You can't deny that people have preconceived notions of others just based on their race. These overwhelmingly favor whites. You also can't deny that most products are catered towards whites, and that whites are preferred overall. Neither of these things are bullshit, however; one is situational awareness, and the other is just catering to the largest audience you can. Regardless of whether it is founded on logic or not, white privilege actually exists, so I'd recommend you stop arguing it doesn't, because lefties will never take you seriously. I recommend accepting it exists, but defending the reason why it exists. That's the only way they can finally shut the fuck up.
You are incorrect in saying white privilege doesn't exist
That's majority privilege, go to Japan and the products and people will favor the average Japanese.
Define white priveledge.
I'll bite.
But only if you have a standard for whites, as well as other races.
Blacks get free college, whites don't.
That's black priveledge.
Does white priveledge inate that or does everyone have ins and outs.
Alright, let me ask this question:
Is there white privilege IN the United States?
Yes, it's just natural that people will favor their own race over another. That's why multiracial societies are shit.
we shouldnt have to be evaluating what groups have what tier of privilege, there should be only one group
Death to niggers and race traitors. RaHoWa.
i had to test in at a much higher score than blacks at my grad school
they didn't even have to pay tuition once they got in too
how did my white privilege help me there?
More importantly, a black man can dispel much of the inherent bias people have against him for being black by dressing well. No one thinks poorly of a black man in a suit - it's always the guy wearing his pants around the ankle that gets treated like a leper. The same goes for white guys - if a white guy dresses trashy, he's going to look like a meth head and people will avoid him.
If the white privilege you speak of does exist, its influence is but a tiny fraction of the "privilege" conferred upon a person by dressing well.
White privilege absolutely exists, and it isn't an accident. If every 10 white people that get pulled over turn up one drunk guy, and every 10 black dudes that get pulled over turn up 4 warrants, an unregistered gun and some drugs....then yeah black people are going to pulled over more. It's not fucking brain surgery.
>products are catered more towards whites
Deal with it. It's how the marketing industry works
Well, now you're making a case for the existence of "black privilege".
And that's a very good point, but it only really applies to the inherent bias, not everything being marketed towards the majority. Of course everything should be marketed towards the majority, but then that means the majority (in this case whites) have "privilege" over the minority.
I'm not saying it that's not how it should be. Of fucking course it should work like that. But the fact it works like that is proof of white privilege, that's all I'm arguing. I'm just saying you guys are better off wasting your time trying to justify it rather than prove it doesn't exist.
Okay, now actually argue that case properly instead of presuming to unjustified authority and attempting to command us.
So FUBU was marketed towards the white majority? Niche markets do just fine thanks, what in particular is marketed just towards white people?
> white privilege actually exists
"white privilege" is a phrase made up by the left. It doesn't exist. The majority race in a particular country has, in theory, the potential to be given preference over the minority race in certain circumstances.
No particular person can be said to have "white privilege". The stupidity of this is when you tell a mentally ill, unemployed, suicidal white person living in poverty that they are "privileged".
First you admit to being inferior then I'll admit you are in a white country wanting equality where it doesn't exist
I never said white privilege doesn't exist. Stop telling me I'm the bad guy.
Yeah, and you have black privilege in African countries.
Asian in Asian.
And so on.
Instead of being racist, you should call it majority privilege.
Well you niggers had the privilege to pick our cotton but no that wasn't good enough.
I don't care if it exists.
I'm still not gonna play by their rules.
You know what it worse than white privilege though? Normie privilege. Normies get jobs over autists even when the autist is literally 1000x times better at the job, just because they appear normal. Fuck normie privilege. You fucking normie scum.
No fuck off there is no white race. It's an Americanism. Europe is made up of many different ethnicities with their own unique histories.
>You can't deny that people have preconceived notions of others just based on their race.
Yes and white people are a minority in the world. Therefore being born white is a disadvantage from that point of view. What you describe in your post is civilization privilege: being born in that place that is civilized. An advantage earned by those who are good at building civilizations.
"Privilege" isn't the right word to describe the phenomenon. "Prestige" would be better.
White's preferential standing in Western society is caused by the success of the nuclear family social model. In this model, the fruits of one generation's success are bequeathed to the next two or three generations. My great-grandparents were poor, but my grandfather was financially adept. For this reason, I was born with ample resources and opportunities: NOT because of my race, but because of my culture. Whites act selflessly to better the lives of their children, so White children are born with better access to resources. My grandfather's compensation is his contribution to my family's legacy.
Many non-Whites', most notably Blacks', undesirable social conditions are derived from their dependence on the extended family. Resources are not saved and bequeathed to offspring: they are immediately spent on luxuries, so families cannot accumulate capital and ameliorate the lives of progeny. Siblings are often sired by different fathers, disrupting the social cohesion that draws men and women together into monogamous relationships.
There is no conscious arbiter of privilege. Only the laws of nature. If Blacks want to unfuck their shit, they need to lower their single motherhood rate and learn how to save their money.
I don't really care if lefties take me seriously or not. I cannot take seriously anyone proposing a set of ideas that say I am a bad person merely for being. White privilege is nothing more than a pseudointellectual framework that rationalizes their anti-white biogtry. I won't be a part of it, and I reject it wholly.
Privilege is a word that typically refers to an inalienable right that some have over others. You use this word to refer to anything that constitutes an advantage, even when such an advantage has nothing to do with racial background. That is inefficient conversation. If you wish to discuss things that can constitute an advantage, why not use the word advantage? That is why the word exists. It can be used to describe many things. Being part of a market's target demographic is an advantage, and wearing a raincoat when it rains is an advantage, and using a toothbrush is an advantage. We do not talk about raincoat privileges or toothbrushes privileges, so why do you talk about being a market's target demographic as one.
Privilege is relative to context. This kid's whiteness was a liability, not a privilege.
Fuck off with your absolutist, regressive bullshit.
What about Jew privilege. 2%o of the population and maybe half the money. Way, way more wealth per capital for Jews than whites, much wider, richer and more exclusive job networks for Jews than whites.
What about being in a first world country privilege that all Americans have?
White privilege is a Jewish meme to mobilize blacks and white cucks against whites.
Question is what the fuck will you do about it? Any answer that isn't democratic will be meet by resistance.
"white privilege" is a meme buzzword invented by marxists. there is an ingroup preference in the united states, just like in every society in existence.
White supremacy is natural order, if you feel differently start a race war.
White people should be punished for making their context better than others. How dare they improve the places where they live!
In their brains and in demographics.
Their brains are more likely to be "gifted" than others. This means they are more likely to be successful in intellectually demanding fields, which are also higher paying. The higher average IQ also means that there is a higher chance they will avoid risk behaviors meaning they live longer and are focused on the future over the present because they understand planning for the future. These privileges do not descend from a hierarchical expression of repression across black and brown bodies, these are qualities endowed by generations focused on planning for winter and living in a continent of cities connected by riverine, marine and overland trade routes. This requires and demands a different brain to succeed than a Bushman, Aztec, Zuni, Aboriginal or Bantu tribal person will need to flourish.
60,000-40,000 years of separate development. One cannot affirmative action your way out of 60,000 years of disparate evolution. One cannot token hire a race into a higher IQ average.
The privilege is simply, on average a European person is better equipped to deal with the demands off living in Western civilization, because they created it.
It's like heading over to your buddies house to play Killer Instinct or Tekkan after he has had the game for months, and it's your first time.How many games are you going to win versus him? Even if you play with him everyday, he will always have that four month advantage in muscle memory, anticipation of events, pattern familiarity and patience.
Except with Western Civilization, it's like a Europeans built the TV, Game System, Game, controller and characters for them, not because they hated others but because they were building it for themselves.
67% of population, yep I am marketing to them as the default.
12% of population... hmm nope. I am not marketing to them...
Privilege, there is no cosmic justice.
If its that easy to name countless products and occurrences where whites are favored, perhaps you could at least cite an overwhelming list of examples? It shouldn't be hard if that's the case.
No, i get speeding tickets all the fucking time. then i go to court on time and pay in full. coicidentally, i dont fight the cop or try to run so i never get shot.
privileges are earned.
White privilege = White superiority
>Using leftist newspeak
Why bother? Even if you tried, they would simply change the definition.
Not only that, it's stupid. It used to be that progressives complained that blacks were denied the same rights as whites - that they were treated in a way that is below that demanded by our ideals. So calls for equal rights we made, and since most Americans believe in equal rights, those laws eventually got passed.
Now they talk about white privilege, as though whites are getting some extra bonus that minorites don't. So while the solution to black discrimination was to give blacks more rights, the solution to white privilege can only be to take away 'privileges' from whites.
Which one do you think is easier to sell? To whites, the idea of bringing everyone up to the same level is appealing. To blacks, it's the idea of taking whites down that gets them excited. The rhetoric is purposefully divisive.
>3.8 is a weak consider for Yale Law
Fuck me, I have a 3.25 in my junior year. Hoping to go to grad school for chemistry, although I hear that GPA isn't quite as important for grad school as it is for law and medical schools.
Free scholarships because nigger, affirmative action hire because nigger.
Fuck off.
If you pay in full on time then why do you have to go to court?
Lying fuck.
Then stop speeding you stupid fuck,
A lot of innocent black people are targeted as criminals all of the time, is something you'll never understand until you live it
If you believe in the concept of "privilege" then of course there are different levels of privilege
I.e. White privilege
Black privilege
Hispanic privilege
Muslim privilege
Jewish privilege
regressives are racist against whites
Tell niggers to clean up their communities and stop raising little criminals.
Change starts at home.
>can't deny that people have preconceived notions of others just based on their race
why do you think this is?
There is anti-white propaganda all over, you're blind if you don't see that white privilege is itself anti white propaganda
white privilege obviously exists in white countries
it's called majority privilege
african countries have nigger privilege
asian countries have asian privilege
white privilege doesn't bleed over into other cultures
go back to your own shitskin countries and you won't have to worry about it anymore
If white privilege exists how come south-asian americans have a higher average income and face none of these supposed barriers other brown people face?
It's a fucking myth
its cheaper to make the court appearance and kiss the judges ass so he reduces the fine rather than pay in full.
the ticket i got in november was 482 dollerydoos to pay by mail. i went to court said i the proverbial sorries and walked out of there paying 275 and i had a paid day off.
california courts are different from straya courts in case you didnt know
My vehicle registration fees pay for these roads and I'll do whatever speed I damn well please on them. That having been said, I live in SoCal, and therefore can't speed because of gridlock, or speed in nice areas with big open roads where cops don't care. Nonetheless, fuck off
kill yourself sudaca
thats not really true. white people have privileges even in foreign countries.
>white privilege is that others are total shit
ok then
yeah, white south africans are some of the most privileged people you'll ever meet
and don't even get me started on white saudi arabians
sure you can visit japan, but try moving there
Wrong, and I don't give a shit. Lynch yourself
It does not exist unless indians in india have "indian privilege", chinese people in china have "chinese privilege" and all other ethnicities have comparable privileges in their respective countries
Its human nature to look after yourself, your family, you community before other distinct communities that may or may not be an ally
White countries, that is to say, europe and its diaspora nations, have no obligation to the third world populations they invited into their lands with open arms from a humanitarian perspective beyond basic human "rights". For you, as invited guests in western society, to demand that you have the same entitlement to the culture, while making only this exception for european populated nations?
You have no moral or ethical high ground here.
It depends where you are in the US. If you went to East St. Louis, for example, the only privilege you will get for being white is the privilege of getting robbed or killed first.
an exception, not the rule. south africa is a fucked up place
ive lived in se asia for several years as well as south america for 10 months. white people are treated better and for good reason. japan is cherry picking for your argument.
all over the world if youre white people will treat you better than their own countrymen
>whites are preferred overall
That's how a sane world works.
>Our Ancestors built a civilisation for our people and the future of our children
>"fucking white people are so fucking privileged, how dare they not share their civilisations with the entire population of Africa, fucking racists"
I am tired of blacks and their over entitlement, I wish they were all fucking dead, fucking savages they all are.
>all over the world if you're white people will treat you better than their own countrymen
because you're instantly recognizable as a presumably wealthy tourist, not because of your fucking superior genetics
Fucking Marxist GTFO if you don't like it
It is important for good schools, but yeah it is more of a quick filter so they don't waste their time reading shitty applications.
Honestly get experience in the field and don't be afraid to take a year off to get full time work in your field. That is by far the more important thing. All of the other crap is just to get your foot in the door.
Best of luck man
lol no I mean white people def get treated better than niggers in east asia but not by much but it really depends what kind of white you are like Germans get treated better than Russians and Americans by default one of the down sides of a collectivist culture.
Each race has privileges. However in European countries and white founded nations whites should have more privileges because they are the creators of the nation. It's the same concept of if you built a house and a nigger walks up and says he'll call you racist if you don't let him live with you and live off your supplies for an indefinite amount of time.
"white privilege" is really just Jew Privilege misdirection
tribal nepotism is real
>I recommend accepting it exists, but defending the reason why it exists. That's the only way they can finally shut the fuck up.
Agreed, actually.
All a bunch of fucking selfhating white commies
obviously. we're talking about preferential treatment and not white supremacy.
Yes, lots of people expect shitty behavior from niggers, having dealt with shitty behavior from niggers in the past.
Okay, I'll bite... White privilege does exist, but let me make an argument so you won't turn your nose up at us in righteousness. I'll make a case for blacks for an example.
Their forefathers were sold to us by superior tribes, mostly to rich plantation owners and high class citizens. Your ancestors were second class citizens, and naturally, our ancestors looked down on you because of this... Your race were different from ours; came from different tribes and cultures.
Decades pass. Slavery was put to an end, but because the race has been 'on the lower latter' for so long, we became accustomed to it... It's the norm for blacks to be beneath us, because most of them came from conquered tribes that were sold to us for prophet. As time passed, some of us stopped seeing the point of differentiating blacks and whites, or any race for that matter. some of us held on to old ideas, but the more we seemed to mingle in this country, the less of a point of holding onto them we saw... Until recently, around 30 to 20 years ago. Your fathers, instead of carrying on the idea of hard work, as your ancestors have, got the idea that as you call 'privileged white men', own them a favor. They took pride in their own race, just as our ancestors have, and with pride comes with a sense of entitlement.
I would think that a majority of you would learn from our fathers mistake and stop seeing skin and class and simply judge by everyone's individual character, and stop giving a crap about their heritage. The pass is pass; your only heritage now is American. Why are you seeing us as 'priviage white men?' We are Americans just like you. If you educate and train yourself as the 'white men' have, you can achieve greatness as well. There are plenty of examples of famous black people making it, especially in the modern times.
well, there are black beauty products also. Pretty sure they are easily accessible. As for beauty standards. People force those on themselves. Could be argued that whiteness in general is universally more attractive since it's seen throughout as being attractive to be whiter through many civilizations and world history
not that I have any evidence :3
It would only make sense that the marketing tries to appeal to the mayoralty of a population instead of a minority. But now more than ever there are ads that pander to minorities for the sake of having them in ads for brownie points. This years oscars had more blacks winning than any other year ever. Will this change the balance of racial inequality? Will blacks look at the positive representation in movies and TV as a aspiration to be successful? I doubt it. The great experiment that is multi multiculturalism is a failing one. And time will show that
Yes. And there's Mexican Privilege in Mexico; Brazilian Privilege in Brazil; Chinese Privilege in China; Indian Privilege in India... you see where i'm going at?
Black men neglecting their children at an insane rate exists, it is a privilege to have a white father who is much less likely to abandon you.
Blacks commit 50+% of the murders while being 12% of the population, its a privilege to be white and have a greater appreciation for human life.
Well, we're the majority of the population at the moment, so companies will try to appeal to us.
But you have companies making a killing of other races too. Ever heard of Nike shoes?
>I recommend accepting it exists
>That's the only way they can finally shut the fuck up.
Or.. you could just tell them to shut the fuck up.
Accepting the premise of their contrived bullshit will only embolden and encourage them to push further.
Being pro-diversity and denying racial differences in the same breath is idiocy.
Being pro-diversity and saying all racial differences are good, is naive.
Imbalance in competition will always lead to the loser bitching. Regrettably, whites only lose out in the "resource agnostic and uncontrolled reproduction", so we get a lot of bitching.
Sup Forums we need to stop responding to these obvious outsiders and shills
I have the privilege of being bred out.
>The pass is pass
My issue isn't that some privilege exists; it's how you rectify it. What's the point of mentioning it all the time if there's nothing that can be realistically done to compensate for it? These liberals won't do anything to "correct history" because they know it would be ruining their lives. It's just plain virtue signalling. There would essentially be a social justice IRS to take everything that was "stolen" for the next 200 years, and whites and the privileged won't stand up to that. Especially celebrities.
Also, you need to explain the dramatic increased of fatherless families after the war on poverty. Why is it that 3 out of 4 black children will be born without their fathers? How is that a product of slavery? It was around 15% for blacks before the welfare state. When Nixon came to power, that number was already almost 40%.
People like Fredrick Douglass and MLK even thought these type of programs were bullshit and that government should stay out of black people's lives. This problem was the result of a change in policies.
Honestly. That's retarded. What exists can't accurately be labeled "privilege". It is labeled as such, however, to give it the appearance of something whites could grant to others if they wished...something whites refuse to extend to minorities. So fucking dumb. If someone opens a dialogue about race with a discussion of white "privilege", I immediately reject the privilege assertion, and Its premise, which is stated above.
>You are incorrect in saying white privilege doesn't exist
>It does exist
>And it's based on the group as a whole
>Which mean niggers gonna nig
White privilege doesn't exist. I'm not white, so i think i'd know.
i just saw this movie, isnt it about a white lady hypnotizing a black man to quit menthols so he kills the family?
White privilege exist so far as we were privileged with superior genes at birth in respect to the creation and perpetuation of civilization.
Fuck Off CIAfag
Yes there is white priviledge. No it's not a bad thing. Blacks have priviledge. No it's not a bad thing. Different groups get different perks in America. We divide ourselves too much
Iceland has been racially pure for almost 2,000 years have they ever declared war on someone?
One of the world's most eminent scientists was embroiled in an extraordinary row last night after he claimed that black people were less intelligent than white people and the idea that "equal powers of reason" were shared across racial groups was a delusion.
The 79-year-old geneticist reopened the explosive debate about race and science in a newspaper interview in which he said Western policies towards African countries were wrongly based on an assumption that black people were as clever as their white counterparts when "testing" suggested the contrary. He claimed genes responsible for creating differences in human intelligence could be found within a decade.
Do you have a higher iq and education than a geneticist Nobel prize winner and the founder of DNA?
One of the world's most eminent scientists was embroiled in an extraordinary row last night after he claimed that black people were less intelligent than white people and the idea that "equal powers of reason" were shared across racial groups was a delusion.
Do you have a higher iq and education than a geneticist Nobel prize winner and the founder of DNA?
Our posterity will never forget him, for not betraying us in our time of dying, we can not forget our heroes or we have no one to look up to.