Petition to ban all users posting e-celeb bullshit on Sup Forums
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Petition to ban all users posting e-celeb bullshit on Sup Forums
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David Duke is the only celeb I need!
I agree however this place is infested with 16 year olds, retarded college kids and redditors who live for this edrama shit
its pathetic i know but i doubt we can change anything, they are the embodiment of everything wrong with gen z etc today but are a powerful virus.
all the faggots talking about these kikes are too young to be on here anyway
It's Canadians who keep posting this shit.
Ban Canada.
Nigger, you think Sup Forums is a democracy?
I'm getting real sick of these brofag cancers shitting over this place.
Pewdiepie is nothing more than a painfully cancerous retard and his 5 minutes of being a useful idiot is over.
All the autistic memeing in the world won't make him become anything more than the brain damaging pussy swedecuck that he is.
>Reminder that anyone who knows what a youtube star is was born in the 2000's like some faggot
Reminder that you need to go back to /r/the_donald.
And we need a hard round of banning on LARPers or kekistan bullshit.
Jon is ok, don't be a puss
YouTube drama on here makes this place as bad as TMZ
>we should censor what I don't like
should we deport them to Sup Forums? or do they need a contaiment board?
pol posters make fun of "safe space" faggotry liberals use but also end up doing the same for things that aren't alt-right
same sides of the different shit-dipped coin
What do you think this is, a democracy?
>I don't like something so ban it so I don't get triggered
You have to go back.
Add LARPers to that list. One shitpost in a while is fine, turboautists like larper5 spamming their daily trash thread isn't
This post made no sense. Please stop posting.
Partially agreed.
E-celeb content explicitly related to politics is one thing. MAINSTREAM METEOR and similar crap should be a year long ban.
Ban all Canadians while we're at it.
Looks like the shills are working overtime tonight.
Celebrity expresses political opinion, i think this falls under the purview of Sup Forums
Shareblue, I'm concerned about your mental health.
You are getting paranoid.
No, totally against this. First this is impeding free speech and secondly Sup Forums needs these E-celebs to grow and attract more people to redpill.
not a fan of jontron btw i think him and most youtube skeptic's are obnoxious
Probably for the best.
as long as you dont lump sam harris or jordan peterson in those categories were good
>guy risks his carreer to redpill whole masses of underage kids, mostly american
>'hey guys lets ban him xdddd'
The left has been doing this for years and it paid off with bluepilled masses, cuckolds and feminists.
Understand the media is the new form of education. Understand this man as it is is an ally to your interests.
>Ban all Canadians while we're at it.
>Ban all Canadians
>ctrl-f "define e-celeb"
>0 results
fucking nu-Sup Forums
fuck yeah
never again moly never again
This whole fucking site is Reddit central now.
>not knowing mods = gods
you must be the biggest newfag alive
it gets way worse during burger hours.
Kill yourself Reddit fag mods are fucking cancerous newfag niggers (literally)
>t cia
I dont care for them either, but why do you stormfaggots gotta be such whiney ass children about it?
Can you give me a slow walkup on this guy?
The e-celebs are alt-right faggots. I don't want to see any of them. I also don't know who most of them are.
I have always held that every single OP whose only content is touting some youtube star nobody has heard of before is viral marketing and possibly the guy being advertized.
muh narrative
>unironically thinking the mods are libcucks trying to subvert Sup Forums
>doesnt know are almost all composed of the same core that mo0t intially picked and moderate all boards and have for years
son ive been using Sup Forums and /n/ since before you knew about this part of the internet
That's a fair point. I don't think of youtube as a means to redpill the masses because I don't take political opinions from unknown youtubers. You're probably right though.
Yes they are newfag
Moot is an SJW and so are mods like redwood
Please kill yourself. Moot is a fucking kike cunt and ruined this place.
Spencer is one too.
huge faggot, and a reddit-tier personality who never understood the culture of this site even if he created it
Literally anyone who got famous on youtube or social media. There are probably 20 posts a day on Sup Forums about these people, who are no different than any of us and usually don't have any type of specialized education or experience
>moot isn't the biggest cuck of them all
Remember luggage lad?
That was embarrassing
>Implying all hours aren't burger hours
a good idea, range ban everyone, leave Sup Forums for nature to reclaim, let silence fill these hallowed autistic halls and may the bits and boops of the internet never again gigabyte into Sup Forumss ghostly corpse
Agreed the e-celebrity worship is some of the most extreme faggotry I've ever seen. They need to take it somewhere else. Not relevant political discussion.
The same I say this has nothing to do with politics
All YouTube celebs are faggy loner whites, with fancy headsets, who never leave their rooms.
The majority of their fans are faggy loner whites, with fancy headsets, who never leave their rooms.
They will have their place in the concentration camps with the rest of the degenerates.
I'll bump.
Especially these losers that play video games for money, just fucking stop shilling. REEEEEE