Cutting taxes for the rich is goo-

>cutting taxes for the rich is goo-

Other urls found in this thread:

"hey, let's cut taxes but not deal with the federal reserve "

wtf I hate trump now!

That's probably gross income senpai.

Even if it wasn't, it doesn't mean that taxing the rich makes the income of the poor grow. It just makes the government bigger and they're terrible with money desu.

Not to mention that Trump is cutting taxes on everyone, not just the rich.

Tax cuts for the rich worked under George W. Bush, he left behind a booming economy so I dunno what u ppl are even talking about

Duh, people voted for Trump based on racism and fear instead of facts. The need for kings and queens of some people is real.

>housing bubble was caused by tax cuts

You are economically illiterate.

Tax cuts for the rich are great for the econo-

Why did the the other 90% fall?
Either we raised taxes for them, which we know is bad. Or we cut taxes for them as well..but they didn't get the same results.
Explain this to me.

Try not to dindu too hard while I destroy you here ok.

George Bush: we want everybody in America to own their own home. That's what we want.

Previously the top individual tax rate of 31% applied to all income over $51,900. The Act created a new bracket of 36% for income above $115,000, and 39.6% for income above $250,000.[2]
Previously, corporate income above $335,000 was taxed at 34%. The Act created new brackets of 35% for income from $10 million to $15 million, 38% for income from $15 million to $18.33 million, and 35% for income above $18.33 million.[3]
The 2.9% Medicare tax had previously been capped to apply to only the first $135,000 of income. The cap was removed.
Transportation fuels taxes were raised by 4.3 cents per gallon.
The portion of Social Security benefits subject to income taxes was raised from 50% to 85%.[4]
The phaseout of the personal exemption and the limit on itemized deductions were permanently extended.
The AMT tax rate was increased from 24% to tiered rates of 26% and 28%.[5]
Part IV Section 14131: Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit and added inflation adjustments.

>taxing the rich will get people off of food sta-

Those lowest quintiles should be net way more.

43 million is less than 46 millio-

Wealthy elites don't need tax cuts

You'll notice that recessions occured during those deficit jumps. Correlation =/= causation bud.

Oy vey what up Obamaleaf

>tax cuts don't reduce reven---

whats up buddy

What are you driving at friend?

Really jogs the nog

I'm saying posting graphs that don't even prove your point is retarded.

really makes u think

>savings based on millions of dollars

of course it only applies to the mega rich you retard

Which is why I don't post graphs that don't prove muh point. You may have a case of mistaken flags, friend

>of course it only applies to the mega rich you retard

What is: Who do GOP policies benefit for $20 Trillion, Alex

>tax cuts cause budget deficits

so if i come to you and say i'll give you $200 a week, then a few months later i say i'm not giving that to you anymore, if you continue to spend as if i'm still giving you $200 a week it's my fault that you're in debt?

>Falling for the Trickle-Down meme

Probably because when politicians cut any taxes, they cut the super wealthy's because they pay the most, amount and percent wise, by far of any tax bracket.

>comparing the United States $4 trillion budget to your autism allowance

this is why u retards can't be trusted with the nuclear codes

>implied tax cuts caused the housing bubble
>posts video of G Dubb plotting to force niggers into homes they can't afford

Wow you really BTFO'd me there. I didn't know giving allowing niggers to take ridiculous loans were the same as tax cuts.

Why are you so disingenuous?

i knew you'd stray off the point into non sequitur, answer the question.

Almost like the wealthy elites don't need tax cuts

>"h-he actually believes that!"

great argument fella

The post in question was replying to mister leaf, not you.

How am I disingenuous? Explain in your own words.

When you cut taxes for the rich, you reduce revenues. I don't know why u right wing retard worshipers of the wealthy elites can't understand this.

When you raise taxes on the rich, you raise revenues and the economy does better.

>"It is striking to note that the best growth years for the bottom 99 percent since 1990 have taken place in the mid to late 1990s and since 2013, shortly after increases in top tax rates," Saez wrote.

By all means refute the graph I posted. How much does Charles Koch pay you numbskulls?

Inb4 Bush dindu
Inb4 Dotcom bubble

I'm no attacking the graph, the graph is absolutely right. However it has nothing to do with trickle down economics, which you attacked, it just talks about their income.

Why not? They worked for it.

you just pre-empted their only 2 meme-arguments!

LIberals are cancer but Republican economic policy is a fucking joke. Supply side is a meme and we have enough evidence to prove it doesn't work.

>Why not? They worked for it.
Just flat tax my shit up senpai?

> if you continue to spend


tax cuts WITHOUT CORRESPONDING REDUCTIONS IN SPENDING cause increases in deficits

and guess what republicans do all the time? cut taxes without reducing spending. bush passed massive tax cuts while starting multiple overseas wars. trump now is trying to pass massive tax cuts while also trying to increase defense spending and pass a $1 trillion infrastructure plan.

say what you want about democrats and welfare, but at least democrats pay for the shit they give out.

right wing retards btfo

tax cuts for the rich + military/war spending is a fucking disaster and republicans do it every time

their entire ideology is to cut taxes for the rich and blow up the budget deficit. That's it. That's right wingers in a nutshell.

Nice obama meme

There should be a flat tax. Everybody uses income tax-payed for, non-excludable public goods, like roads and national defense, equally, so everybody should pay a "fair share." This would hopefully then lead to less government overall spending, more money to the people, more money to consume and invest with, blah blah blah...

>Percent growth rate
libtards everyone

>There should be a flat tax
How will the budget ever recover?

The federal spending budget? You decrease wasteful government spending, retard.

Pic saved

how the fuck did u think u measure growth in spending?

Because that's showing the PERCENT increase in spending, not NET increase in spending.

Have you taken basic algebra?

Are you fucking retarded?

Obama is the slowest spender in 80 years.

and he reduced the budget deficit by 2/3

>inb4 u don't know what spending is

>yes yes goy now ignore obamacare


Holy fuck you're triggered.

You posted a disingenuous graph and posted an incorrect assumption.

>Tax cuts for the rich are great for the econo-

Because you simplify everything and never actually intend to discuss economics. Even your very source says the effects of those specific tax increases on the rich was negligible, not that simply raising taxes is good in of itself.

How do you explain the economy contracting after H.W Bush increased taxes? I thought raising taxes on the rich was a good thing.

You won't explain it. You'll write some spiel about right wing retards being responsible

I wonder what happened in 2011....

inb4 Obamaleaf says he has to leave for a "meeting"


It's true tax the Jew!!!
Say it with me!
It's true tax the Jew

Remember when Republicans promised me that the economy would crash in the 90s because Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich?

Why are you fighting so hard against the reality that the economy does better when u raise taxes on the rich? It's almost like you're a shill for the billionaire globalists and wealthy elites.

>"It is striking to note that the best growth years for the bottom 99 percent since 1990 have taken place in the mid to late 1990s and since 2013, shortly after increases in top tax rates," Saez wrote.

No I'm in another thread but I'm here now and responded.

You're arguing that 12 years of Reagan/Bush was a disaster. I agree with u.


>top 10% gain most in 2009-2012

Gee, I wonder who was president and had full control of congress at this time period...

That doesn't address his point at all. If increasing taxes on the rich is the decisive factor for economic growth, why didn't the economy grow when Bush increased taxes in 1990?

The right wing retards seem to be in moving slowly tonight. I'm disappointed

See, exactly I as I foretold

>You won't explain it.

He has no explanation whatsoever, he just repeats his shitty memes over and over.

>service economy
>debt free
oooo man

because that tiny tax increase was nothing compared to the massive tax cuts that Reagan handed to the rich. It was nowhere near enough to undo 8 years of disastrous Reagan policies.

Now you guys are arguing that the Reagan/Bush economy was a disaster, I'm not going to challenge that. I agree with u.

and I never said it's the only factor. My argument is that Democrats have superior economic policies because that's the truth.

>doesn't understand the difference between net and percentage growth
back to cuck land maple nigger

Completely ignores this You Can't explain it.

I did explain

Obama is the slowest spender in 80 years and reduced the budget deficit by 2/3. You're triggered by facts aren't you?

>If you make more money you're going to save more income!!!!!!!!
No fucking shit, what is the problem? Any tax plan that cuts from everyone will yield the exact same results

Someone here gets it. God bless you.

>some people are more successful than others, but i'm not one of them, so it's obvious that successful people are evil and being more successful than anyone else is inherently wrong
maybe if you weren't so fucking worthless maybe you could have money too
but no it's just for smart people, sorry
you'll take what we give you and like it

he actually did that say that btw

back when he was a little less retarded and a little more honest

He also spent more than all in 100 years in 8.

You can define his spending with different metrics, maple nigger.

So logically speaking the president rankings for economic growth are

George H.W Bush
George W. Bush


Obama did not reduce the deficit by a third. It reached 20 trillion under his watch.

>he thinks he's 1% of Americans

Highly doubt it faggot

I'm defining his spending by normal metrics. Not fucking retard metrics that think $1 in 1917 = $1 in 2017

I honestly don't think u retards even know what spending is.

>Retards think a dollar today = a dollar in 1981

>doesn't realize tax revenues grew more under the Bush tax increases than Clinton's
>thinks tax policy can be adequately represented by how high the top marginal rate is



Ok I'm coming back to this thread. It's starting to get good

>Obama only spent slightly more than Bush, so he's the best in 80 years

Thanks Obama! You only doubled the deficit!

>retard doesn't know our debt now is higher as a percentage of GDP than any other time in history

>the point is he's using bad metrics like the one i posted

>Thanks Obama! You only doubled the deficit!

Why the fuck would I care about the distribution of income if life is improving for virtually everyone?

Pay special attention that this graph is median income, as in the 50th percentile of income earners, and inflation adjusted.

I love how your typed out ranking left out JFK and LBJ? Your own chart shows that GDP growth does much better under Democrats. I don't think GDP growth is the best measure of how an economy performs for the individual. You can boost govt spending and immigration and that'll increase GDP. Is that what u retards want? It sounds like it cause that's what u always argue.

GDP growth rates have been steadily falling over the decades (the issues behind this are very complex), so comparing 1 president to another one 50 years ago is kind of retarded. I can just as easily say Obama was the greatest of all time because he got more votes than anyone else.

I'm not. I'm saying he didn't decrease 2/3rd AND it hit 20 trillion under his watch.

Calm your autism bernie fag

that retard is so dumb, he's not even worth dealing with.

He still doesn't understand the difference between debt and deficits >Obama did not reduce the deficit by a third. It reached 20 trillion under his watch.

>Obamaleaf, come quick

You're a special kind of retard, aren't you.

>not knowing the difference between deficit and debt

Get back to me when u graduate elementary school