and a Christian at the same time?
How one can justify it according to the (((bible)))?
and a Christian at the same time?
How one can justify it according to the (((bible)))?
It's called mental gymnastics. Watch as this thread is filled with people pretending to be Christian by just cherry-picking the parts they like and ignoring the rest. Kinda like "peaceful Muslims" who ignore the parts about stoning and genocide and pedophilia and travelling to Mecca to sacrifice a goat at least once in their lives.
This article explains,
You're welcome.
Their were tribes in the Old Testament and Jesus didn't have a problem with it
There is nothing wrong with having a unique culture
But that culture should be centered around Jesus
One can be Japanese, American, Polish, English etc and still love Jesus and still retain your culture
I find it hard to believe that God wanted to create a one world government that lacks uniqueness
Or worse: People who twist His word just so they can rebuild the west. You're praying at the wrong altar you Pharises REEEEEEE
render unto Caesar what is Caesars. Read a book, quit waiting for spoon feed.
I work from the general notation that Christianity is an anti-materialist spiritual religion and that Jesus never attempted to challenge or to contradict the secular Roman government. Attempting to apply Christianity to the public sphere creates a joke, they'd be used and destroyed; knowingly so
Cherry-picking, obviously.
I'm culturally Christian, but more importantly I'm a Nationalist, which stems from Linguistics, Genetics and a love of art. I'd give up Christianity before I'd give up science.
but can you just cherry pick the part you like the most and ignore the rest?
even pride is a deadly sin
God>country>rest of world
/pol is a Christian board, fedora tippers get out
>being this naive
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the first and only factor of that. If you can't achieve these things in your real life, then you are of little benefit to other whites, and you are absolutely wasting your time here.
Always remember: We live in first world countries, and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don't. Spend your time wisely and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life
A better question is how the fuck can someone be a white nationalist/supremacist and also follow a Semetic religion where Jews are referred to constantly as The Chosen Race.
Christianism is apolitical and read Aquinas before making those threads.
We have had thousands of years of exegesis.
Furthermore nationalism is a modern leftist model that doesn't mean anything.
how do you "fight" "peaceful migration" being a christian, genius
that's exactly how (((they))) are exploiting christian nations nowadays
close borders
Fibby pibby. It's about time you faggots stop LARPing as Christians, it's kind of shitting up this board. The only good thing about Christianity are it's values.
There's been plenty of anti Christian shillings lately....
God confounded the languages of the people and they assimilated into different tribes so babels construction would be halted
He never intended for us to be united under globalism
>there's been a lot of reason lately
Varg can keep larping in his van by the river but he'll neve rget any where if doesn't embrace Christianity.
Everyone knows Applestand was /ourguy/ not floki.
How can you be a "Democrat"
and a pedophile at the same time?
But Vargs not a nationalist, he's completely opposed to concept of nation states.
I'm Christian and I despise Nationalism