Post yfw Trump gets impeached

Post yfw Trump gets impeached.

I wish I never voted for him





fuck drumpf fuck white peeopl!

Best timeline ever


hillary's legacy:

most expensive political campaign losses in world history


Stay mad cuckboiis


It's now reported she wasted 1.5 BILLION (GORILLION)

Let us have a moment of laughter



more like
>one of the most expensive political campaigns loses to ancient egyptian deity


Hey shareblue

Guess what every gamer does when the game over screen pops up :v)


> crew_sample-002(rename be(...).png


>game over screen pops up

National Prayer Breakfast

The Donald:—where they cut off heads. Not since the Middle Ages have we seen that. We haven’t seen that, the cutting off of heads. Now they cut off their heads, they drown people in steel cages. Haven’t seen this—I haven’t seen this. Nobody has seen this for many, many years.

It’s been heavily reported that Steve Bannon along with Stephen Miller have written all of Trump’s executive orders.
Most famously perhaps the (possibly illegal) executive order naming Bannon, who has zero experience making foreign policy, a permanent member of the National Security Council.
Trump signed that order without even reading it.

crew_sample-002 filename.

You should have exposed more people. Trump would still be in office if you just exposed all those people i said to expose and get the information out

How is the CIA still this bad at blending in?

Why even try to post anymore. No one is falling for it.

Trump went and hung a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office.
Trump then remarked of himself, “George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson—who a lot of people, they compare the campaign of Trump with the campaign of… You have to go back to 1828, but that seems to be a comparison for certain obvious reasons.”

(“Obvious reasons” might include the fact Andrew Jackson was a populist and racist firebrand who passed the Indian Removal Act, then defied the Supreme Court’s ruling against it and enforced the removal of the Cherokee from U.S. territory.
This led to the “Trail of Tears,” when thousands of Native Americans died walking from their homes in the Southeast to reservations in the West. Jackson also had an election controversy.)

These are the best threads.

>No one is falling for it.