>he thinks you can beat terrorism by bombing them
>he'll quote Trudeau in mockery
How are the majority of Americans so fucking stupid? Is it the corn syrup? It has to be something.
>he thinks you can beat terrorism by bombing them
>he'll quote Trudeau in mockery
How are the majority of Americans so fucking stupid? Is it the corn syrup? It has to be something.
Right? The only way to beat terrorists is to be tolerant, be better than them and show them the way, if you kill them they win.
I called your retardation already.
Listen Goyim The only way to stop Terrorism is to let Muslims kill all the people they dont like then there will be no more terrorism also give Israel More land
>he thinks you can beat terrorism
No one thinks this
You can, however, easily beat Islamic terrorism: Just kill all Islamists
You can't kill an idea, no matter how fucked up a belief is, as long as people are willing to fight for it, they will.
In modern history, we started with Bin Laden, now there are dudes out there that make him look like a girl scout. Their forces are much bigger and better organized.
Lets cut the shit, these wars are not about defeating terrorism, but the trillion dollar weapons and security industries.
>he thinks you can beat terrorism by bombing them
Hes correct. Its a simple task of bombing until theres none left.
War is a racket, lads.
They reproduce at a faster rate than you can kill them
For every Muhammad you bomb there's 10 of his family members that are now suddenly radical
You say okay we'll just bomb them but unlucky for you Muhammad's family members aren't just in some poor shithole in Syria, he's got cousins in UK and France
The only way to beat radical Islamism is through psyops
America sets up terrorism abroad so that it's military industrial complex still has something to turn into ashes. Silly brown people think that their jihad is actually working when in reality the US eases up on them enough to let them get back up before being sent for another dirt nap.
They do understand force in the middle east. Besiege Mosul. Drop leaflets on Mosul for one week announcing impending attack, all left in the city will be considered enemy.
Meanwhile the US is warning other states behind closed doors of an impending small nuclear strike.
Everyone leaving the city is processed, placed into refugee camps or prison camps for fleeing terrorists.
Everyone left is rigging the city with traps, fire lanes, getting ready to defend it strongly from the invading force.
When the time is up forces are pulled back to a safe distance, and the city is vaporized. It's Fallujah with less casualties, and if you think the generals there didn't consider it before sending men house to house you don't understand how these generals think. Tanks
This is within capabilities of the western forces operating there. It's almost as if they are truly trying to liberate the people
>you can't kill an idea
You can do the next best thing and kill everyone who holds it
It's good money
Name one example where a dead Mudslime has fought back.
Pussified faggots like you littered in our government has made warmongering completely ineffective in modern time. Citation: anything during and after Nam. We need to make like the krauts and exterminate these things like rats.
You do that and counter-culture/meme it.
Notice how many fewer people smoke cigarettes.
Same meme war can be done to Islamism. Sadly it was done to christians.
so what's the solution then? as ISIS slowly expands closer and closer to europe, what should be done? because killing them is wrong, obviously.
Trump orders plan to defeat isis
Trump gets each nato country to pay at least 2% on defence
isis is now surrounded in mosul
Imperial Japan was an idea and it's pretty well dead now despite it having full industrial backing of a nation making it far more dangerous than Islamist
Or by irl genome targeter virues (think FoxDie)
You can arrest those cousins until this is sorted out. The acts already exist and just need to be used. Fact is the problem is too small for the people to accept it in democratic nations, there's not enough tensions
To be fair, Japenese Empire was not built upon a particular ideology.
The solution to terrorism is obviously to let them kill you without repercussions.
Bombing and raids can make them turn inward and hide but not finish them off. Fading into irrelevance is the best you can hope for. We've backed ourselves into a corner by providing lots of ammo for their silly jihad against the west. Not interfering in the middle east directly would make recruiting harder. That goes not just for the US but western nations generally.
No? Why do you suspect they killed themselves rather than be captured, charging to certain death screaming "for the emperor".
It was a unique imperial ideology and if you visit Japan now you won't find much of it left
Don't even need nukes at this point. A rod of god will do just as well. If napalm against humans wasn't a war crime, mosul would be cleared even quicker.
Instead you have black ops helping isis versus army being sent in to train, sell, and use equipment for the military industrial complex. It's happened before in Afghanistan and Palestine. Won't stop until nobody is left alive that can pay.
You are killing people in a very tribal region. You kill one, 10 will rise up. Then it goes people fighting for an Idea to generations fighting in revenge.
Wanting to bomb them over there are making them want to come here. Use your brain.