CALanons get in here! Thread for discussing the superiority of California to other, lesser states.
>6th largest economy in the world
>best weather
>beaches, deserts, forests, mountains
>wine country
>Silicon valley
>best schools
>best theme parks
California appreciation thread
Other urls found in this thread:
safe city, gorgeous weather, lemon tree in backyard. pupper. life is good mane
Thanks OP, SoCal fag here. There's no hope for this state though, its kind of nice seeing it all crumble around me. The pretty white girls who are models/actors here in LA are genuinely nice, they just need to see the light outside this shitlib hellhole and they will see the truth
The only thing i appreciate about California is the enormous fault line below it that will kill off as many of you as possible.
Please secede so we can cut off your water. I'll laugh at how much you cummunists regret leaving America when you're dying of dehydration.
916 reporting
Just dropping by to say fuck you for ruining my state.
>MFW you have to ask which one because you faggots do it so much
Orange County reporting in. California is a dump. The la basin is a desert and there is no reason for anyone to live here. This state is full of immigrants and degeneracy. Fuck this place I wish I had never set foot here, let alone lived here my whole life
Fuck California and fuck liberals
just wait till all your farms are absorbed by the glorious state of jefferson, you dirty cuck.
>best schools
Nevada here please drop into the ocean asap.
Stay mad flyover cucks.
310 reporting in btw
Kern county aka little mexico here please end my fucking suffering
Not gonna lie, former Californian here. This is all hilarious watching California crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let it get federal funding.
>Thread for discussing the superiority of California
It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California
>the superiority of California
It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California
It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California
I don't think you quite understand the meaning of that, you filthy sub human mexishit.
The spics gotta go back and you cuckifornians are lucky we allow you to remain part of the country. many of us would be happy to see california reduced to rubble.
also saged
Kek, sly little fucker aren't you.
I'd appreciate it if you sank into the ocean.
last white person in San Diego reporting
fuck this state
California is an awesome state. I can see that you guys also have rural and suburban retards that hate you.
Who would pay for you shitty flyover states that are a drain on the federal system then?
805 is killer. SLO life is nice these days.
Californians invaded my city and now my favorite local shops have closed down. Coincidence?
Best burgers too
How is California crumbling? I see this posted all the time on Sup Forums, yet I never see an explanation as to why other than
>muh spics
uncuck your state
The only reason Sup Forums hates California is because most are too stupid and poor to afford to live here.
California demonstrates the superiority of liberal policies for white people smart enough and hard working enough to afford to live here.
Are you aware just how many spics?
kek, incoming replies
Most people don't know how it works so let me enlighten you.. out of state liberal/progressive moves to california becomes further indoctrinnated networks with other liberal faggots, they then move to other states and tell their new host state that they are from california totally leaving out the part that they really from ohio, massachusetts, vermont etc etc..
It's butthurt trailer trash Republicans expressing sour grapes because their shitty 60k factory couldn't even pay ten on a 2 bedroom in Manhattan Beach.
California is paradise on Earth if you're smart, white, and hard working.
Oh noes, how will we survive without almonds?
Manhattan Beach, Palisades, Beverly Hills, Palos Verdes, and even Santa Monica are like 80-90% white.
If you actually live near minorities in California as a white person it's because you're poor and stupid and frankly belong with them.
>From Commie central Bay area but going to school in Central Valley
Fuck it always smells like fertilizer
562. I wanna fucking DIE.
Fuck you. This is now Nebraska/Midwest appreciation thread.
>Almost all white
>One of the lowest amounts of debt per citizen in the nation
>Cheap as fuck to live here
>Perfect combination of rural and city life
>Almost all christian
Fuck Mexifornia the land of fruits and nuts !! Wetback central with Leftist Fascist in charge !!
Cheap as fuck for a reason. It's shit.
But enjoy living next to poor white trash. I prefer living near successful and smart whites in California.
Decaying, potholed roads. Collapsing highways. Broken dams. Rampant crime and corruption.
LA here.
Fuck this state.
Reminder if you are not college educated, you don't belong in California
Lol. So many people are jelly for out superiority. California has it all, folks; from towering mountains and shimmering lakes to beautiful beaches and vast deserts, and thus shows are the absolute best state in all the union.
I come from a rich (400k/year) white Californian family and to speak seriously for a moment there is no longer any escape without fleeing north of Los Angeles and then you run into smug techies and hippies enabling the problem brewing in the south. It's a tainted state.
>the superiority of California
>cant even supply their people with water
>Poor white trash
>Be me
>Live in town with two factories
>3 largest city in state
>7000 people
>Almost everyone is richer than you and your cholo/nigger friends
>Has a higher average IQ than Commifornia
If conservatives moved to california instead of endless amounts of liberals you wouldn't hate california so much, better hurry up though some still nice areas that haven't been turned over to the immigrants and liberals and still affordable
The place is awesome, the people suck. I mean ok, they always vote blue, but the fuckers also voted against the plastic bags. Fucking kill us :(
how do you do fellow Californians
AZ here. Couldn't agree more. I unironically hope before I die I can kill Califags in a civil war.
>6th largest economy in the world
You mean hollywood and silicon valley
>best weather
>beaches, deserts, forests, mountains
over populated beaches, nice hiking places though
>wine country
if you like wine
>Silicon valley
what does that have to do with anything
>best schools
i would like to see citations on grades
>best theme parks
>whites in California.
It would be preferable that conservative Californians moved to red states, or better yet, swing states.
California is gay. This is now a Pennsylvania thread.
Those almonds help pay for you welfare queen midwest and southern states
If you took the white IQ of people living in good areas it's be a standard deviations higher than the top 10% of your state.
Again the only people who hate on California are the people too poor to afford to live in a nice area.
You probably couldn't even afford the property taxes on my house on the Strand.
Doesn't mean my State is shit. It means you're shit.
I live in a safe and quiet city in one of the more Asian parts of LA. In the past 6 months, two houses very close to me were robbed by Mexicans. How does CA's castle laws work?
> tfw live in CalaBlackLess and people can't even smoke in public
Not really. NYC fag here. I don't get Cali. LA is giant suburbia. There is no city, and people are even worse than FL. I actually like FL more, but wouldn't want to live there. San Fran is ok, but its really tiny. The rest is rural/suburban shithole. I don't care for the same weather all the time, so maybe it's just me. Plus the taxes like in NYC. Who in the right mind wants to live there?
Who else /natsoc/ in San Diego here
+1 from NV. California is ass-covered poo.
sup CAfags, 209 here
as much as i hate the federal government, i think i hate these blue state queers more. if they secede, I'm not sure that me and the 12-gauge would come to their aid
Why would I want to live in Commiefornia?
Is it the nigger infested suburbs and ghettos?
Is it the degenerate women?
What is so special about your shit state?
I'd rather live in the buttfuck middle of nowhere and settle down with a qt Catholic/Lutheran wife than a degenerate roastie that had Tyrone's dick inseminate her.
they already do, arizona idaho texas and nevada are the most popular
As a user from nv, you fuckers can't sink into the ocean fast enough.
Good, but I question whether they are conservative. They might be making things worse.
Can't even vape, Democrat Jews want us to stop using testosterone promoting nicotine and start using estrogenic marijuana
Look up Chuck Schumer vapes
Vaping is the final red pill BTW
Huntington Beach reporting in! Nothing like being behind the orange curtain.
Fuck California, Pennsylvania Empire when?!
I really hope we can get state flags so everyone can see that the people that actually have to live in this shithole hate it more than anyone
>taxes up the ass
>expensive as fuck housing
>shitskins everywhere
>bloated sjw landwhale tier bureaucracy
>people still keep coming in droves
>still the most vital state in the union
>where ever Cali goes so does the rest of the country (that means degeneracy)
it ain't no utopia, but how I wonder how it still stands? maybe Sup Forums is wrong about economics, it aint black or white
San Diegan here
Genuinely bummed what my area has turned into
Grew up here my whole life. It's overcrowded and overpriced.
Living here as a kid in the 70's and 80's were so much easier and simpler
I look around now and think what once was an easier place to live is now all gone. I miss those times :(
Except when you have finals next week.
I c u my dude
pa world power soon
Beautiful women.
Smart people.
Great weather.
Endless activities.
Great career opportunities.
The best public univeristy system for your kids as well as top private colleges (Stanford, Caltech).
Great scenery.
Leave your sexual insecurities out of the discussion.
California is the best place in the world if you're smart and wealthy enough to enjoy it. Most of Sup Forums isn't - so they express their sour grapes through insults.
Pacific Beach is disgusting, I have to scream at people every time I drive down Garnet
MFW fly over fags spurg out over west coast yea we have commies here and they suck but even with them we are still better
Peasant Spotted
Stay the fuck out of my state you scum
>le flyover state meme
I hope you voted for Hillary
That one phrase encompasses everything I dislike about coast queers.
Estudiar espaƱol o muere, puta
Me and Waifu planning on moving as soon as possible. We can buy outright in a 90%+ white area, lower tax and crime state.
Taxes are shite.
Real estate is not a good value for money.
Dating pool keeps getting browner.
No place to raise children.
Do some demographic research, you will realize how bad everything is becoming.
San Diego here as well. Growing up here since the 90s. The culture is definitely more migrant. I'm 28 now. Mexican culture is still a ruling culture class here. Shit sucks.
661 here
thinkin of moving from woodland hills > west hills. cant stand city life but also dont want to stray too far away
As a Texan, if your cuck state is so great, how come so many of you faggots are coming here?
If Californians were in charge of the United States during the Mexican-American War, they'd have been too pussy to annex the glorious utopia that allowed them to be raised with such fucked up opinions to begin with.
You probably have some useless job that contributes nothing actually useful to society, it just helps selfish faggots of both low and high status get richer. But you get paid well. Youre a slave to the Jews and youre a yuppie faggot. Kill yourself.
>Beautiful women
>Smart people
Commiefornia has on average a lower IQ than fly over moo cows
>Great Weather
Again, subjective. I like having the seasons change
>Great Career Opportunities
If you like being an actor or liberal arts student. Plus, my state is growing more in technology and traditional entertainment.
>Better Universities and private schools
My town has one not 3 blocks away from me, it's cheaper too. Public colleges in my state are also not infested with Identity politics.
>Great scenery
Oh look, another nigger and a mountain.
I live in California and I say fuck California and fuck you.
>best weather
Dude, it was a dry 95 in Pomona today and now it's 60 with 71% humidity in Glendale. Please, I just want more rain.
831 reporting from the heart of the beast. It's beaner central here, with your stereotypical batch of libshit college students to help more flood in. The only decent thing about my area is the weather. Any anons live in Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, or San Diego? I may be going to uni in any one of those places.
Fuck this shitty, over priced, boondoggled, gerrymandered, expensive, over taxed piece of shit state.
925 here, anyone who thinks California is a good place to live has never spent time outside California.
Since California fought and won against the Mexicans first, that's retarded hombre
In n out isn't good, it's just cheaper than other franchises.