/leftypol/ vs Sup Forums it's on
/leftypol/ vs Sup Forums it's on
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Can't we all just unite, I thought we were smart people on both ends.
i hate communism as much as the next guy but goddamn i can't put down RATM for the life of me
That band sucks balls
>I'm gonna go into sustainable energy
>I'm gonna push for Solar and Wind
>I'm gonna waste tons of valuable materials to construct shitty turbines that aren't even remotely close to as efficient as we need to equal our consumption
>I'm going to take up massive swathes of land for these shitty turbines, and they won't even be consistent in their production of energy
>I'm gonna lay waste to the environment far worse than the tar sands in Canada just to make solar panels
>I'm gonna have to maintain and replace these solar panels every couple years taking up even more precious resources
>I'm gonna oppose Thorium reactors and Nuclear Fusion without even understanding how they work
>I'm gonna oppose all Oil, Gas, Coal etc. without understanding how they work let alone how scrubbers etc. remove pretty much all the pollution my enviro teacher told me they produce
>I'm gonna take up far more land than Oil, Gas, Fusion, Fission, Thorium, Hydro, Coal etc. and arguably do as much if not more damage then they do to the environment
>Be National Socialist
>Against finance crony capitalism
>be leftypol
>buy into Jewish Propaganda ideology
>claim to be enlightened
sup why should i be forced to share my car with someone living in south africa who i will never meet?
Paul Ryan pls go
I don't care about economics or social issues, I just hate niggers.