Gamers & their resistance to Cultural Marxism

With JonTron turning out to be kind of /ourguy/, and of course the entire history of Gamer Gate, it got me wondering what it was about gamer culture that makes it have such a strong resistance to cultural Marxism.

A lot of gamers are generally red-pilled, and those that aren't are usually the fags who stick to the simplest of games on their phone or other casual shit. So, that being said, why?

Because most of us are working class arseholes that don't have money to go to Uni or go to bar's every weekend so we spend out time working and for our wind down we play Vidya with a chilled cheap beer and a few close mates.

So basically so far removed from this Marxist crap as possible

ALSO we grew up on a solid diet of Commie hate thanks to a lot of FPS games having Communist Russians as enemies (Same for Islamic Terrorists).

Because most of them are virgins who never leave their basements and don't understand the real world or how to interact with humans. They hide in their fantasy worlds and can't fathom that women and POC's are real people too.

>a hobby centered around competing and one upping others for bragging rights
>wonders why this hooby is incompatible with cultural marxism
Wooo boy.

it's literally just that gamers dream of an amazing sci fi future from playing video games. That future can't exist without white people.

The culture is tight knit amongst it's practicing members, and it's a culture largely isolated from the mainstream, or at least was.


Most gamers are nerds and nerds (I mean real nerds not Big Bang Theory "OMG I"M SUCH A NERD XDDDD" "nerds") generally don't give two shits about being politically correct. Nerds just want to have fun with their games and unleash hell-fire upon anyone who would even think of co-opting their hobby for their own ends.

>Chasing whores

Im sitting.

if this is true then why is Sup Forums full of blue pilled shit heads?

The SJW content escalated too quickly in the video games media, people started to take notice. When it became full-blown contempt against white males, everyone's side was already defined.

even though the gaming community are a bunch of cucks, it's good for the west that they continue to resist the subversion tactics and can notice it. The gaming industry pulls in more capital than Hollywood now.

>So, that being said, why?
twitch streamers are making money off of free market principles.

as for most other gamers, I have no idea.

>literally spends all their time competing against either machines or other humans

hmm... I wonder.

Sup Forums has somewhat been co-opted and most others don't really care

As a whole gaming is incredibly bluepilled

One red pilled thing about gaming though, how do you play civilization games? Do you win through culture and peacemaking? Or do you brutally, mercilessly conquest?

Gaming brings out the worst in humanity, safely.

Because they're NEETs that have no exposure to marxist indoctrination in school, and their total lack of any female interaction prevents them from having to consider swallowing and feminist lies. The women they do interact with are women who are comfortable in male-dominated communities that undoubtedly make her feel enormously valued and desired no matter how ugly or nasty she is, which runs counter to feminist doctrine.

In short, their community exists entirely on the outside of the assault happening on our culture.

Fat, lonely nerds who were picked on/shunned for their unpopular interest(s), who suddenly were faced with in a surge of posers and cesspool media personalities who didn't really care for their hobbies but suddenly like video games becase Gaymor grll omfg why is mario so sexis muchh?? Donate thxxx!!dd

Doesn't help that said profiteers more than likely laughed at the whole hobby back in the day while being failed Stacie reject who totally isn't like other girls with their own white knights to boot.

In commie terms, they're the untermensch, with whatever identity they had being coopted by the oppressive bourgeoisie wearing it like a fashion statement for their shitty agendas gamers could care less about.

Plus, most associate the general dumping down of games with growing Social Justice crap. It is no wonder that best games nowadays usually come from regions that are based

I think its pretty simple, gamers exercise critical thinking a lot. Most gamers have developed a genuine sense of mistrust in developers and other gamers and their trust has to be earned. On the contrary cultural marxists talk about everything in such esoteric terms its just unrealistic to me, and removed from reality.

Hey thats pretty good


I would disagree i think there is a much higher percentage of gamers that are red-pilled than other popular millenial hobbies i could think of.

yet. The trend is threatening to reverse

Gamer here. Gainfully employed, have my own place, not completely socially retarded, etc etc.

For me at least it's a numbers game. White men have just done more for the world than any of these other groups combined, except for maybe the chinese. Gaming is about pregression and winning, and white men are the best at those things. We also tend to hate being told what to do, have strong critical thinking and problem solving skills, and see most other people as expendable.

A good future can't exist without a strong white America and Europe, and anyone who stands in the way of that deserves whatever they get. Peaceful solutions are preferred, but it isn't always the most efficient way to do things and if someone is a problem once they're more likely to be a problem again.

My two cents, proceed with the mockery.

>Just went to PAX
>No booth babes allowed
>Bearded guys in skirts
>Many panels similar to "How to End Cyberbullying in Video Games"
>Overpriced Nerdâ„¢ Gear out the asshole
>Indie games full of flannel-shirted cucks and diverse POCs


They're exposed to media, tales, and metaphysical legends that relay powerful messages of self discovery, development and mastery of one's self.

Collectivism i.e. Communism wants you to eee yourself as a cog in society, whereas the Western tradition embued into these games teaches you to be an individual who can cross between chaos and order to save himself and his people, you become the Hero.

Hold me.

It was too massive and politically diverse of a community to have feminist SJW bullshit forced on them.

Video games are a result of white christian male culture.
As in law and order, freedom, capitalism, everything that cultural marxism is trying to subvert and undermine.
The end of white christian male culture means the end of video games, which is why there is strong resistance against culural marxism from people who just want to play video games without the politics.

the desire to win, the knowledge that no one is equal

noticing that some games that get great reviews in all publications are shit when you play them


A multiplayer video game where no matter what you do, everyone is a winner and you are all rewarded equally.

Is this an appealing concept?


Sorry but you're 100% retarded.

If you want to be good at gaming you honestly have to put in some work. In addition to that being good at gaming generally means beating other people and in order to do that consistently and successfully you have to revel in the fact that you just shat on someone inferior, not feel bad about it. Gaming in many ways is very capitalistic, those that put in the most work will win the most, which is why games like Mario kart are for women and children.

if anything i think the glorification of the USSR during ww2 (looking at you call of duty) is kinda awful. they were the bad guys!

>So, that being said, why?

Good question, especially since the games themselves are getting more bluepilled by the hour.


Former JonTron supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching him crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the racial statistics.

game dev here.

I'd say the biggest reason is because, while most forms of media have been poisoned by the liberal agenda for decades, video games went untouched for years. This is mostly because they held no value to the kinds of shitheads who'd abuse it, with it being such a niche market.

Now that it's grown and with GG happening, cucks are trying to enforce their politics on everything. I think that with the election and the large number of gamers who grew up without this bullshit, their narrative will crumble eventually. They're trying to get away with attacking beloved series and companies who have been around much longer than they have, because they can't bear the thought that they're not in control. It's insulting and pathetic.

The indie scene, especially in the US, as well as literal worst company of the year EA, are 90% cucks who hate that someone they disagree with politically could enjoy their game, so they do whatever they can to alienate them. It's not a sound strategy.

The bottom line is, there are still great game companies out there, that understand the fun is what comes first, you just need to know where to look and ignore the rest.

I'm still angry the sequel was canceled so EA could work on Kayne and Lynch.

coincentally the shitty review and the subsequent firing of Jeff Gerstmann in 2007 could be seen as the beginning of the gamers calling bullshit.

>what it was about gamer culture
up until around 2010, NO GIRLS ALLOWED

Gamers are also amazingly racist but don't actually care much.
I've played games with Blacks, Whites, Rednecks, Weebs, Asians, Philipians, Germans, French, Danish, Russians, Native Americans and one really old guy with 2 and a half fingers he lost cause he got stepped on by a cow.
Gamers don't give a fuck about who you are, just play the damn game and git gud.

So Japanese and Polish game devs. Great.

pretty much it's the entertainment for the smart young people. smart people are not easily tricked by the media and their bullshit.

Well gamers are people who have been trained to be endlessly persistent until they win. Also, they have a pretty xenophobic attitude about people coming into gaming because of the whole 'being shamed for playing games for the last 30 years' thing.

Add the above to what my fellow ausbro said and it makes gamers a pretty hard egg to crack.

Annoying leftie faggots don't get invited to LANs.

yeah, I'd say that about sums it up

This is false

Autism, just like us.

I'm about to release my first game and I'm worried how to handle the gaming press. GG was why I got into making games. I don't know whether to go full fasc or placate the cucks.

easily this

> Falling in the Gamers meme

We answer this exact same thread every night....To the same person with 1 post by this ID.

It makes me wonder who is behind this post?

Same post, every day. day after day. Still 1 post by this ID.

look at that sheep over there, shouldn't you go have six with it?

if you make people mad they just talk about your game and you make more money. theres like no downside unless you care about what some people think about the game.