Why is nobody talking about this?


you're shocked no one is talking about a normal weekday night in Europistan?

If God is real, he's certainly not the Christian God.

Looks like a foreign army invaded

Nooooo I was planning on moving there... god damn muslims fucked that one up too? WTF?!?!!? :(

It's not a God, it's a demon pretending to be the god of Abraham driving his three branches to acts of horrible violence to feed on human misery

I bet you can get a real cheap kebab down there. I'd kill for a kebab right now, a good one with lamb and some spicy sauce. I bet they even deliver too at this time of the night. I wish we had 24/7 kebab delivery here, so fucking jealous. I could even maybe dare go for a chicken kebab even though I feel that's sketchy but that's just how much I really want kebab delivery. I can't really emphasis it enough, I'd pay good money for one now too. I'd go crazy in those shops, all day kebab for like 3-4 euros. Holy fuck I'd honestly kill for a real big shwarma now, holy fuck. Why can't I have that here? Fucking migrants don't come here for some reason and it pisses me off because I really want kebab! It's hard to explain but I would just really liked to have a kebab now, I'd even settle for tofu.


I am risen

All I see is Europe having a roach infestation

Time to turn on the lights and watch the roaches scramble. Either that, or a few well placed Flash-Bangs.

You euro poors think you're so great. But all you do is eat kebab. You make fun of burgers but we don't eat kebab. Never. Americans don't eat kebab. You will choke on kebab. America will laugh. Your only funeral song will be American clapping. Remove kebab.

Just another manic monday

I still really want a kebab. If anyone wants to make 500 bring me a kebab, follow the stars and you'll find me. I'd prefer lamb or shwarma. Hot, with some garlic sauce, no jalapenos or cucumber, everything else. If you buy two I'd pay double. Just make sure it's food, I'd actually even accept a burger now but I'd have to be pure beef and at least 200g. Everything on, fuck it, and some bacon. Nothing to drink, if burger then bring some fries too.

This offer extends to all you pst geeks, bring me food I give you money.

it was live covered in the dutch election threads

Underated /thread praise kek maga nuclear codes this

Because dumbass Drumpflakes and Wilderetards are trying to make something out of FUCKING NOTHING.

I cant wait till i see the breakdown on pol when Geert gets cucked on Wednesday.

Men of Europe
unite and kick the Muslim Brotherhood's asses

you have good taste

I know not most of the words you speak. Burgers hate kebab. Never eat kebab. Never. You will choke on kebab. All Europa will choke on kebab. And when you choke and cry for help, we will let you die. We will clap when you choke on kebab.

Remove kebab. Always. Starve before eat kebab. Starve.

One day war will find its home on your shores.

even looks like a horde of cawkroaches storming a rotton wooden shed

Cuz u dont talk about cockroaches you just call the exterminator

H-help us

You seem like you should eat a kebab. It's pretty good, I'll go support my local kebab as soon as it opens.

why talk?

just get your shoe and some raid

Btw, what is the point of kebabs? I mean that in the food sense. Wouldn't it be more convenient and better tasting to cook the food together than to find a stick and put chunks of meat on there layered with vegetables?