When will people realize Islam is the solution to all forms of degeneracy?

Globalism, cultural marxism, liberalism, feminism, and corporatism. Islam has all the solutions

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When muslim migrants stop raping, beating and start contributing academically to the western world.

that is exactly when. now do it

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.

Muslim migrants in europe have nothing to do with Islam, they are a product of cultural marxism. Islam forbids rape. I'm talking about Islam from the Quran, without the hadith. The hadith cause a lot of problems

Just because your neighbour is right on some things, doesn't man you should give him the deed to your house and let him fuck your wife, moron.

Islam needs a reformation, but not by our blood.

Muslims nowadays follow a very demented version of Islam. Islam is esoteric in this day and age. If you actually take a look at Islam and the quran you'll see what I mean

Muslims in muslim countrys without western influence are even worse.
Just accept the fact that islam is some fucked up made up bullshit by a child raping idiot from the desert who mixed all the shit he hears aomewhere and made up in his mind together to build an army of people who are even more stupid than him just to take over some fucking cities in the desert for his own ego.
And since he died everything is out own control.
look at arabs and you see the most degenerate people on earth they are literally barbarians mixed with pure stupidity..the good stuff they have they have bought from the west and thats it.
they lied to you man..that is the only big secret behind islam..it is all a lie and a scam made up for 1400year old desert inbreds and nothing else.

Oh yes, very esoteric. Murder's not a sin, it's a blessing for the filthy infidel.


i think that for this to happen muslim will have to stop being muslim. Religion is not know to make scientific advancement nor moral development.

>Islam is the solution
It isn't the solution for Muslims though.

kek I swed so much I became the jew

we can all be you user

Islam was always shit and what we see today is just the 1000th try to fuck us up and get a foot in europe to destroy it again.
the only difference now is that you play victim with the "moderates" while isis represents mohammeds islam and scares people..
"Accept that islam is peace...or else"
And then we have faggots like you who thinks he is smarter than jesus word and every resident from this board.


>child raping idiot

Could you prove Prophet Muhammad was a child raping idiot? People keep throwing this claim around, it has no basis.

>look at arabs and you see the most degenerate people on earth

Pointing at arabs to prove Islam is bad is like pointing out black people to show how bad american values are, because arabs only make up 17% of the Muslim population. (blacks only make up 13% of the American population)

Notice the verse says that people who wage WAR against Allah and Muhammad and cause corruption should be killed. I don't see anything wrong with that. People who wage war should be killed

oh and btw..stop trying to act like as if every arabic person who isn't a completely retarded idiot is like that because of islam..good people exists and you can't claim the good in humans for islam to make it look better.
Islam makes people do the worst things on earth and let them enjoy it..that is because it comes directly from satan.
Jesus was very explicit about his stuff..and it does not help your case that islam twists all his teaching around or is exactly openly what he warned us about..
Btw..it is fucking egoistic as fuck to claim that you understand the "real islam" and all the muslims not..who pretty much to exactly what mohammed told them to.
the real muslim would hate you for twisting islam around until you like it

>what if the child consents
yes..6year old..9year..are you retarded ?.
Oh sorry i forgot..yes you are

"look at the muslims and you see islam"

Google that quote faggot

And also..arabs are the only real muslims..everyone else are converts..go to mekka discuss that shit with them

I'm against mass immigration of migrants into europe.

>Islam makes people do the worst things on earth and let them enjoy it

Not true, people use Islam to justify their actions, but Islam is not a cause of their actions. Take a look at suicide bombing for example, there wasn't a single suicide bomb attack in Iraq before the U.S invaded.

Since muhammed was a warmonger this whole corruption talks about people who don't wanted to have their heads cut off if they don't want to convert.
pretty nice one sided muslim logic again.
Dude how old are you ? 16..17?
We all know you sit in your bed and you feel so cool defending islam and all that but when you grow up you will grow out of that bullshit believe me..since nothing else then islam is available these days you try to be "openminded" and all this shit which is pretty much the new edgy.

>yes..6year old..9year..are you retarded ?
Where's the evidence? Oh yeah, you have none

Is Islam the solution?

>Muslims keep on killing themselves, so they can suck Allah's pig dick
>raping children
>fucking goats
>have no brain capacity

Kill yourself, Ahmed.

just give some evidence that he was a warmonger instead of helplessly throwing around random claims

Sure it is the cause...

let a child grow up with elmo etc books and another one with a manual for mass murder warmongering storys about rapes and cutting heads off..where people say lying is ok and killing people who habe different opinions and believes.
And then look into what they turn into

that is in the quran you idiot..do you even read it ?

Age of Aisha at time of marriage with Holy Prophet Muhammad

It is believed on the authority of some Hadith reports that the marriage ceremony (known as nikah, amounting to betrothal) of Aisha with the Holy Prophet Muhammad took place when she was six years of age, and that she joined the Holy Prophet as his wife three years later at the age of nine. We quote below from two such reports in Bukhari.
“It is reported from Aisha that she said: The Prophet entered into marriage with me when I was a girl of six … and at the time [of joining his household] I was a girl of nine years of age.”
“Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed [alone] for two years or so. He married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.” [3]

The cure you're selling is worse than the disease.

dude..you should really read the quran :D have you even the smallest clue about mohammeds life ?
Seriously..mohammeds whole life is war against non believers until he died..in the quran..that whole book is based around these storys..that is not even something to argue about for ..obvious reasons for everyone who read that book..which you obviously did not

he sells the disease..cure is jesus

Just a different strain of the same magian virus. Jesus was a faggot that liked naked boys.

Muhammad spent his last ten years, from 622 to 632, as the leader of Medina in a state of war with pagan Mecca. Muhammad and his Companions had earlier migrated from Mecca to Medina in what is known as the Hijra following years of persecution by the Meccans. Through raids, sieges, and diplomacy, Muhammad and his followers allied with or subdued some of the tribes and cities of the Arabian peninsula in their struggle to overcome the powerful Banu Quraish of Mecca.

They also sent out parties against Arabic-speaking communities ruled under the Roman Empire. Muhammad was believed by the Muslims to be divinely chosen to spread Islam in the world, and Muhammad ultimately permitted warfare as one aspect of this struggle.

>asking for evidence of Muhammad being a pedophile


Where in the Quran does it say Muhammad married aisha at 9 or 6 or whatever? It doesn't, so your claims are false.

The Quran doesn't have stories about Muhammad, in fact it only mentions him 5 times in the Quran. And the only stories in the Quran are about Muhammad going to heaven and parables like that.

Did you even read the Quran?

And then this happened


And then 1400years later a little faggot means he knows better

>It is believed on the authority of some Hadith reports

The hadith also say Islam is the true religion and that Islam is the true way of life.
Will you also believe this or only the parts you like to pick and choose?

Islam is the ultimate form of degeneracy, though. It's even worse than Marxism because its a living hell and intended to be so. at least Marxists THINK what they're doing is right. Muslims are just in a state of delusion and happen to be one of the world's biggest populations,

>Book says A
>Book also says B
>using book as argument
>A says book is right
>no no, don't look at fact B

religious logic

replace mohammed with a aryan god and it would be the best religion for europe

Europe should've created its own organized religion instead of adopting the desert tales

Literally bowing every day to a fallen star.

You know exactly what i mean.
You can twist that shit around how you want it doesn't matter..we don't give a fuck about you and real muslims also don't give a fuck about you.
they have their quran and their hadits schmadits and baddits..nobody cares how that fuck is called..muslims decided that is how it has to be and not us.
You made up a version in your head that works for yourself but they would cut your fucking head up for that bullshit and thats it..
You are just a guy who could probably convert some stupid colleague kids who also did no research or just plain and simple ignore facts and for muslims..a convert is a concert as long as he can say that ohne phrase correctly with a witness

it's just the shitskin version of it

i'm not trying to convert people, i'm just saying, the Quran literally has all the solutions for degenerate western liberalism

I'd certainly hope you're not trying to convert people because your arguments and knowledge of the religion is shit lol


Did you mean Christianity, the one religion that saved Europe from sandniggers during the crusades?

If Islam is such a superior way of life, why are Muslim countries so shit?

something something muh amerika is the bad guy ruining the country

no it has not...just look at muslim countrys..muslims kill more muslims then everyone else..and they beat and torture their women into complete submission..that is not winning mate..that is insecure and shows how weak and fragile their house of cards is.
If you don't want to convert then fuck off..it is not our problem that you literally have nothing else to talk about aince everything is forbidden

Stop shilling, ahmed. Here's your truth about Islam. Quit being daft.

Arguing with muslims is literally like arguing with a 6year old who wants to wear his heavy rain boots on a sunny day in the summer and thinks that it totally makes sense..

6 year olds don't try to kill you for arguing with them.

Can't argue with you (((guys))) because you don't have half the idea what I'm talking about or where I'm coming from. This thread has gone in the opposite direction of where I'd wanted it to go.