White Rose

>Makes a few videos pro-Trump
>Gets a little bit popular, a couple posts here and there on Sup Forums
>Starts charging $5 for bikini photos.

EVERYTIME you guys come up with a new "conservative" /ougirl/ this happens Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


> 2017
> Taking women seriously
> Ever
ishiggy diggigy dongadongadong

Who is this semen ayy lmao?

No one's forcing anyone to buy it. So who cares?

>Starts charging $5 for bikini photos

this cunt was charging $1 for trump pictures


>Starts charging $5 for bikini photos.
Literally nothing wrong with this. Why should she give them out for free anyway.

You can be a little bit whore on the side, as long as you advance our goal.

I mean, I have only seen some of her views, and she is not even the best """alt right gurl youtuber""" out there, but every little bit counts, I guess. If she promotes race realism, I don't even give a fuck if she is a little slutty on the side.

>a girl
you fucking w0t m8

Post them, nigger!

Does she show ass or tits? Because if so I might subscribe.

if I had tits and a vag I'd sell bikini pics to gullible virgins all day.
some of you crustsocks must be buyin em

>White Rose
>Naming yourself after an anti-Reich group

fuck that cunt

Whores gonna whore, OP.

There is no "/ourgirl/" because by their very nature, women are apolitical and completely self-centered; they do not understand values like honor, country, or duty. Every single thing a woman says or does is designed solely to further her own ambitions by attracting potential mates to shower her with resources (money, gifts, cock, etc).

ugh what a fucking bitch
The 80's called.

and then there's altright females like me who don't fucking whore themselves out for cucks like the fans of these sluts.

Supply and Demand
It also helps spread her message.

Same can be said about Ghost's marketing stunts with Mr. Optimism and Sup Forums cookie

i bought a few

tits or gtfo

lol I'm in the inner circle but I stopped taking ghos seriously when he said the thing about "red tie and blue tie Trump"

Where did he hear about that theory anyway
He's the only one I ever heard talk about it.
Was it his theory or someone else's?

Hmm i'll need to see some evidence. I don't believe you

sorry man but i had to unsubscribe. the point of all this shit for me at least is to raise our standards not lower them. had she asked for money to build her empire up based on her wit, intelligence, research skills, and video skills i would have continued to watch. hell i might have donated. but i just have to drop her now. this degenerate shit has got to go.

Guys, she's a literal camgirl on MFC. What were you expecting?

>desperate comment asking for bikini pic for 5 dolaroos
whiterose is PURE

never heard of her

>3d women
>not degenerate

Pick one (1)

your right, i know she is. i just thought she gave that shit up. i guess not. im done.

Didn't know this desu.

The /our/ bullshit, is a real gripe of mine with Sup Forums
Its a fine demonstration of childishness and need for a figure to look up to, akin to a missing female or male figure.

tfw childish and need a figure to look up to.



It's in their nature. Every single tribe on the face of the earth has some form of a creation myth that explains this fact. Eve was not literally deceived by a serpent, it's a parable that women bring ruin upon everything if man does not control and subjugate them.


That post was so edgy. Half true, but you'll never find love thinking like that user. They're people, subservient people, but people.


This is fucking reddit tier, firstly.

And I don't think the point of those stories was that they are whores. Some do tend to be more antisocial and sociopathic, and in that whorish. But most of those stories were explaining how impressionable they are, and how easily manipulated they are.

Disrespecting roasties for being roasties unironically is fucking beta.

yeah her stripper name is mystic mel. i saw the pix like 6 mo ago. she has a real pretty face but the body is not that good, its kinda flabby and the boobs are weird. anyway i thought she turned her shit around esp. after her pizzagate video when she was talking about wanting kids. doesnt she realize she'll never get a good dude if she keeps whoring herself out like that??? i guess not. Mel, if your in this thread get your mind and personality straight and stop being like all those other sluts. your looks are going to fade like all the other womyns, dont go that way.

jesus christ dude way to give more credibility that Sup Forums is a bunch of angry virgins

/r9k/ please stop
We understand that you deny the 15 billion women who died in the holocaust, but that view is very antifemale

Women don't rule the world or have a secret plan to destroy white men and replace our children. Women may have been kicked out by almost every major civilization they have entered, but there is no reason to assume they are natural nation destroyers. Women weren't behind the slave trade and do not influence politics. The belief that women are drawn to money is also very bigoted


Excepting women to offer anything of value. In my 31 years of life I may have met a handful of women that were truly great at anything.

looks like you triggered the vajeen internet defense force. it's funny because these ladies don't understand that they are the cause of the misogyny. we are all born with mothers who are goddess' in our childs eye but over time and through many experiences we learn that that is a foolish and immature worldview.

We already have a Shoe0nhead and dreamydiglot thread and probably a Lauren Southern one somewhere. Can we just have one camwhore thread for all of them? Besides everyone knows that Margaret is the best camwhore.

>yeah her stripper name is mystic mel.

OH well, didn't know that.
There is some stuff on google images cache.

at least faith is still clean even if she is a shitskin greek. i really don't think she would go that way.

no because ill just get idiots like calling me fat and critiquing every physical flaw I may have while sitting on their acne ridden neckbeard asses

I get what you're saying and totally agree. And maybe this is just semantics, but ss it weird to view cam whoring as less degenerate than conventional slutting or whoring?

I mean, she may get emotional or psychological damage from that, but not nearly as bad as taking 30 dicks or getting STD's or abortions and shit of that nature.

Again, I agree with you. Maybe I'm just trying to rationalize it for her. But I don't feel as disgusted by her being a cam girl as I would other things, and idk why.

No, I had an angry phase too. I know that feel. I wasn't beta, but man, when that veil of their innocence and grace came down I was brutal and angry when it came to 3d women.

Bros who are going through that phase need to get called out on their bullshit. They need guidance before they become MGTOW cucks or reject the red pill all together (which is less rare than you think).

this is why traps + artificial wombs are the future

I'd pay $100 bucks to get nudes and post them on Sup Forums

That's not the point you stupid cunt. You're using your female status on an ANONYMOUS image board for attention. That's why TITS OR GTFO exists.
There are no girls on the internet unless proven otherwise. Tits or GTFO you LARPing neckbeard.

2/10 b8 by the way made me reply.

whatever, im a hottie.
idk man i don't try to justify either of those positions. i set a high standard for both myself and the lady i wish to settle with. the way i have looked at it from my youth is that every lady i bed that is not my wife is the same as cheating on her and vice versa. it sounds weird but i believe in soulmates even if thats cheesy romanticism.

Faith Goldie of (((Rebel Mediaâ„¢)))?


I just checked her channel out. Meh, looks like a tranny faggot & her content fucking sucks. At least Brittani Pettibone has a hot sister who looks exactly like her.

you stupid fuckface,
im mentioning my gender because its relevant to the conversation
i've been here since 2004, it's not like I know how the fucking rules work you wonktard.
fuck off with your shit tier newfag "TITS OR GTFO"
learn how the rules work

Faith Goldstein. She's been shilling hardcore for Israel lately. A shame, I liked her way more than I ever did Lauren. Now it's just Lauren Southern by default.

Would you eat peanut butter and jelly from her snatch?

>relevant to the conversation
There was no point to your post, it added nothing to the conversation other than "Look at me, I'm not like those OTHER alt-right girls who are sluts teehee x3".
Again, in case this is too much for your mind to comprehend, saying that "im a girl and I don't do this lol" adds nothing to the conversation at hand and is just pointing out the fact you're a girl.
3/10 b8 made me give TWO (You)s.

It's like fishing
You can't see beyond the surface of the river really well as the water rushes past, all you can see is the rough shape of a fish

Then you feel a tug on your line and you pull, hoping you got a fish but it's just a vaguely fish-shaped piece of trash, so you cast it back

This is an analogy for both finding figures to admire and finding a good woman

How did you find her? I saw her instagram and she has a boyfriend by the way.

What about her?youtu.be/Xm0l5hsykDc she's admittedly a serial dater, any more info?
The fact that a woman who opens a YouTube account is a massive attention whore is a given.

pettibone is a cutie as well as bre faucheux. i love bre's voice. she's so soft spoken and feminine but sometimes she gets all riled up like her video on the chicago dudes assaulting the retard. she was screaming pissed, with the veins standing out on her neck but her voice is so soft.... its a hot combo. im pretty sure she's a coonass from louisiana. if so then honestly i would prolly marry her. coonasses are awesome women if you get a good one. they never cheat, they never leave but if you cheat snip snip your dick in your sleep so watch out. good hard working intelligent loving kind women, they are.

haven't we established a fact that she is a camwhore?

Post nudes.

not going to take the bait
1/10 bait, will not take

No mystic mel on mfc search

is she really jewish or is it her christian background that has her shilling for israel?

no. i would love, cherish and protect her. she would be my sacred feminine. i would over come hell or high water to ensure our family flourished. and i would expect/demand the same from her.

>stupid neckbeard trying to b8 replies by pretending he's an alt-right girl
>even stupider roastie trying to b8 replies by saying that she's not like those other girls

lol same

There's no reason you can't do all that low test faggot white knight shit that women find unattractive AND eat peanut butter from her asshole.

>You can be a little bit whore on the side
Stop whoring on the side, Eesti.

I have no idea who this is and I don't give a shit. I only came in here to point out one thing: look at that bitches brain case. Holy shit she looks like she has zika. Fuck her all you like just don't procreate and expect your kids to learn how to walk.

$5 for bikini photos?!

If that's true then she does us a service by highlighting the cucks within our midst.

Not to knock Jewish pussy. To this day the best lay I ever had was a 22 year old Jewess.

yes , even in the most pure woman there is some " WHORING " in them , it s their nature i guess

Are you gals doing your part to redpill your fellow women or just using this go get more dick?

What are you gay or something?

Look at those fucking venom-encrusted lower fangs, she's like a komodo dragon. If you got bit you'd rot out in a day.

i feel sorry for you, satanist. what i believe and practice is how you build a stable two parent household for your family, troll. i know thats hard for a latchkey kid to understand.

I traced the thread back, and no, your sex was not necessary to your comments. You could have said, 'Then there's altright females who don't fucking whore themselves out for cucks like the fans of these sluts."

Do you see how mentioning your sex...or not mentioning it..didn't change the intrinsic point of your comment one iota?

You just had to do it, didn't you? Had to vie for that tiny bit of extra validation to point out 'but Im different, Im not like those OTHER women!' You don't trust that your ideas or opinions will stand on their own merit, so you had to highlight them by claiming woman points.

Well honey, since you started the game, then I win. I win because I have way more women points than you ever will. Mother, grandmother, ex-military, retired cop, small business woman, business degree, two languages..three if you count ASL. And I cook and crochet and do laundry and take care of my family. And your sum total of woman points anted in this thread was: 'hey Im not a slut like those other women'. Not a very worthwhile way to spend your woman points.

These rules are for very good reason...your words and your ideas should stand on their own merit. Many of us VALUE the fact that words and ideas are all that matters here so we can get pretty damned testy when women point themselves out. Everywhere else on the web, all of it, is a place to play woman cards. But here there is never a reason to do so unless someone asks.

Ok, conserva-sis, lets go back to the greatness of our anonymous opinions, and ignore that we have vaginas. Because they are really worth nothing to us as owners unless we're making babies.

Who are you calling satan? You're trips say otherwise

look man im not a kid. i didn't grow up on the internet having my worldview crafted by bots, shills, and kikes. i have actually met real people in the real world. and the shit im talking about is how you create a legit functional, sustainable long term family. its sad that you don't understand this shit.

well to be fair i did meet a guy on here im planning on meeting in real life soon
im a virgin though and if it doesnt work out with him im just going to be alone for the rest of my life and i've accepted that

hahahahahah that is too fucking perfect. praise babby jebus and hollerfallujah

How the fuck do you meet people on Sup Forums
are you stupid

and to add to that
females cannot redpill other females
females can only be redpilled by males

we used discord

All I'm seeing is that you don't love Faith enough to lick honey off her entire body. I don't think that's true love right there

What's that

what if he's a minority I met up with someone here it turned out to be a chink cool guy though but it was werid

More importantly why would you meet people on Sup Forums?


at the risk of stepping into a larp catfight both of you need to post back of hand with timestamp.

game chat but is used by a lot of Sup Forums generals to talk and stuff

we've exchanged pics and all that and i have no reason to doubt him


check and check

Still would fuck.

Just watched this chick rub one out, she has a pretty mediocre body desu lads.


Loads of videos of her, just google 'mysticmel mfc'

But can males be redpilled by females?

They're called bandwagoners. On one had is show that the movement is becoming popular. On the other they are annoying as fuck and are the first stages of cancer that will kill the movement in the long run.

>using this much text to say nothing at all

tits or gtfo colonel granny

How long do you think we have doc?

Just posted a video of her rubbing one out here.

>be conservative young woman
>realize that you're not going to be young and attractiveish forever
>make money off it while you still can and want to
>this is somehow bad

okay okay i get it your joking and i took it seriously. my bad. to be clear tho im not a weirdo for faith. she's an archetype. i like classy, sharp, passionate broads like faith, of which i have met a few. not many tho ill admit. esp. not here in seattle.

YOU CAN NOT BE A CONSERVATIVE WOMAN AND A CAMWHORE thats like saying a woman pastor or gay imam. ITS A LIE

Like a true republican! That a girl!!