NakedApe just Raped Post-JonTron Destiny in under 30minutes

is he /ourfag/?

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starts around 3minutes in


Can I get a quick rundown


Only if I can get in dat ass of his and make him squeal.

made destiny talk in circles, outright admit to being okay with immigration hurting the american working class and then rage quit and end the skype

He's pretty much my fave altrite content creator ever since he went after mr banana butt
also this

>Immigration grows the GDP
So GDP is part of your argument?

NakedApe is garbage

>Destiny says mass immigration is beneficial to society
>nakedape says how
>Destiny cites some dumb study
>nakedape points out the authors own conclusion that contradicts destiny
>Destiny gives up to play LoL in 2017

no he didnt.

Destiny has won against sargon, jon tron and naked ape.

He lost big against Jim.

I fucking hate that naked ape cuck voice but goddamn he did a good job in pissing off that douchebag Destiny

Thanks friend, I'll have to check it out

What points did Destiny make that beat out Naked Ape?

Destiny just awkwardly takes a beating by an autistic gay kid and pulls the plug when it's his time to talk.

Destiny's arguments were "you don't understand like me", the kid had him trapped the whole time despite being an annoying cunt.

He then went into damage control with his fanbase afterwards. I bet he will still upload this onto his Youtube channel and claim victory.

NakedApe is unfunny.

Rage Quitting is an automatic loose, Ape won this round

you can't be serious. the naked ape debate was a trainwreck for him. i mean, just the fact that he left the skype is an automatic L.

Honestly I think Naked Ape would be funny if it wasn't for his disgusting voice, he just speaks like a whiny little cunt.

The I hardly listened to debate and made my own conclusions posts

Remember, rich black folks commit more crime than poor white folks

he literally closed skype to play vidya because he didn't know how to respond

Even rich black folks are part nigger, they're born for crime.

Who the fuck is Destiny? Is this some new overnight CIA psyop meme?


Some shitty twitch streamer that's destroyed Jon Tron and Sargon, but Naked Ape and Jim both dunked on the faggot.

is naked ape actually gay? proofs

can you hear him speak?

it's also on that stupid faggots twitter.

I hate his fucking voice but I guess he's good at arguing.

he admits to having a boyfriend, although i never seen any proof of him existing.

still, i'm not sure why you'd lie about being gay.

Is it as bad of a raping as Jim did when he started saying we should invade mexico for the greater good.

If any autist with down syndrome can spew shit on twitch and "debate" what's stopping some no life faggilo like me from starting a channel and shitposting on stream?

t. destiny fanboy

i watched the whole thing you fucking faggot, he lost.

Nothing, so why haven't you? Do you have no talent, or do you have a life?

But that's so. The highest income black people do have a higher rate of crime than the lowest income white people.

He was just *autistic screeching* the whole time.

>he admits to having a boyfriend

My only concern is actually getting the attention and publicity, I'm really not sure how some channels are more popular than others.

>He then went into damage control with his fanbase afterwards. I bet he will still upload this onto his Youtube channel and claim victory.
Holy shit he does that all the time. The more BTFO he was in the debate, the longer his "afterthoughts" video will be.

Link nigger?
Not working

5 min


wrong pic but i'll take it, kek

Grow up.

Honestly you should do it only if you want to make videos, it's basically dumb luck if you're ever found.

He even admitted to fucking deflecting. He uses textbook interruption and re-molding his point of view each time

what a stupid piece of shit. its fucking visible this faggot took a payoff to try to character assassinate Jontron




egs deee

That's what I thought was hilarious, Naked ape just outright calls him out on everything, points out that he's deflecting and pretending to be intelligent by ranting, and he gets booty blasted over it.

Destiny's argument style goes something like this:This is the Destiny technique.

Bring up Source.

It can either be true or false, if true then I get a point in.

If the Source is challenged by someone and he doesn't have the credentials (appeal to Authority) then he's nuts and I immediately discount his opinion even if he may or may not have a point.

If the person challenging the Source is actually well educated in the subject then I will back off and claim ignorance on a subject.

Steven is so strongly opinionated on subjects that he claims to know nothing about, it's strange and comes off as idealogical as fuck.

Under no condition is the Source ever able to be considered false.

Nothing. Buy a good mic.

Why do you care about the political opinions of let's players? These are some of the biggest attention whores on the internet and you're giving them ad revenue.

>its fucking visible this faggot took a payoff to try to character assassinate Jontron
Ding ding ding give the man a cigar. He makes money off of youtube. Gee, I wonder (((who))) would pay someone to dissuade Trump supporters and repeat marxist talking points.

lel alright never heard of this NakedApe guy but he definitely fucking stomped Destiny.

Destiny thinks immigration is good because it displaces the low income worker by importing millions of low income workers which will fuel the overall economy(GDP) which will then be redistributed from the rich(those who made money from the mass influx of lowskilled workers) to help the low income people who got fucked by the immigration.

pretty funny

Could definently make videos, I used to work in television post production as an editor. Currently we're working on a movie, but I could squeeze in time to redpill a few folks.

>people in the thread cant attack Ape's arguments so they resort to stupid shit like "I dont like his voice"
Holy fuck.

I would actually say he lost too, calling off the debate early

But what NakedApe said made no sense acting like immigration and taxes are literally Stalin in disguise


then debate him and become king of the hill

Fuck you, He has a cuck voice, he still won the argument but I don't have to like his faggoty fucking voice

replace the 0 with .

I fucking lost it when Destiny started basically champion a Friedman-esque pro-capital anti-labor position on immigration because that was the only way he could justify it.

You could spot the exact minute when he realized that he was basically advocating the naked exploitation of the working class for rich people because he wanted more spics in the country, and that's where he starts losing it.

Not nearly as embarrassing as Dawson smacking him around but still embarrassing.

That's not what he said at all, he said that it helps "the economy" at the direct expense of poor people, and that taxing the rich to help the poor after you take their jobs is stupid.


thats obviously Discord

I'm ok with his voice kinda like it 2bh

It was great when Naked Ape got Destiny to support corporations above all else and the lowest wages possible.
He'll be complaining about low wages for minorities tomorrow.

>homicide is the only crime

You have a good point, but you have to specify murder rates, not all crime... unless you have the stats for that too.

Thats fine Im indifferent to his voice and find Destiny's spastic way of talking annoying as hell, but you cant attack his arguments.

How did he win any of those? Oh you're a fanboy, got it

The best part is Naked Ape actually called him out on adopting libertarian economics when it politically suited him.

Watching it right now. Destiny had the audacity to accuse NakedApe of Gish gallup? That's Destiny's favorite fucking technique!

I stopped watching Naked Ape's stuff when he was getting into pointless YouTube fights with the Amazing Atheist, but I might need to watch this debate if it's actually good.

Gonna need an edit on that with the sauce link included, please senpai. I need it so I can link it to normies

think naked ape will most a summery of this on his channel?the twitch link doesn't work for me.

Thank you for that user, I have now truly found the meaning of the Bogpill.

Jim? Is that Mister Metokur?

Ape tilted him so fucking hard he ragequitted to go play assfaggots.

He's actually gonna go on Drunken Peasants to debate TJ on Bernie Sanders next monday

I've been listening the last 20 minutes, so far NakedApe guy is definitely wrecking Destiny.
The funniest thing is watching Destiny's fanbase chimping out, calling this guy "White Trash" "Redneck incest shit" constantly personally judging him and never taking the argument seriously.


dunno why people here keep calling him Jim like he is their fucking pal

try this

Metokur, Ryan Dawson and Martin Shkreli hold the record for most one sided victories against Destiny.

NakedApe also won, JonTron technically won around the ten minute mark but then dropped his spaghetti, and Sargoy just agreed with Destiny on everything.

I almost dropped him for even addressing the existence of bananafaggot, but he blew him so far the fuck out I tolerated it.

Nope. Won against Jim, but lost by ragequit to SodomiteApe. SHAMEFUR DISPRAY!

Does anyone have the link to the data that image is sourcing? Looking and can find stuff saying blacks commit more crimes but cant find it divided by income.

His voice is annoy as shit, but he seems one of the the more intelligent of the "skeptic sphere". His two videos he's done with kraut are good.
I want to see naked ape vs Sargon

What jobs? lol

The tomato pickers? Pooper scoopers? Shitty contractors?

If you have a job so easily taken by immigrants, you should consider higher education

Which leads to the debate about education...

Also, problem comes when people are defending the rich so much, sotp acting like they're doing anyone a favor

I got nothing against them, but they are not working in the poorer mans favor

>won against jim
hahaha not at all, i watched the whole debate and at no point did jim lose to his terrible "but muh feelings" arguments

You hear him say $15 minimum wage is good for everyone, then turn around and say low cost employment/low pay employment is good?

Fucking retard. Holy shit this guy is absolutely bad. So bad. He has no facts to back him up, that's why he gets destroyed on each point.

>won against Jim
He literally started advocating an invasion of Mexico partway through. I mean I believe he beat Sargon, but he definitely lost to Metokur.

And this proves what? Why not just link directly?

>No source
>No data

I don't approve mass immigration but come on this is shit.

Jontron is a spout for the water cannon that is the alt right. Pizzagate was debunked. That's why we don't see it in the catalog anymore. Of course, don't know why I got three day ban posting a pizzagate thread debunking it. Had great sourced material from trusted sources like the NYT and WaPo as well as the D.C. Police statement. Guess they don't want discussion on it. Probably tons of bots were activated on it. Guess it for the better, it was debunked anyways.

Because he deletes his channel and makes a new faggy nick all the time. It's like girls on MSN 10 years ago; easier to just use the real name.

The fact that Jim and a fucking GAYPE beat Destiny but sargon couldn't is just such a bad statement on sargon, he is shit at debating


>If you have a job so easily taken by immigrants, you should consider higher education
>stop doing manual labor you silly goy, go to College! Here's a loan!


There was nothing to debate. Sargon and Destiny are both liberals.

Why did he remove internet aristocrat anyway? Because he got sucked off by some asian girl under the table?