On what planet is this supposed to look convincing

On what planet is this supposed to look convincing...

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Mars, obviously.



What's the issue here

Why would they PRETEND to go to mars? Just for the Lulz??

looks comfy af can't wait to live there

Are you some idiotic "Flat Earther"

kek that is like even more embarrassing than anime posting virgin kids

Look, we got a man onto the fucking moon, dropping an unmanned probe on Mars wouldn't exactly be rocket science, faggot

Is that water?


>dropping an unmanned probe on Mars wouldn't exactly be rocket science


To beat Brazil

Mars. What the hell are you on?


your a german your supposed to be a sophisticate, not shit post on poll. go read

Looks like the outback to me.


It's almost like every planet is a rock floating through space

Actually, it WOULD be rocket science.

It's a shoop
you can tel the machine is in the op pic is shooped in.


So the mars is in the antarctic?

What is going on?

>science.. engineering and jewwood get paid a lot money to run this charade.

I'm so sleepy guys, this entire post was about nothing. I'm so sorry everybody but I must sleep now.

you can also tell because the official images from the mars rover are way better quality.

also OP why is it hard to believe that the rocky surfaces of planets aren't similar? they're all made of about the same shit.

lmao they even left the person in it

>we got a man on the moon

>no cute with a nice ass in OP's pic
shameful display

Because if they ACTUALLY went to mars theyd have to show the soundstage where they faked the moon landing


OP's pic is a lie
NASA didn't release that photo

So you're pretending that this bad shop of the Mars Rover against a picture taken on Earth is presented as legitimate by space agencies in order to reveal how credulous the average normie retard is when they defend it as real?

I like it.

It was kind of rocket science for this robot


exactly this

it's trying to make people think there isn't a rover on mars

Im split between it really being Mars or near Death Valley. They look identical

Atacama Desert.

this look real

alright alright. this was an experiment in seeing wether i could convince Sup Forums with the shoop i did while my pizza was in the oven. literally a 10 minute shopping job.

how about this one?

Yeah, like they "just" happened to discover water.


That pic is an obvious shoop. For one thing, the resolution is way too low. For another, there's a person standing in the middle of the field.