>Iranians are not whi...
Iranians are not whi
based tron
iranians are white
Is he Iranian? Ok, I'm glad he's supporting us regardless of his race. It doesn't mean he is Northwestern European at the least and he doesn't have to be.
It is very exciting to see somewhat famous people promoting our ideas, or ideas similar to ours though.
He's half Hungarian.
Iranians are honorary whites.
They are white. Technically Poo in loos are Caucasian too. Technically.
Iran are not white, they are Aryans and thus part of the master race
Iranians are whiter than Medshits
he needs to train and increase his power level so he doesnt sound like an idiot
>tfw Italian
>tfw less White than Jontron
He's half Iranian half Hungarian
Can I get an answer? I'm half Hungarian. Are Hungarians white?
he's half hungarian though
>Technically Poo in loos are Caucasian too
That can't be right. Poos and Iranians are white even though they aren't from Europe? Explain the logic here
Meh, honorary. He fucking gets it.
Iran literally means land of the Aryans. He's half white half God. (Also no surprise that he's anti migrant if his other half is Hungarian!)
Reminder that this bitch is half iranian
Its amazing how the mere idea of someone not being white supporting white people existing makes us question their race.
>>Iranians are not whi...
Iran literally means land of the Aryans!
This is proof that race mixing only creates disgusting people more ugly than both of their parents.
wogs, fuck off
>what are Indo-Europeans
That podcast is literally unwatchable. The host literally interrupts every 5 seconds and shits lefty platitudes and feigns ignorance at light speed.
He means they belong to the Caucasoid race.
Jon comes off as the kind of guy who switches political ideologies every few months and gets super into it every time
>once said that Ron Paul was the only presidential candidate who makes sense
>then voted for Obama twice
>then supported Sanders and lemented his defeat
>now supports trump and says he's right wing
In a year he'll be saying real communism has never been tried.
Iranian here.
Really ashamed that she is technically part of the same diaspora as me.
She's half, don't worry. If you're not a full Persian then gtfo.
Nah, he used to be lefty, but then Gamergate happened and he slowly switched sides over the last 4 or so years. But, like for a lot of people, the tension caused by the Trump election made him accelerate his dose of red pills
could be "fuck you" money.
if you can afford to move to Jew York to get ultra cucked I imagine you can afford to swallow the bitter red pill that no attractive woman is going to be attracted to your fat ass without money so may as well go full Sup Forums
He's like most of us, a race realist nationalist. Many of us aren't actually very conservative. We might support things like National Healthcare or entitlement programs for poor whites. So it's not like his political ideology actually changed that much, he just got redpilled on race. I was an Obama supporter 4 years ago but I was a huge Trump supporter this election. My views haven't really changed much I just realized that more niggers and spics means a lower quality society. If we were a 99% white country I would probably be voting for leftist parties.
>Iranian here.
>German flag
I am. Although I got a little bit of Kurdish in me (Great-Grandmother).
Diaspora my friend.
yea hes half plus iranians are half decent
they also have aborignal blood and/or capoid if their parents where Semitic
Europeans, Iranians, central Asians, and certain Indians are descended from the ancient Indo-European people (Aryans). The Aryans evolved in colder climates and developed extremely high IQ's.
So yes the are white.
India was conquered by the Aryans centuries ago. They likely founded the Hindu religion to maintain their ethnic purity against the native Indians. It didn't work though, as there are centuries of admixture in there now. You notice that the light skinned Indians are the smartest ones and are usually at the top of Indian society? That is the reason. Also, Northern Indians tend to have very European-looking features.
The Nazi's used to use the Northern Indians as an example of what happens when a people lose their ethnic purity.
If anyone says Iranians aren't white are retarded. The word Iran literally is an Indic word for noble, "Aryan"
In a podcast he said when he went to Iran all the women had to wear a Hijab including his mom and said it was a shit hole
You're the reason our country is dying