I don't regret voting for Trump at all. I shitposted and trolled with the best of ya'll since early in the primaries...

I don't regret voting for Trump at all. I shitposted and trolled with the best of ya'll since early in the primaries. But I'm definitely going to lose healthcare if the Trumpcare stuff gets passed.

So wtf should I do? With out my prescriptions it's next to impossible for me to do anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


Be stronger, faggot.

I've been uninsured for 7 years.

Take responsibility for your own life and stop forcing people like me from having to pay your way. Sell your car, if you have one. Get a flip phone. Ditch your internet. Then you can afford your own crap.

Lmao thats what you deserve.
>muh mexicans!
>muh muslims!
>muh globalism!!
good job wasting your time on shit that didn't effect you at all, now lose your healthcare and die the pathetic death you deserve

Freedom means taking the good with the bad. Yeah, some rich folks will get to keep more of their money, but so what they worked hard for that money. You did good voting to cut their taxes, it was the right thing to do, the Godly thing to do, God hates theft and taxation is theft.

Buy regular insurance. It is better than the Obama plans anyway. Especially if you are so bad off you can't do anything without your pills.

Nigger how are you going to lose your healthcare? My insurance was 45 a month before obamacare which bumped it up to 90, how fucking sick are you that you can't afford blue cross blue shield?

But if I don't have my VW, my latest iPhone, and access to social media how am I supposed to be noticed?

>he needs medication to live
>he can't pay for his own insurance

Society doesn't need you, fuckface. You should probably kill yourself.

Not even memeing when I say if I had to depend on government aid to live I would commit suicide.

Look up "[prescription name] savings card", a lot of medications can be purchased at a discount if your doctor specifically prescribes the brand name without allowing substitution for a generic.

Don't kill yourself, you won't go to Heaven. I like your attitude, though. Remember, the rich shall inherent the Earth. This is all part of God's plan.

nigga, $45? $90?
I went from $130 a couple years ago to $400 now.
And with the high cost of living here? I am barely going to save up much.

Yes, this is a good go-i mean guy! Self sufficient!

Who says Republicans are soulless assholes

Pay out of pocket. Most doctors will accept much less overall if it's in cash.

>God hates theft and taxation is theft
Appeal to authority shit argument. Kill yourself faggot. Rich people pay less as a percentage of their income in taxes than I do

America isn't an easy life, friend. We accept challenges that come with freedom, it's always been that way. When the first settlers left England they had great lives, servants, etc. to come here and be free from King George. They knew what it entailed, and we're their children. We know our station.

Whats your coverage that you're paying 400 a month? That's an insane price unless you are on dialysis or someshit.


Man up pussy, nobody likes life, and everyone feels like shit every day, what you call "anxiety and depression" is experienced by everyone but you fell for the goys telling you that you were different so they could sell you expensive pills, good job faggot

Former Trump voter here

Its hilarious watching him crash and burn but seriously, we cant let him get his hands on the nuclear codes

yeah let him get sucked dry by the pharmajewtical jew. this is honestly poetic justice, this kind of death for a trump voter. fucking beautiful, my sides have left the orbit

Subhuman brown piece of fucking shit detected.

Cry me a river.

> if you don't agree to pay for all my shit, you're a soulless asshole

Guilty as charged, then. Kill yourself, parasite.

but they didn't have kikes poisoning the food supply and their politicians went' controlled by corporations

I joined the Army, i had free healthcare in there and now i have it out here. Shit's cash.

>rich people should be forced to pay for muh healthcare
but why
>because they're rich and I'm not and that's not faaaaaaair!

lay down and die so your weak genes don't further pollute the human gene pool

Most of your prescriptions cost $4 at Wal-Mart. Now fuck off.

I won't let you speak about God's chosen people like that, and no one is poisoning the food supply. Sure, accidents happen but what about when they don't? Why shouldn't the rich control Washington? They're rich right, everyone loves them, Trump said so himself. Rich business people are better equipped, in the head, to run things well than I am.


>1 post by this ID

Oh well, OP is just LARPing.

I generally feel pretty good, day to day.

It's up to you to figure out. That's what freedom is all about. If you're not independent, it's up to your family and friends to help you. If you aren't worthy of help, off yourself.

Don't get sick you fucking pussy.

Get a job.

keep crying, bitch nigger

To be perfectly honest, Doctors don't really care about people anyways, and often do more harm than good. Look at all these people they got strung out on Opiates and Benzodiazepines. All they care about is pushing DRUGS, does the FDA really care about what they approve??? Absolutely not. It's all about CAPITALISM, making money, that is ALL THEY CARE ABOUT. You are NOBODY to them, you could die, and guess what?? They are going to shake down your family and make them pay the hefty funeral price for your sorry dead ass, this world is fucked, and a lot of the medical professionals that you seek, are not so professional anymore. I have no coverage and I am happy. Learn how to relax.

get a job nigger


Are you trying to tell people that the jews want them to be self sufficient?

Fuck shill. Go die.

Communism meets xbox live.

You shouldn't have voted against your interests, dumbass.

And if any of those interests are above your own health, then you need some time to sort out your priorities.

You'll forgive him, you'll do it because you're a worthless bitch and know it. Trump needs to keep you rabid so you'll die young and vote desperately. To grow the economy and keep Davos content Trump needs to focus his funds on growing cities and funding military conquest.


He probably has AIDS

>I have been a Trump voter since the nuclear codes, but now that he has gone too far, we must not let him get serious with his hands.

Who cares what you think? Sounds like it's not in his own interest to support Trump so do you have a reason why he should?

What a bunch of sissies. National Socialism forges the way forward for all of us and attempting to strip the most meager citizen of their health is pathetic. We are as weak as the weakest among us and today we are dying. Traitors!

You're unamerican.

I'm a normal person with no medical problems, age 30, self-employed, and my insurance which I don't pay is around 400 per month. then there is a 4000 deductible. it's like spicer said - small business owners are paying to have a card in their wallet, that they can't afford to pay the deductible at the doctor. no fucking way i'm going to pay 5000 per year for a 4000 deductible. I'd rather not have insurance and pay 20000 once if I break my leg.

i will go on healthcare.gov right now and get a quote and show you. fuck obamacare
meanwhile all my poor friends get insurance for $7 a month, mine is $425

You don't even try to make a good bait post anymore


Maybe instead of crying you should be a better businessman like Trump and not crying about your failures?

im hoping you messed that quote up on purpose. seeing as it would be amazing if you did it on accident.

Ryancare, not trumpcare.

You could pay a coyote to smuggle you past the Trump wall and have the bone set in Mexico for Pennies on the dollar.


Uh, you can *gasp* OPPOSE a single item on the GOP agenda and still support the rest.

Encouraging this behavior is part of what makes healthcare more expensive in this country


Do you make more than them?

maybe don't base your status on stage 1 of a 3 stage rollout

It's Trumpcare/GOPCare, friend Trump supports it wholeheartedly it's all over his Twitter.

Nope, what makes you say that?

Obamascare: 60% of online Obamacare defenders 'paid to post' hits on critics


You're going to "lose healthcare"?

You mean you're going to lose your ability to decide to exercise a bit, not eat junkfood, and refrain from figuring out how to treat your next cold?

Oh you mean you're going to lose your health INSURANCE.

Yeah insurance is for babies. You don't need that anyway.

Probably a b8, but
>we need healthcare
>we need to teach insurance companies who's boss
>we made a deal...
>looks like you all have to buy into our insurance, which isn't any cheaper
>you can always just get regular insurance, if you don't like it
>if you don't get insurance, we'll fine you
>laughing insurance companies.jpg
It seems like they just further enthroned insurance companies, and made the entire system more costly and more beaurocratic.

working on it. will need only catastophic insurance when I'm rich from trading the emini's.
sadly this is true, i have heard of americans going to mexico for dental work

>He doesn't have a national health service which offers free healthcare to anyone who needs it, whenever they need it

>sadly this is true, i have heard of americans going to mexico for dental work
Call it a Trump-era "lifehack". I would also recommend learning Mandarin.

get a proper job?

even grocery stores and Starbucks give healthcare

what's your excuse?

Sick meme fellow redditor

You dont have as many niggers. Socialism works less the less homogeneous the society is

>even grocery stores and Starbucks give healthcare
Good luck with that shit. i've been applying for years. I'm going to do trucking

>Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

it's probably your face m8

god i wished russia would just pull the fucking nuclear trigger so i wouldn't have to read you faggots. im boutta track some IP's and shoot yall and make you pay for that insurace (even you, seppuku user)

no thanks i speak american. and the new healthcare bill will benefit self employed and mom-n-pop's.
>in b4 muh medicaid

>all these people not having excellent healthcare from white collar corporate jobs with amazing benefits, thus being immune to this Obamacare/Trumpcare nonsense

It's like you're not even trying

brown POS checked

>i speak american
>self employed and mom-n-pop's

I don't mean this disrespectfully, but are you Chris-Chan and is your "business" selling Sonichu comics?

why are you losing health care?

>"Not eating potato chips will cure your leukemia!"
>"If you break your leg, go for a run, that'll sort it right out"
>"If you get brain cancer, just sell your iphone, that'll cover at least 1% of the first of ten chemo treatments"
>"If you have a chronic condition, just eat some broccoli instead if you can't afford drugs"
>"Frankly if you can't afford a $350,000 surgery to stay alive you should have picked a different major in college"
>"Oh well just ask the hospital to pay for it if you have no money, I only had to pay $25k of my $30k bill, that's basically free"


Americans are cucks, they love giving Jews tax breaks and take on debt to Chaim can buy another plane and fuck some white whores.

no sorry. i need to "make" stuff again, but my business is investing. i'm surprised more autists don't do it actually. it's like video games. started with online poker and moved into stocks and futures.


penis penis

ferf fef fuf ferf ferf

>stocks and futures
>advises against buying Mexican
Where are you spending your strong dollars, friend?

I'm spamming F5 hope you're going to say "health care".


Lel they deserve what they voted for. Let them all die off so they won't vote for a literal piece of shit again

Their there to bomb China if they get fresh after the deal. Don's gonna flip Kim to the path of righteousness.

t. Darwin Award winner

Bitch your own fukin base is gonna die off because of Republican care. Are you just dense or an inbred so much that your brain has stopped working. None of the "liberals" of applachia are gonna a die you stupid fuck

Well, you shit the bed so now you get to sleep in it. Its not like Trump hasn't been saying he was gonna get rid of ACA since the fucking primaries so I've got fucking no sympathy for you or your situation.

It's trumpcare.


Opening state border regulations in Insurance companies forcing competition and thus lowering prices. There's a reason monopolys are illegal.

Sucks but hey at least you don't live in some absolute third world shithole. Work harder and sell some shit you don't need and you'll be on your way to getting insurance (Likely for much cheaper). I'm sure you can make some kind of deal to keep getting your prescription too.