Anon5: Expose everything by march 15th or Trump dies

remember to expose the entire pizzagate and get enough evidence to convict all leftists or else Trump will die. In fact the only way Trump doesn't die is if you expose all liberals in the next 24 hours. Yep all of them

Other urls found in this thread:

Expose everyone!

KEK will it. Sadly, Pizzagate was debunked. That's why we don't see it in the catalog anymore. Of course, don't know why I got three day ban posting a pizzagate thread debunking it. Had great sourced material from trusted sources like the NYT and WaPo as well as the D.C. Police statement. Guess they don't want discussion on it. Probably tons of bots were activated on it. Guess it for the better, it was debunked anyways.

A5 will expose what a vague LARPing faggot he is. Some anons noticed his fans all write like him and have the same faggy redditspacing too.

You aren't even Anon5

I'm a low lever outsider

Heads are going to role of they hurt trump from what I've heard from certain people. There are multiple factions involved in this that are preparing for a scorched earth policy of something goes down. Certain factions arent going to lay down and let them get away with assassinating him.

OP is correct.

The "March 15th" warning is a legit warning from a legit insider. Probably a CIA insider. Assange and the wikileaks team planned on slowly leaking these new Vault 7 revelations, with each batch fitting a theme or topic. March 14th was the planned release of the second batch of leaks, and the leak schedule was almost assuredly surveilled or hacked. This second batch of leaks will involve the Obama administration, Germany and Merkel, and the refugee crisis. Merkel and Obama wanted western nations to accept refugees for several years, lowering the average american's idea of a "standard of living". Even the poorest working Westener will think he's wealthy compared to the barbarians living in the tents at the refugee city. There's also the possibility of direct evidence relating to false flag attacks being in this leak, but then again Wikileaks might save those for another batch.

>or else Trump will die

not happening, I checked my crystal ball

more likely pizzagate is buried and pedophilia becomes normal, if you don't agree go blow something up, an empty bank

>Pizzagate was debunked.
it never was

>Probably a CIA insider.

CIA never said anything, it was some sharecuck desperado


I'm not certain who gave the warning, but the warning is legit. This next set of leaks will be so damning that the fallout from it will cause harsh governmental crackdowns on the dissemination of that info. Sup Forums will be most people's go-to source for info regarding the leaks, and everyone not protected by 7 proxies will be royally fucked.

After the two hour blackout a shill posted a threat in a pizza thread. He basically explained that we knew too much and were learning things that our kind was never meant to know. He said that people we have never met before are getting anxious and would not hesitate to have us killed; therefore, we had to be silenced. The comment has been removed form the archives. There is no trace of it ever being posted.

whoops, sorry about that.

I mean this is technnically correct. I'm close to convincing my brother to join me in a 2 man revolution across SoCal. just taking out electrical grids and phone lines and internet.

I'm sure most of pol has similar plans in place

correct leave this wretched place

they are willing to kill everyone on pol? thats more than the holocaust

why would trump crack down on a place where he allows his people to post. side note sort of sad those insider threads stopped

trump and his administration don't like leaks. and the president has always been in the position where they make decisions based on information that is given to them, and that information may or may not be skewed, fabricated, or exaggerated with the intention of getting the president to sign off on something that the deep state wants to happen. manipulating trump into enacting a United States version of the Great Firewall would be a relatively simple thing for the deep state to do.

That was what it seemed like. I'm pretty sure the mods or Hiro were threatened that night to contain our pizza threads. We uncovered a huge network linked to the company ManhattanKnights. There were so many accounts linked (some high profile) that they could never destroy all the evidence. If we actively pursued them like comet ping-pong, we would have connected a lot more people to the ring.

Nice try John Podesta.

that sounds like it could backfire spectacularly.
so we legitimately shouldn't visit from tomorrow?
do you have any more info to share user?

Your band sucks and hasn't been relevant since the early 2000s

Oh sorry thought you were someone else

use proxies and connect through a virtual machine if you absolutely need to visit Sup Forums, but you might want to take the day off instead and learn things secondhand to be safe.

That faggot is a psyop.


Yes buu.

Not anon5, is not using his tripcode. Fake thread.

shit, accidently clicked on it and the company.


just assumed it was another larp, probably logged the IP i assume. what now?

>need to visit Sup Forums
does feeling compelled to count? lmao
thanks though, will bare it in mind, although I think I'm likely to be rounded up regardless given i've done exactly 0 to mask my internet usage up until now

Nah, it wasn't. The post was there for about two or three days. I reposted a few times too. Now it is completely missing from the archived threads.

honest question, do you think it was ok for me to click on the website? i didn't click anything else.

no screencap though?

OP is imposter. Kys.

Nope...I should have taken one. I figured it would be in the archives for a while. Lots of people remember the post though. Someone might have one, but I doubt it. Not much info was given, just that what is being revealed is affecting many high level people and they are pissed. It also alluded that changes were being made here to silence the pizza threads.

Stop pushing the fucking retarded 15th of march meme forced by a LARPer

I'll be honest, feel sort of creeped out from just the home page. plus the whole tag line "don't do it"

He is leaf, but there are some specks of truth.

You will be fine. The Tumblr is creepy and the company is definitely associated with the pedo ring based on the pizza and Woody Allen references. An user that lived in NY did say that he thought cars with the company's logo were following him around. It's a common to use the initials MK as a reference to MK Ultra. This is the pic that started it.

Also see the dead on arrival option for returns. The site sells fucking clothing.

>Sup Forumsocaust


>that's more than the [thing that never happened]

ok, thanks. Even if i do get murdered. there is something about the human brain that hearing from someone that things are ok makes things seem ok. Plus my IP is close to a lot of government stuff so they might just not think anything of it.

as for the NY guy i would think thats more of hm just noticing the logo now when he would have just not thought anything of it.

yeah, i mean obviously they thought no one would ever find out, but as a sort of crazy person i would have assumed if i ran the site i would have said Vacuum sealed instead of dead on arrival.

On the other hand their clients are probably too old to think of euphemisms which is why they have to be so blatant.

Like dead on arrival really? vaccum sealed, gift wrapped, (insert rare skin disease here) safe all would have been better options.

Also does bring up the point, why would you need a dead kid? there are enough of those already i assume. plus you would think it would be a non-optional thing if so many are like that

Witnessed Kek walks with you nigger. Dead=docile btw.

I don't think OP was meaning to pose as Anon5, just attributing the quote in the title to Anon5

underrated post

>guys guys guys
>I know there's been hundreds of these LARP dates since Sup Forums started
>but THIS one is for real

ok thats sort of creepy.

>they are willing to kill everyone on pol? thats more than the holocaust
You might even call it the "Sup Forumsocaust".

And there have been plenty of real happenings like Sup Forums finds a serial killer,Sup Forums discovers a money laundering scheme,Sup Forums attempted to fight corrupt gaming journalism, and now Sup Forums will defeat the globalist pedophiles. If you have watched this shit show enough you know it has its moments. Inb4 some dumbass shill reply. If you can't say nigger you're a shill.

Sodomize pedophiles to death whenever you capture one. Be sure to use the proper tarps and cleaning materials and never at your domecile. Always have a hole prepared and make sure it's deep enough. Take measures to prevent hair blood or tissue in your vehicle.

Happy hunting! Never brag or boast or reference what is done.

Blood transfusions

How silly of you. This is a role play board and your kind are not welcome here. Bet you don't even have the irc Url to role play as a warm oven. Ha! Take a break you know what they say about government work! Hardly working!

lol, this was a LARP. I was just doing it because i hate Anon5 with a passion. basically for the reasons stated in the OP. Also i feel this will be the one time we don't win. think about it Trump really doesnt have any major accmplishments in his first 100 days. And like Anon5 said, the media has gone into overdrive to stop him. its a huge shill parade on all social media and television. And come tomorrow they won't let us have this place either.

I mean ive always been a pessimist. but i've been proven right constantly too

Say nigger or gtfo.

You've put the life of Trump into the hands of a larper?

Is March 15th really the day?

Reddit spacing isn't a thing. I've used it to make my posts more readable (big monitor, high res, small text)- ie to split apart paragraphs.

See, like this.

Also, if you don't own a darknet P4-15-NB , you're a fucking pleb.

Is this anon5 guy the same guy who keeps larping on twitter with a leejunfag mask and making shit up?

can you transfuse blood from a dead person? i have a feeling that hospitals would have been using that way more in history if true.

Again maybe its because i apparently over think stuff, but wouldn't it be easier to say "they used to transfuse blood from dead people then they realized it was a horrible idea so they stopped" rather than deny it outright?

On the other other hand, i would have just flushed the site once so many hits happened at once too, or changed the whole fucking layout. write something saying under new management and then a month later go back to the old site.


nope. different person similar bullshit

I didnt know a larp thread consisted of everybody being a humongous faggot and not just OP...

> that tiny foot on the right
Feels bad man.

Fuck you you sick fuck, it was never debunked, people have been censored wherever they go to talk about it.

I called you on your larp way earlier in the thread,but it is fun to play non the less. Funny how the one "true" thing you did (saying nigger to prove youre not a shill) was the post that received trips. Praise kek!


you know the worst part, i was so close to saying if digits i'd get to have a reverse gangbang with Taylor Swift and her friends. I honestly don't really think Taylor Swift is that hot, just that she seems like she would be an incredibly pervy rapist

(also kek if listening, please let me have a reverse gangbang with Taylor Swift and her friends before my birthday this year if digits)

For fucks sake, no one cares about potential happenings. In fact, just makes or more underwhelming when shit does drop (Veritas)

>literally nothing to see


He denied you. Spread real redpills rather than diluting real ones with larps. He will reward you with tendies and a Taylor

I'll be honest i don't care. no one i know has been part of this, I have a slight feeling my birth father got killed in rehab when he was investigating that shit a decade ago. but overall, he had horrible personality issues and he should have weighed his options before risking his life like that. (admitedly this part probably plays a part in my intense hatred of anon5)

If this all gets exposed good for you. but i know way too much about history to know this shit never ends well. Why risk your life and that of tons of others for something that will never be stopped. I'd rather not know things i will never be able to stop than know about things that i can't stop

ok, wtf. that website is creepy as fuck. somebody redpill me on this shit.

Can Cats Eat Pancakes? Pancakes are popular all around the world. That’s probably because they are delicious and easy to make. If you are having pancakes for breakfast, then you might be tempted to share them with your cat. This brings up a question: is it safe for cats to eat pancakes?
In short, cats can eat small pieces of pancakes, but regularly feeding your cat pancakes is not recommended.
Pancakes usually contain only a few ingredients: flour, baking powder, milk, eggs and butter. The problem is that two of these ingredients (milks and butter) are dairy products, which most cats cannot properly digest. If you would feed your cat a good portion of pancakes, it would very likely result in your cat having diarrhea.
Sadly, a lot of cat owners do not know this, but most adult cats are lactose intolerant. This means that they simply lack the enzyme necessary for breaking down lactose, and therefore should not be fed any dairy products. Giving your cat a small piece of a pancake, though, is fine. A small piece of a pancake doesn’t contain enough lactose to cause a problem for a cat. However, I would still advise against it, because it’s not a good idea to make a habit out of feeding your cat things he should not be eating.

again, its more of a fantasy i would only ask for if it meant a guarantee, {like when this gets digits and therefore means kek grants me that Taylor Swift and friends reverse gangbang}

I don't really care to be honest. I don't like blondes, or tall women, or flat women.

I'm not entirely convinced Anon5 is completely full of shit. In one of our MK threads a poster that claimed to be from some alphabet agency asked why we were not looking into the hollywood connections like Anon5 told us too. I asked if his info was legit and he said "half and half is the best creamer." Basically, Anon5's political commentary is probably spot on but his other topics are most likely disinfo. I have a feeling he is more than a LARPer though. A larp would not continue for 50+ threads.

>liberals only

We all know the right has pedophile neocon kikes in there too.

you have got to be fucking me. at this point i'll settle for if digits, taylor swift has sex with me after she drugged me with MDMA and viagra and stole all my clothes and put a shock collar on me and has me trapped in one of her mansions

its a false site meant to be like a site for selling t shirts but most likely is selling something else. did you get that message too "don't do it"?

i was thinking a long that line, ever now and then I see a bit of truth.

Best post in a faggot thread. Long livevreal Anon5

Check out the ManhattanKnights generals in the archives. An user posted this photo which led to the website and a whole network with pedo artists. This pic was in a connected account. The shills attacked our threads hard. We basically stumbled across hundreds of degenerate Alefantis-type accounts. Definite pedo references.


yes, I did, but I imagine thats easy to code into a website. and its a tag line in their "clothes". Weird enough to be creepy and possibly a cover. But I cant quite lay a finger on anything concrete that would point to it actually being a cover. even the dead on arrival thing would have plausible deniability.

you and me both user
I figure if we live in an era of rounding up shitposters I'll have more in common with those on the inside

>not writing eye cancer is le reddit

Anonymous5 is based, even if he is just some faggot larper, his "information" is always fun to think about, aka food for thought.

why does kek not want me to feel the rapist touch of a blonde millionaire singer/actress

oh well

anyway, here is my thoughts on this, all of these dipshits don't realize how fucking hard it is to "expose" this shit. i think thats a big reason why those "legit" larpers from inside the Trump admin quickly BTFO once they realized Twitter and the rest caught on to pol and would wipe any hashtags we made up here.

like #medialiesagain that was banned from twitter near immediately during the election it was easier because it was chaos and again, people really didn't expect Trump to pull it off. Now its sort of like right after the start of a war. There is no "who's going to pull off the first shot" no "omg what's going on" from the fog of war happening.

everyone pretty much knows the deal now. So while we did manage to sucker punch the leftists and globalists. they now know who they are messing with and will stop at nothing to bring us down.

Also while i do admit he is a dedicated LARPer, as another slightly crazy person i don't think its that outside the norm. most of his posts are either good guesses, consistant bullshit, or calling out shills.

All you have to do to replicate his success is have a notebook of all the stuff you are planning on saying, and constantly review it when making new stuff, the fact that he clearly knows what he is going to write about in comming weeks means he probably already wrote it out before hand and is just getting ready to release it.

(also kek if listening, please let me have a reverse gangbang with Taylor Swift and her friends before my birthday this year if digits)

This seems like one of those 'no you move' Captain America kinda moments

If it happens then it happens but we can't back down when we've came this far


Yes, and you're a faggot too, a stupid one.

Canadian Information Processing Society Graphics. Now what?

gtfo newfag

i agree, another point i just thought up, all these sites for ARG and the rest. those sites rarely come down, so this could have been meant for something like that especially for like an indie.

Or it could be the reverse, and be a pedo trap, like we all know those stories of militas where everyone is in on it. based on the tagline i would assume having that would constitute something where by continuing after that it would mean in a court of law you knew you were doing something wrong and were warned and that like adds more charges or something

to add on to here

my biggest argument to it being a LARP would be the fact that that asshole is always here. First off i know people in the intelligence community, they have to leave their phones and electronics and all that in their car. even though they did manage to get through Iran's air gap, apprently they are ok with still having an air gap. Which means the only way this guy is doing this is after work. which does help the fact that he does this mostly at 7 or 9 until midnight, but still. you don't get overtime pay and they like most of the businesses i know in general, sort of keep an eye on the higher ups and would be suspicious if you really don't have that much of a social life.

those "legit" larps those people either came here once or twice for a few hours, or only appear for less than an hour on posts. Which makes sense, considering if these people have such jobs they probably work a shit ton of hours or have families and such.

Plus you do know Anon5 has the most posts of anyone with a "name" on Sup Forums in its entire history right? he has like 1000 posts now. That's quite the outlier, and considering it seemed he sort of ran out of info a few months back it seems pretty amazing that he has something now

(also kek if listening, please let me have a reverse gangbang with Taylor Swift and her friends before my birthday this year if digits)

Fuck you and your gay ass pink pyramid.

thats just too much reaching for me. I honestly believe the elites are actually into this sick shit, but we need more concrete stuff.


>check ebay for a few weeks
>buy partial laptop for $300
Are you the legendary hacker known as Sup Forums?

well scroll up to what i said to the other guy, no way in hell will we ever have enough shit to convict these people on. If we do we won't get them all. Even some of the nazi high command escaped.

also people act like this is the first time this has been tried, You all really think this is the first time in history a group has tried to get together to do this?

Its not even the first time on Sup Forums history. Unfortunatly most people dont have copy pastas from more than 3+ years ago, certainly not 10+ either. and unfortenately most info always ends up vanishing and the websites where the info are held get banned or crash in some way.

there are countless stories either lost or forgotten in history, and there are tons of stories only a few people know. This will be one of them. By this time in two years, this will most likely not even be talked about much

i aint going fucking nowhere... how bout that...



Anon5 barely gives out any info, unless you consider 3 word sentences information. He's also always wrong when it comes to predictions.

your bank account will never be as big as mine, shill