impersonal causes cannot alone elect to change one state of affairs to a different state of affairs)
c2: therefore, the cause of the universe is personal
characteristics of the cause:
• personal (c2)
• timeless (existed causally 'before' time)
• spaceless (existed causally 'before' space)
• unimaginably powerful (created the entire universe)
if you're pressed on p2 bring up hilbert's hotel paradox,
if they bring up particles to attack p1, point out that they're caused by the microstructure of the quantum vacuum, which is a sea of continually forming and dissolving particles that borrow energy from the vacuum for their brief existence, and not coming from non-being uncaused
there are no arguments against atheists
there is literally no proof for the existence of god
:^) go ahead, debate me
There is no proof god doesn't exist.
Check m8
While I do call myself a Christian, I don't really care if anything in the bible actually happened or not. I care about what is good for society.
do you know what "burden of proof" means you fucking dingus?
then why call yourself a christian?
empirical reality of the resurrection pasta:
1: Christ is a historical figure. he died via Roman crucifixion. This is a historical fact. (see 1 in pic related)
no one walks away from roman crucifixion, it's a 3 step process.
if you survive the scourging and crucifixion, the third step is the deathblow.
they need to pry someone off a cross, so they would smash their head in or stab them through the heart with a sword or spear, or set them on fire, or let wild animals rip them apart.
2: We have firsthand and secondhand eyewitness testimony claiming he visited them in person after his death.
it's written in Paul's epistle to the corinthians.
hold on, it's written in this epistle, but it originated much earlier, secular scholarship corroborates this (see 2 in pic related)
>3 For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received—that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures,
>4 and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures,
>5 and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
>6 Then he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep.
>7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles.
>8 Last of all, as though to one born at the wrong time, he appeared to me also. (1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
notice that He's appearing to groups, that rules out the 'hallucination hypothesis,' because hallucinations are subjective to the individual.
this creed is also dated to around the month year of Christ's crucifixion by secular scholarship as well, so that rules out the 'legend hypothesis.'
3: These people suffered severe persecution, torture, and death for holding this view.
which is not something someone who is unsure or knows that what they are professing is a lie is going to do.
What irritates me the most are imperfect arguments, but someone unyielding in their defense.
Bonus points if you manage to get the person to think you are very limited in your views (aka "dumb") and it's that very limitation that makes you inflexible in what you believe. Even better if they think you'll never understand their arguments precisely due to that fact. Makes me want to shoot a fucker in the head when this happens.
>do you know what "burden of proof" means
>theist: god exists
>atheist: prove it!
>theist: *insert argument based on reason and logic*
>atheist: nah, i don't buy it, even though i can't refute it. i hold to metaphysical naturalism, so what you offered as evidence isn't good enough. i can't touch measure or taste it.
>person: i exist
>solipsist: prove it!
>person: *insert argument based on reason and logic*
>solipsist: nah, i don't buy it, even though i can't refute it. i'm a solipsist so you and everything you offered as evidence are just illusions in my mind.
burden of proof doesn't mean shit when what's regarded as sufficient evidence is based on opinion.
Why are you joining debates outside your hugbox if you're too dumb to argue on your own?
alright I'm going to summarize the entire argument we're about to get into and how it has no end
it's almost impossible to debate for or against something that it is socially acceptable to believe in without any proof or evidence, and on top of this everyone has their own convictions or particular belief systems/prayer routines/faith threshold
so this is literally pointless. I can just claim something about an invisible spaceman who might grant your wishes and since it can't be disproven that means it is logically sound? What is the end game here?
oh also
>>theist: *insert argument based on reason and logic*
please show me one of those arguments instead of a generic *inserts* meme. If there is knockdown evidence of god based on logic and reasoning, it should be easy to win me over, I'm a logical and reasonable guy. Win me over with logic and reason.
>show me one of those arguments
read the thread
Its just to piss them off, not to win arguments. I been doing this for awhile but I been using the same few arguments for a bit. Just wanted to see if there are any good ones I haven't used yet.
>still believe in a book written by a jewish liar
You utter fucking moron, you literally replied to a guy who said
>debait me
In this kind of thread
You are just as bad as him
Fucking kill yourself, and use a rope if you want to be money and time efficient
>he thinks the bible is one book by one author
just show me proof of god. It really can't be that hard can it? Why believe in something with no proof or evidence? God is literally the only thing we do this with. If you believe anything else with no evidence, you're called a retard. Should I start believing in random theories with no evidence and retreat behind faith?
i don't know what you're getting at.
are you annoyed that i didn't reply with an argument to that post specifically?
i already posted 2 i think are great.
Just let them know that god is a man made concept and that you're just a brainwashed christcuck.
>thinks the bible is the inerrant word of God,
>thinks quran and torah are fake as opposed to the bible.
pick one
>thinks one thing is true
>thinks a different thing is false
what's the problem?
also: the torah is in the bible
you guys should learn a little bit about what you're criticizing before making yourself look stupid
The best one is always
>the year 2017
>atheists are still stuck on "we came from rocks"
>something coming from nothing
God is real it says so in the bible.
That's a good one OP
Talk about the Quinque viae
nothing you have presented me with is proof of god
wow, great refutation.
nice talking to you.
>Try science
>How atheism can work for you!
I thought you were offering science not the disbelief of deities...
That's dropping down to their level mate. There's a time and place to rebuke fedoras and degenerates, but doing it just out of spite/anger/fun is foolish and pointless. A better use of your time is to post the Gospel and answer any questions while correcting the onslaught of canards/straw men that will get thrown your way. We all are hostile towards God before he opens our heart through hearing the Gospel of Christ crucified for sin for those who believe.
Thats the problem
This the only (you) gonna get from me
It wouldnt be a religion and faith if everyone knew god existed and we had real life physical evidence
You cant prove someone who already has set their mind on an issue
If you think your retarded post deserves some credit then kys and go circlejerk with your husband
I have literally seen higher effort from by friends 4yo kid
You have some sort of daddie issues i assume because you seek proof behind everything and think EVERYthing needs to be based on evidence or its retarded
And yes, i am aware i am directly insulting, you insufferable faggot, but i know i am mostly right with what i say
Do the world a favor and fill up a jar with toothpicks and then shove it up your arsehole untill it breaks and then drag yourself across the room so toothpicks can spread evenly
nice getting your proof of existence of god
oh wait
not an argument
try again big boy
Keep worshipping a dead shitskin on a stick.
There is no proof of God, because God is a man made concept.
You're weakminded and brainwashed, so I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Get triggered christcuck
That proof can be discovered by willfully accepting Jesus and witnessing the work He does by prayer. I myself have witnessed the power of Christ.
Do you people have any proof that the big bang theory actually happened? There's a reason it's still called a theory but people act as if it's fact.
You hypocrites are no better than Christians, you just self-righteously laud yourselves over other people because you think you're the pinnacle of intelligence. Kiddo, you're far from being smart.
i gave you two (2) valid/sound arguments, your task in a "debait" is to refute them.
point out a flaw in a premise that makes their conclusions unreachable, point whether or not they are fallacious.
waving your hand and saying "nuh uh" is not a refutation.
Why the fuck do you put gay on top of atheist? Are you a fucking frogger sexual?
What sort of question is this?
You literally gave attention to an attention seeking whore random person on the internet
He is baiting you to waste your time
If he really cared about this he wouldnt be wasting his time shitposting on pol and would go out and talk to real life people
Unless he is a literal neckbeard obese fedora man
someone walking away from a Crucifixion is not proof of god you fucking mongoloid
its proof the people crucifying him didn't do a very good job or that the man in question was resilient
anecdotal evidence. try again.
I could easily say my brain is god and he told me your god doesn't exist
That quote is retarded. About as cringe as "I am euphoric".
>dead shitskin
You claim to be of a strong mind yet know nothing about the book and belief you are against. He rose from the grave. He isn't dead.
>there is no proof of God
Yes, there is. To acquire that proof you have to actually submit to God and see His work. Try it and pray for something. You'll shut up real quick. But I bet you are too weak to test my preposition. He will not reveal Himself in the flesh, that allows for you to be a lazy cuck. You aren't a lazy cuck, are you?
>God is a man made concept
So is the belief that God doesn't exist.
You have no refutations yet kiddo
>You're weakminded and brainwashed
The same can be said about yourself.
>I wouldn't expect you to understand
The same goes for you.
At least we're capable of existing with non-believers in peace. We don't go around accosting nobodies. You're literally the SJW of religion. Good on you.
Just start talking about human biodiversity. That'll enrage them. Hell, I'll get you started.
Blacks, especially the lower socio-economic classes, often have a lower recruitment in their inferior frontal gyrus and increased likelihood to exhibit lower activity via gene variant MAO-A 3R.
Their inferior frontal gyrus shows reduced recruitment to emotional cues - which would correlate with reduced ability to assert cognitive control in cases of "hot" emotional or positive social cues (which means the primitive limbic system hijacks and you would see more amygdalic behaviour).
>or in other words. makes them more likely to act like an idiot when other blacks are hooting and hollering or they're emotionally agitated
MAO-A 3R has a strong connection to avoidant personality disorder, and many anti-social behaviours. Low activity results in increased risk of aggressive behaviour when faced with social exclusion/ostracism or highly provocative situations, furthermore - when this is combined with high testosterone levels, lower socio-economic status or low IQ, this also presents an increased risk of violent behaviour.
And then there is MAO-A 2R. Which confers a significant increase in the risk of stabbing and shooting behaviours.
Thing is, both of these things can be found in whites and blacks. However, the prevalence differs - black men carry 3R 59% of the time vs. the 34% of caucasians males. Blacks carry 2R 5.5% of the time vs. the 0.1% of Caucasians, and 0.00067% of Asians.
>look guys! Its a leafcuck calling people cucks
>nice le ebin kike on a stick maymay XD
also here, I've got an easier one for you
in order for you religion to hold up, free will needs to exist right?
please show me evidence of free will. I can provide a fucking novel's worth of evidence for determinism, but you cannot show me ONE shred of proof for free will because free will is a fucking nonsense concept.
Where did I say that I heard God speak to me?
False evidence.
Thank God Trump is trying to get rid of common core. You can barely read let alone comprehend a paragraph.
>Try it and pray for something. You'll shut up real quick.
Why not try meditating and seeking the eight fold path, user?
Ask them when they finally "grew out of atheism" and show them this picture.
well usually i can get some intellectual stimulation out of it at least, a chance to sharpen my own arguments.
i had no idea at the time the person was that dumb
Because my prayer is more than enough user.
I'm not going to submit myself to what is knowingly a satanic belief.
Meditate all you want, you won't get anywhere except delusion.
When Christians say they believe in god because there's no proof against him, its like saying you believe in unicorns because there's no proof against them.
>says there's proof of God, provides nothing but anecdotal bullshit about praying
Praying is basically the same thing as meditating user.
>Meditate all you want, you won't get anywhere except delusion.
Pray all you want, user, but know I am sorry for your suffering.
protip: religion is mental disease.
christ mythers BTFO
I wouldn't call it a mental disease. More like a delusion. There is no evidence besides the evidence the believer thinks he found.
God loves you
You're projecting, but I'll take it as a good thing in this case. Love you too, bro.
Believing in exploding nothing becoming everything is a mental illness.
Atheism is a religion that requires a lot of faith.
I believe in God.
I believe He helps me and sends me signs from time to time, even if they aren't really that significant.
I believe he has a path for everyone, including myself whether it be good or bad, but you have to help yourself.
Yes, I have faith. I believe. I don't need any proof to tell me that.
>There is no evidence
>There is no evidence
>There is no evidence
evidence of Christ's resurrection
options ruled out as irrational based on the evidence:
A) the eyewitnesses were all lying
B) the eyewitnesses were all hallucinating the same thing at each occurence
C) the myth of this event evolved over time (legend hypothesis)
D) Christ survived the crucifixion
options left:
E) the event actually occured
F) ? ? ?
the only reason to deny E is this circular reasoning:
>this is not evidence of a supernatural event
>because supernatural events do not exist
>because there is no evidence of supernatural events
>therefore, [repeat]
I heard these arguments. Not impressed. Sorry.
why not?
do you have a problem with one of the premises?
everyone knows a literal interpretation of the bible is stupid. that's usually their only argument and it's weak af. the fedora meme is true. they are edgy weebs who think they're intelligent bc they listen to that robot fuck sam harris
>wouldn't call it a mental disease
>more like a delusion
What's a delusion if not a symptom of a mental health problem? Especially when the delusion is so severe the person can't be snapped out of it.
There is a cult in Greece that created such a scenario that took the experiences of dozens of people and turned those experiences into one christ-like figure experiencing them.
The most logical case to be made was that it was stolen from idea from it's time. Romulus had a passion play before Christianity.
They can be snapped out of it. I used to be a true believer. It's just really difficult. I think there is a fine line here between Bipolar and believing in something that has cultural imprinting.
okay let me refute exactly what you said in an exact warranted manner
>That proof can be discovered by willfully accepting Jesus and witnessing the work He does by prayer. I myself have witnessed the power of Christ.
It all comes from a book written by shitskins in the desert 2000-5000 years ago.
Not evidence of anything other than ancient shitskins being able to write books.
you reek of devil's advocate
faith is code for blindly believing in something without evidence for no reason other than it is popular
There is One God of many names and he is really a giant spiritual computer created by extraterrestrials to harvest souls and establish a kingdom of slavery through the destruction of individual morality and freedom
>atheist btfo
>christcuck btfo
>There is a cult in Greece that created such a scenario that took the experiences of dozens of people and turned those experiences into one christ-like figure experiencing them.
vague, source?
Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Atheism is completely illogical, because it is entirely just [denying the antecedent](en.wikipedia.org
you know it was also fact at one time that the world was flat right?
Christianity gets special privileges when it's studied. When ancient historians look at cults in ancient Roman times, they don't expect it to have any truth to it. They understand that they are myths of it's day. Inspired by the thinking of its day. But because of it's influence, Christianity is automatically taken off as being a common myth. It shares many of the same traits of myths of its day. Many of which were older than Christianity.
You're right. I was a true believer as well. I was raised a WASP (specifically Anglican), but in a heavily Roman Catholic region. The older I got, the more absurd it all started to become. I studied theology and realized just how made up it all was and specifically to control the masses. Woke me up. Especially when a archbishop told me he really never got any answers from God, but his faith made him stay true. Absurd.
>Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.
so I can make any claim and say it is true without evidence? cool, very scientific and rational.
I have a poor memory but Richard Carrier mentions it. It's a recent cult in Greece. It demonstrates how quickly the story can change in such a short amount of time (decades). If it can happen now, it could happen in Jesus' case.
I recommend checking out Richard Carriers lectures. He's an ancient historian that changed his mind concerning the historicity of Jesus once he delved further. Please excuse his anti religious banter.
Atheists are out of arguments OP.
I've stopped fucking with them because they are willfully ignorant, lack critical thinking and deductive reasoning.
Someone that is intellectually honest that doesn't see conclusive proof of the biblical God, would be an agnostic.
An atheist will always be an atheist because they like fapping to lolis or traps or dog porn. They believe what they believe because they don't want to be held accountable for bad behavior.
>There is no proof flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist.
christianity requires free will to hold up
provide me with evidence of free will
Religion's value is not in whether it is real or not, but rather in societal control. Religion dictates rules and consequences. Religion carries us forward.
If religion were still strong he could probably find a faithful wife to give him children who would find value and purpose in him and his children.
t. A lifelong atheist church sex abuse victim who still acknowledges faith has value.
just read Dinesh D'Souza:
What's so great about Christianity?
It supplies you with 50 cal ammunition against smug athiests.
>show me proof
very good very good
kek. this
There are Bishops that common say what you say your archbishop has said to you. It is said so often that it makes me think that it's a choice they made. In the same category as choosing a career path. Maybe it gives them meaning.
I've had similar experiences, but the meaning behind it all ended up being senseless and I let it go.
Bill Burr describes doing the same but in a funny way.
you're boring, not interested in arguing with a fake religious person.
Existence of god or any omnipotent being raises alot of inconsistencies
>can god make a rock so big he cant move it?
>if god is omnipotent then can he create a being stronger than himself?
I consider myself agnostic-atheist. Not looking to basg people, just starting a discussion. I hold no contempt to theists.
No. That falls under a baseless claim as well.
Two baseless claims:
There is a dildo up your ass.
There isn't a dildo up your ass.
Neither of which I have evidence for. I cannot make a positive or negative claim without evidence, and neither can you
you mea Yahweh? Why is his name like voldemort and you can't type it or speak it or something
i'm familiar with that jew
>He's an ancient historian that changed his mind concerning the historicity of Jesus
which way?
last i've heard of him he's a christ myther, no serious historian denies Christ actually existed.
Meh. I still think god is bullshit. The bible is no better than Aesop's Fables.
But culturally it has a purpose. I feel like too many atheists are too blinded by their own euphoria to acknowledge that.
Anal sex is unhygienic and dangerous to the public.
Doo Doo is bad. You must expel dodo to live.
what is this retarded shit
you can make that claim and then I can swiftly prove you wrong.
I can take a picture of my asshole and show you there is no dildo in it
you however cannot take a picture of god to show me he exists