Honestly Sup Forums, if Democratic Socialism is so degenerate, explain to me why all these white working class Trump voters are basically in favor of all Bernie's platform?
Honestly Sup Forums, if Democratic Socialism is so degenerate, explain to me why all these white working class Trump voters are basically in favor of all Bernie's platform?
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Bernie should do a town hall in an oven
>being this triggered
Subhumans like bernie don't trigger me
then why are you still posting
fuck off Bernie you took everyone's money and gave it to the globalist cunt who was against everything you pretended to stand for. have a heart attack soon you Jew failure.
To trigger jew lovers like you
well be more original you fucking cunt
maybe if bernie had balls, he would have won the Dem nomination
he got his shit kicked in over and over and just took it
and then endorsed hillary
Because if you are a nice white working class person, everyone contributing equally seems nice. Add some niggers to the job and see how they feel.
I used to be all for socialism up here in NH until my area got infested by niggers, spics, and heroine. Until you see people actively being leeches, it doesn't click that it is wrong to want equal outcome.
there was no way he could have one. If he had played the game any less carefully than he had... well... you know what the Clintons do to people. He played it safe, sure, but they never would have let him win the Party.
If he had run indy or third party he could've won.
also we have open borders
cant have socialism and open borders
if you'd listen to the OP video you'd hear some pretty compelling first-hand testimony about how the heroin epidemic is a man-made problem.
just be a more thoughtful, okay?
obama beat hillary
and 2008 hillary wasnt a zombie
bernie just has no balls
good shitposting thread though
its good trump won
bernie would be soft on the border and illegal immigration
which is where 99% of heroin comes from
Hillary also didn't have control over the Democratic party in 2008. They totally shilled for her at first, but they realized brobama was gonna win and H-dawg was just too problematic.
Tim Kaine and Debbie Wasserman Schultz made a deal with the DNC chair seat which is why he got the VP pick.
there's only an illegal heroin market because it's illegal to buy, but opiate prescriptions are super easy to get. Supply and demand. If it was decriminalized and addicts were treated like human beings instead of like criminals, the Cartels would have no market.
So does this senile socialist Sanders not understand that the election is over?
Luckily in NH they are killing themselves each day, so the problem will solve itself.
Anyone who gets hooked on opiates from prescription pain killers deserves to die anyways.
>Hillary also didn't have control over the Democratic party in 2008
you may want to refresh your memory shitposter
>Hillary Clinton is starting to lose her overwhelming lead in superdelegates, the Democratic party officials whose votes she is counting on to help her close the gap with Barack Obama. He has received a steady flow of backers in recent days while building a streak of 11 straight primary victories. After once leading Obama by a 2 to 1 ratio in the superdelegate chase, Clinton now has 241 to his 181, according to the latest Associated Press tally.
Lol at the dankmemes astroturf on reddit
Lol at the plan to do a propaganda push on the 15th and scare pol away from dissent, as if pol is a king of the hill situation and it will matter, and literal millionaire campaign fixers are engaged in pathetic cargo cult behavior. Just lol.
bernie wasnt going to decriminalize heroin