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Boogie is a white man therefore he's a national treasure

Remember, nu-Sup Forums believes boogie is worth keeping alive while all blacks are bad "cuz niggers hurrr durr".


lets make sure he becomes buried treasure then eh?

This fat fuck could lose weight so easily. It's really not that fucking hard. He just straight up has an addiction probably


>boards are a hivemind
are we getting raided

He whines about not being able to get healthcare but then he buys all this new gaming shit, in fact i saw him his TWO switchs the other day

Would you?


Good on you, Κωνσταντίνος

If Boogie yelled MAGA and said the word "nigger" then Sup Forums would be lining up to pay for him to have bariatric surgery and anything else he needs.

Their moms might be mad when they run up bills on their credit cards, but they'd still do it.

He makes around 500k-1.2million a year,, BUT this should not decide whether or not he should pay for healthcare

Boogie is disabled by his weight, this is covered under the government and basic human rights laws, therefore WHY should he pay?

Because he is a millionaire? So what.? He is projected to have over 10 million within the next 5 years, but has his status as a human beanin changed?

He deserves the same rights as anyone else.

He needs help for his weight, so why should not the government not give it?

Exactly. Weak mind.

because he can afford it himself and his symptoms are brought onto himself entirely. oh wait was i supposed to just be a idiot and not use logic and reasoning? shit i fucked that up.


Im waiting for boogie to die of a heart attack already so his wife can marry the "gay" nigger

I can't dead lift that much bro.

Fuck Nintendo why didn't they make more Nintendo Switch consoles so I can buy one and play The Legend of Zelda.

>meanwhile countless humans struggle to survive

>Boogie is such a lazy shit that he literally shits himself sometimes while sitting at his PC because he's too lazy to haul his massive form over to the toilet.
>His wife has to clean his shit up for him and wipe his ass whenever this happens.
>Boogie gets all depressed and says he'll definitely make an effort to stop all this, but never does.
>He got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>Wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>Finally, the wife has had enough so she forces Boogie get a colostomy bag installed.
>He never, ever emties it. says it's "too depressing and that it triggers his ptsd"
>One day, it explodes while he's at a convention. The air reeks of rancid shit a mile around, and Boogie tries to play it off as a joke while rushing as fast as someone like him possibly can to get to the nearest toilet to clean himself up.
>His wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>Was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal
>We learn in a future video, this fast dash to the bathroom did major damage to his back, making any attempts at weight loss in the future futile

every time I see this image it forces me to lift harder so that I can throw him off a bridge if this situation occurs.


What a degenerate fat fuck. Stop eating shit, stand up, walk. It's not rocket science.

I honestly almost threw up watching this fat fuck

The real question is, "could I?" That handrail looks pretty high, and I don't think I could lift him high enough to push him over the rail.



I hate degenerate white trash more than niggers because they make us look bad, just because someone is white doesn't mean they're good. Fuck Boogie.

>hivemind mentality
fuck of shill. literally no one here (except this faggot ) wants boogie or accepts boogie. this chunk of wasted potential is just that. he ruined the only body he will ever have. his very existence goes against the ethos of Sup Forums, which is to improve your country and the people around by first improving yourself.

Only if you eat your cheeseburgers like this you gigantic fat fuck!

>deliberately mistreating a hamburger

Travel ban for Australia when.

>YWN eat an American cheeseburger

Source me, now.


yes please give us sauce

He can't it's copy pasta, though it's based off a real incident (he sharted himself while having a francis freakout to amuse fans at a con and had to drive away at top rascal speed to the bathroom).
Sources for this are anecdotal, there's no video of a shit covered fat man for you to jerk off to, sorry.

oh booger

>There's no video of a shit covered fat man for you to jerk off to
Why live?

here, dont kill yourself
