Why don't you like Muslims? They literally make the best food

Why don't you like Muslims? They literally make the best food

>only benefit of multiculturalism is food
rly makes u think

I don't like food


Yeah but then they don't let you drink a beer with your meal.

Kick their ass take their gas.

I hate halal meat

>not being intersectional nu-wave avantgarde vegan and shiet
also sage

>Write down recipe
>Arrest and execute the subversive faggots who tried to deny their people life preserving services.

I'm the only real wizard on this shit, give me a a hit if you want to be taken seriously. Let's see if any of you faggots have it in you.

It's true, the worse a culture treats women, the better the food.

I still don't like Muzzies though.

Chips/fries with meat and sause.
You call that good food?
Fuck off Melbourne cunt

>best food
>no bacon
Try again, muddy.

Anglos can be easily fooled when it comes to food


Keep them barefoot pregnant and in the kitchen and they put in the time to come up with some great food.

Wow they make good food. Still dont need them, theres a thing called a recipe book.

>best food

did you ever ate a schnitzel, you kiwifuck?

HSP is a Sydney thing you uncultured cock smoker

Not that great.
Pretty Shit imo.
They hide the real taste of food with other things.

that shit is amazing. my great grandmother used to make the best schnitzel, with mushrooms and fucking potato pancakes and fresh sour cream.
Now I have feels and I'm hungry

Rather eat Doritos ramen with 10 different sauces

no you fucking idiot
we make the worst
when i was in tea&crumpet land, i ate bacon by accident
i do not regret a single bite of it

Indians make better food and they don't use their religion to try to take over the world. J/s.

Most "muslim" food is based off of Greek food, Persian is a different story, though, and was a thing before Islam.

this shit again. sage.

if you can't follow a recipe and are so desperate for friends that you need to import them, if you are honestly this bloody dense it time for a change. being stupid and weak is no way to go through life.

So, run yourself a nice warm bath, plug in your toaster and give it a wash. do the right thing.

thats more the german version of the schnitzel

>Indian food
That's cool, if you want to be sober and vomit.

Nothing but fake greek food...go eat a proper Gyro

Maybe you should stop getting your curry from back alley dumpsters then.

I thought Australia had their own form of Barbecue, the best form of food preperation ever?

Muslims didnt invent this you fuckstain it was greeks in adelaide

This is the thing that gets me. I like a lot of food, music and women from other cultures. I like a lot of it more than the things white people do around here in Southern California.

So I mean, I think a white majority is good and people should integrate into being Americans instead of identifying so heavily with country of origin. I think its fair for communities to form by racial grounds if they want to. But I'd want to live in a somewhat diverse place still personally.

she was Austrian, named Klein, from near Bavaria if I remember correctly
Not saying Bavaria is Austria, but close to it... I mean I'm a burger and all butilities beleive it or not not all of us are fucking retarded

And its not white people who are benefiting

Muslim/Middle Eastern "food" is a severely retarded version of Greek food.

Would you rather have that doner kebab abortion in OP's pic, or a gyro filled with zesty juicy pork, tzatziki sauce, and crispy french fries?

We do. It's pretty shit food though. Honestly way more about getting your friends around. Weather is always good here. Middle aged people do it. Guys stand around the bbq drinking beers. Wives inside prepping food and talking. Miss playing in the back yard. Food is usually very average

Looks like super mexican food. What's not the appeal?

You only think mudslime food is the greatest thing since sliced bread because Anglos and most germanic cultures generally have utterly terrible cuisines, so its understandable that youd feel this way. To the average Italiwog, Greek or French person, Middle eastern food is mediocre at best. Also Turkish food is actually Anatolian/Greek cuisine.

fish and chips :^)

They wipe their ass with hands and dont wash afterwards
Enjoy your shit pies

I do love them sauces

That looks absolutely disgusting

>best food

try this

>gf took me to shawarma place
>swarming with sandniggers, obviously
>the whole place smells like an elephant's arsehole
>order food
>Ahmed brings it over
>"see user, isn't it good?"
>it was shit
>eat it anyways
>go home and grill some cheeseburgers
The white man's food will always be superior. Never having sandnigger slop again.

>the one good mussie food is 50% meat, 50% a european method of cooking potatoes and european method of preparing cheese
>with some sauce dumped on top
>and chicken salt, an australian invention
>all other mussie food is basically yoghurt, vomit, tasteless bread and goat testicles

Yeah I'd be crushed if I had to go without all that middle eastern fine cuisine

Austria is Germany, wtf?

Yes, and? I can make it myself, and I can Americanize it to make it even better.

Cultural appropriation is a wonderful thing. Subhumans hate it because trivial things like food and dance moves is literally all they have to offer.

>muslim food is better than muslim people

Their foods gets boring very fast. I swear all non-Western food tastes one-dimensional.

God HSPs make me want to vomit

It looks disgusting and tastes good

But as a white man, I claim this food as Australian food, Muslims can fuck right off and we'll steal their food from their culture and claim is as our food.

european food evolved from minimising waste due to the harsh climate. this is why french food has a lot of dairy in it, because cattle herds was the main source of food during the ice age

Damn, now I'm hungry too. Just thinkingabout a nice bratwurst with farmer's cheese perogies topped with sour cream and a nice pint of doppelsticke altbier.

What Indian food would you name that wasn't made by Muslims ?

The British kebab shops have been making essentially the same thing there for years while it's only recently become a thing here.

I'm not sure we can claim it in any way.

Personally I can only stomach 4-dimensional hyper foods

I fucking love kebabs but HSPs are cancer meme food. The kebab grease dripping down onto the chips makes the entire meal taste like shit.

Only thing sand people cant mess up, their food is free pass through the borders though

>if you want to be sober
what did he mean by this?

Pretty much all South Indian food for one...

>they make they best food, Pol btfo
wtf i hate cookbooks now

also no, they don't. Southern French food is obviously the best food on the planet, followed by Japanese, Italian, Thai and Quebecois Jewish