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Jesus christ guys.

What do you think they have on Merkel? Pic related.

Other urls found in this thread: avenues&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiD8NGBoNXSAhXEiRoKHTzqDcwQ_AUICigDð_(matur)

oooh hopefully its nudes

We already have that. No, you don't want them.


Oh no, is she saying things that will shock us but the left will applaud so nothing will happen? Because that's usually how these things go.

We already got those.

Nice, I hope they're bringing it


goyim paying her shekels and children for turning europe into eurabia

Don't you have some women to behead for asking a man for a glass of water?

Pretty decent body desu

She looks like a /r9k/ poster desu/

>publish many
>cia or nsa
>tonight or tomorrow

is this even real?

The far right looks like Boris Johnson
Fuck me rotten

Maybe they don't actually have anything but the CIA/NSA thinks they do?

I wonder what information on Merkel would have American Intelligence agencies so butthurt?

no, that's normal
wtf are you talking about we let sluts go in festivals and shit
even saudis do dat nibba
hell, you aren't even forced to wear burqas/hijab, and we have girls with pants and shirts and shit instead of the abaya (ninja clothing)

No point in discussing until it actually happens.

>All talk, no action.
>-Donald Trump

Yes, I get that Wikileaks has delivered before. I will still 100% doubt them until the very day shit hits the fan, because with information like this, you don't pussy foot around with "REVEAL SOON!". Note how the DNC leaks were just dropped out of no where, right before the convention. No lead up.

That's the way it should be.


Nothing. That tweet is like
"Terrified talks among all girls in my town that I have a big big dick and will show it to them tomorrow" and then what?
Doesn't have to be true, I won't show it but I can still make that tweet, just for the attention.
And it works, because you bimbos keep making threads about nothing.

I believe it when it see them post them and not only promote assange book again.

>Taqiyya; the Post

I got up early to not miss ferguson and wiki happenings.

>nothing happening


do you need videos
also taqiyya is for shia niggers
and shia niggers can never integrate into our society

Ferguson happening: not in this weather
Wikileaks: won't drop shit in the middle of the night, it's always like 8am et

Actually, Taqiyya is used by both Sunnis and Shiites, but Sunnis don't believe that taqiyya should be invoked against fellow muslims, whereas Shiites do.

>Taqiyya intensifies

they don't even pretend to not be a front for the russian government anymore

do you need fucking videos

No, I've read enough of the quran and haddiths to know better.

here avenues&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiD8NGBoNXSAhXEiRoKHTzqDcwQ_AUICigD

what time do they usually publish?
podesta leaks came near the beginning of workday est if i remember correctly.

>Anecdotal evidence proves me right!
>Ignore my holy book that I would be willing to die for, it isn't representative of my or my people's beliefs at all!

>need videos?
>post google links

are you mentally retarded mohammed?

Trump canceled Merkel trip to the US last second. Her people already boarded the plane. What gives. Trump's got something?

That >84 iq is really noticeable, isn't it?

Source me my dude

Your blizzard on the east coast, dumbo

most of us don't follow the quran or the hadith
just jewgle "Kuwait Avenues" it's the largest shopping mall we've got, we have all sorts of restaurants, Victoria's Secret, starcucks and all that

>Your blizzard on the east coast
>believing the lügenmetrologe

we don't even have much mosques to fug off
you goys don't want yt links for some reason

Sure Achmed. Is your next argument going to be that terrorists don't represent Islamic beliefs and aren't true Muslims?

the (((weather)))
category 9 shitstorm incoming perhaps?
surely an alternative airport could have been used.

they are true muslims
but we have fucking morals
now shut the fuck up or no helicopter transports to Ali Al Salem airbase

welp if its big this week is gonna be bloody i bet

Perhaps... unless it was to save face so he doesn't look bad. You know he only likes to create a media frenzy on friday

>implying you have anything to offer the rest of the world except a quickly disappearing fossil fuel

Saudi princes are growing wise to the fact that western oil dependency is going to dry up in the next 50 so the moves in EU are meant to save their lineage by installing a muslim voter base and then sweeping in after to easily become elected on the backs of easily purchased media direction.

>cia or nsa intercept of merkel

But why would our government act like the evil Russians? I thought that evil Russian stuff only?
Could be weather but It struck me odd

That's the saddest smalahove I've seen. Delicious. but that just looks so depressing.

>Merkel cancelled flight due to "snow"

Funnily enough I said the same hours ago in all the other threads but there all Americans were "that's true shit weather, 20 inches of snow, dc can't handle anything" a.s.o. So what is it? Could you pls make up your minds holy shit

Germany doesn't even care. Hack the SHIT out of Germany.

Trump actually phoned her and informed her of the weather and recommended a reschedule.
She took it.
So I don't know who is scared of whom.
It is just the weather probably.

>Victoria's Secret
What do they sell, burqas with the eyeholes slightly larger than normal?

Obongo listened to Merkels phone for years and still nothing.
I bet she is pretty boring irl.

they all look... so fucking german, kek
no other way to describe it.

its called Svið just look at the name of the picture, dumbass.
>Funnily enough I said the same hours ago in all the other threads
get a life hans


>Trump actually phoned her and informed her of the weather and recommended a reschedule.
>She took it.

That's coded language.

Said the schluchtenscheisser

Meh, I believe it when I see it.

>Said the schluchtenscheisser
whats a schluchtenscheisser?

How can you sub humans eat that literal garbage

Of course Germans don't give a fuck, but the rest of Europe could get WOKE when they hear her talk about destroying them with niggers. Germany is lost though. RIP 1814-1945

So what? It's not like there is a person in this solar system who does not know already that US spied on Merkel. The Cuckmany did nothing about it!

We need Assange to drop real bombs, not this.ð_(matur)

Nice body, shit face

what is she hiding

>What do you think they have on Merkel?

The Fappening 2.0

Are you stupid?

can confirm
a lot of people were reporting feeling ill or strange and one user was even hospitalised after having a seizure upon viewing the image

youtube links are embed

Don't eat what those people eat, it will lower your life expectancy by decades unless you're of same blood.

do i look retarded?

He looks very Alpine and primitive, rather like a Hallstatt culture specimen.

That's the cover story. The reality is the CIA briefed her on what was lost that was relevant to her so she canceled to prepare for the possible shitstorm.

Here is what the CIA told her: We may have lost the documents that showed Germany AGREED to our spying in Frankfurt and cooperated with us. This is part of what the leaks will show, bank on it.

The CIA told the Germans before they left and German Intel who was on the plane with Merkel to meet with their American counterparts told her then and there. She got worked up and canceled.

I'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt. New York is set to get at least a foot of snow. The cold front is going north up the coast. Airpor flights have been cancelled and people panic on the highway. Not a safe time for travel.
I'm 1000 miles west and experiencing snow. Tiss the season.


Throw some dubbs on it. Kek wills it based-german user. MAGA then MDeutschlandGA.

There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who unironically refuse to admit that Godchancellor Merkel is Europe's only hope.

Why haven't you killed yourselves yet?

Ya why not take a different route? Like weather has stopped meetings between politicians before.... somethings amiss



Shia are the only muslims worth existing. Sunni is a dog shit tier religion and you and your family don't deserve to exist.

>What do you think they have on Merkel?
Evidence that she's an American IC puppet.

Just a guess but I'm thinking so because WL claimed to be setting context for the entire Vault7 series by leaking on American spying in the French election. I'm thinking Vault7 will definitively show that most major Western countries are run by the American IC via blackmail, assassinations, etc. Just speculation though.

Agreed but possibilities are too exciting for people to help themselves from speculating.

Spoiler alert: our government is evil too.

>Germany AGREED to our spying in Frankfurt
Oooh shit. I wonder what would happen then.

go to bed ivan

One might think Trump doesn't have a mega-mansion in Florida.

Did I say either were not deserving of death?

no u


>Ya why not take a different route?

this. would breed with, were the chilluns that pop out not destined to be covered in horns and extra heads and what not.

Guess Trump doesn't have a place in West Palm


news cycles already changed and they barely mentioned v7 at all.

whens wikileaks going full insurance dropping?

honestly podesta stuff was their best stuff. normies like juicy stuff

i want that walnut sauce recipe. YA THINK YA HOTSHIT DONCHA

bras and blue panties

When will wikileaks dump more? Any solid guesses?

tomorrow or tonight

no they are going to rape obama and all the corruption he has been doing with merkel making us islamic caliphates.

Bwahahahaha, 'get well soon'