>China has been colonizing Africa for a while building business and infrastructure
>China man is hardworker and prosper unlike lazy niggers
>African woman realized this and started to marry China man
>booga boogabooga Muh Woman, muh jobs
HAHHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHHAHA Niggers are getting cucked
Only thing is chinese people want children with light skin.
>chinks catch aids
>go back to china
>spread aids
>giraffes go extinct as china tries to cure aids epidemic with traditional medicine
They don't care about that, they marry African woman to gain permanent residence.
>eurasian colonization of Africa
I see nothing wrong with this.
Pic very related
I know how China work, after such out all of African natural resource, they gonna leave African back like it is in the beginning plus few extra slant eyes niggers
only the west coast chinks like you have that mentality
inner mountain chinks and poo (tibetan """chinks""") have no problems with that
thank you for your insight, sherlock
>its not racist when china does it
Someone should tell them diversity is a strength.
That's how you get superAIDS.
>when you have to entertain your bosses son
You already posted this my friend
Good lord the world really will be one giant mixed race. The whole Africa for Africans, China for Chinese and Europe for everybody is a myth because in reality its gonna be Everywhere for Chinese.
So, when their Blasians inevitably grow up to be smarter, and probably prettier than the nogs, will the world try to force laws/propaganda to prevent miscegenation? Surely if it affects the "oppressed" blacks, the libs will totally go all 1844.
>those digits
It's known. The black man bows down to the Asian man
Theyre willing cucks tho. Like this Ugandan man, who is raising the son of his wife and her chinese boss.
Farm the rice
Pay the price
they just marrying for the money they still getting that big black cock behind his back, just like the white girls
Niggers don't mind. They want the best women and leave everyone else with the worst.
Jesus Christ that pic. Makes it really obvious.
T.MaDick , it's irrelevant even if they fuck other man. Children are their future and their future is Chinese. Thx based China man.
Chinese Africans mixes would increase Africa's IQ and productivity.
This is the only way the average IQ in subsaharan Africa is ever going to rise above retarded.
>mfw Israel is the only "western" country with a birth rate higher than death rate.
It's almost like that's on purpose or something
>Chinese Africans mixes would increase Africa's IQ and productivity.
How come Mulatto nations are still shitholes? (e.g. Hueland and Parsleyland)
kikes took all the money.
it wont even matter because if they keep this up the muslims will genocide them.
Why can't Sup Forums just all mass convert to Judaism and infiltrate it from within?
Because they're still half nigger.
I've been saying this on here for a while but the instant this country finally succumbs to all of the lefts subversion china is going to rape africa so fucking hard and no ones going to be able to stop them. Not that I'd really want to anyways.
this. niggers don't even want their own "women"
Because reducing societal outcomes to biology is simplistic.
There is no need in permanent residence if the chimps are your work slave. You just send them another master.
Chinese men cant get women because there is much more men than women in China because people only want boys and literally kill baby girls. Chinese women can now afford to be picky about what men they choose, Chinese men dont have that luxury, many more Chinese men will be going to Africa just to get a wife
fucking lmao at this thread, just a friendly reminder tho: pretty much everyone has cucked africa.
tell me leaf, why does everything china manlets say sound like "ching chong wing wong ding dong"? are they retarded?
what other women are there for an african nigger anyway?
most of them will live and die in that shithole and wont reproduce at all since the chinks are taking their women now.
There's no preference. We just hate foreigners.
>inb4 stuff from 500 years ago about how peasants had dark skin
Jews try to make niggers into heros here and they still get picked last.
Mulatto nations are better off than African nations are they not? Proving anons point, he did not say Africans mixing with non blacks will turn them into the next Europe, just that they will be a little smarter and more productive. Just like Brazil is better off than Zimbawe.
Pic related, black nation vs mulatto nation
Are you kidding? There's bugs out there!
africa /= uganda
I would expect a south american like yourself to know that
welp gg everyone it was nice shitposting with you
the chinaman shall inherit the world
>B-b-but muh dick!
Reminder that nigger women are the most vapid, narcistic, loud, obnoxius, gold digging, materialist whores on the planet and will literally suck the life out of you.
They might as well be aboos.
For some reason a lot of families will push their virgins towards chinese men and for that they are quite tight. I guess nigger pussy are not born loose as a fucking 1911.
>Brazil is better off than Zimbawe.
I doubt it, seriously I don't see that as possible
Youre confusing African American nigs, who are embolden by the Jew with the more humble African nigs. Many Africans worship whites, which is why every time my father, who helps run a friends business in Nigeria, travels to Africa, he gets treated like a King by the locals. I think he got offered atleast 30 arranged marriages the last time he went there. Most niggers are aware that there is something wrong with the black race, and many have realised whites and Asians are the only ones who can help the continent progress. Theyve learnt their lesson, that blacks are incapable of ruling other blacks after decades of political instability, ethnic cleansing and wars post colonialism, . I wouldn't be surprised if Niggers in Africa started forcing their women to get impregnated by their chink overlords, as a form of Eugenics. Also, Im told Mullattos are seen as the most beautiful and intelligent in most African countries, which his why bleaching creams are selling quite well there.
Accept me for marrying a white woman as a China man.
My God he's been drained of all life.
We bulls now
nah that's just cherrypicked
chinamen don't like dark skin, they ususally go after those with light skin color, tan is still acceptable
but china does owe niggaland now
>implying china is filled with std already because of a bunch of uneducated farmers
These digits will negate yours, there is no such chink threat
explain white south african genocide then
I have a Somali girlfriend. The other day I came inside her and shouted COLONIZED. I refused to explain what I meant for 3 hours. Black girls love white guys, they show us off. Asians is a new one though.
Sup Forums really needs an African chapter.
Its what happens when you get into a relationship with a sheboon. Poor deniro
Used to be one of the best, now hes washed up making kids movies with an inbred looking son while his black whore of a wife spends all his money.
Really dumbass? Brazil has the 9th largest economy in the world and the 2nd largest in the American continent, 15% of Brazilians live below the poverty line, in Zimbawe, 80% live under the poverty line, with a fucking 95% unemployment rate. How you would think that one of Africa's most poorest nations is better off than one of Latin American powerhouses is beyond me, I mean yeah it is Latin America but still hey are on the top
>mixing the soulless insect minded chink with the dumb low iq of the violent african negroid
This isn't going to end well. It's gonna be worse than Brazil.
you know he literally plays a cuck in like 3/4ths of his movies?
casino? cucked by joe pesci
raging bull? cucked by joe pesci
taxi driver? cucked by himself
goodfellas? cucked by ray liotta
>Brazil has the 9th largest economy in the world
Doesnt matter when most of it is going to the drug lords and corrupt politicians / top 1%. Brazil is not only poor as fuck but probably one of the most violent and subhuman places outside of africa. It might as well BE in africa.
>american talking about geography
backlash. or blacklash.
SA blacks were sheltered by apartheid from black rule and all the war and rape and slavery that comes with it, but now are starting to see its eroding effects. Even the Zulu king prefers white rule. Their recent negative experience was white rule, and their period of black rule is less so the psyche-exhaustion hasn't hit them like the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Hubris, They thought they would be just as good without whites. Now they can barely farm enough food, There's nothing even left for them to steal these days.
I never thought of that before but you're right.
>superior intellect of a asian
>stamina and super strength of a nigger
>natural resources of Africa
Literally Master Race
South African niggers are considered the worst nigs in Africa, by other Africans, im told by my fathers Nigerian business friend. They pretty much hate anyone who isnt South African bantu, which is why theres been many reports of Nigerians, Ethiopian, Ghanaian migrant workers and business owners in South Africa being killed by mobs of South African blacks. If youre white and if you go to major cities in West Africa or East Africa, you'll get treated pretty well.
..... Goodfellas? I've watched it at least 20 times, I don't recall his character being cucked by Ray Liotta's character.
A new, unstoppable army.
>The comments on the youtube link
>chink intellect
>super strength of niggers
hearty kek
If chinks and niggers merged it would create a race of retarded buck toothed brown midgets.
nah, Brazilians can at least still eat and have a job, while shitty they still have one. People in Zimbawe are literally eating mice to survive
Do you really think even 1/4 of them are going to end up like that?
Most of them are still going to be retarded and slightly weaker than pure africans. They're gonna end up being like whites only looking way less attractive.
His wife kinda looks like Alicia Keys
If they have a daughter, she'll most likely resemble her even more
it's the most cucked continent of History.
>mfw zimbabwe
Based Ray isn't a fuck up at least .
>>mfw Israel is the only "western" country with a birth rate higher than death rate.
Israel is 20% Arab outside of the Palestinian territories. And they are breeding like rabbits compared to Israelis.
>whitey steals chink girls
>nigger steals white girls
>chink steals nig woman
It's like a game of rock/paper/scissors
Why the Keynesian has white hands?
she is qt
I think you mean,
>nigger steals white girls
>chink steals nig woman
>whitey watches as tyrone fucks his wife
Why are Africans so lazy?
>>whitey watches as tyrone fucks his wife
maybe in your household
We dont even have enough niggers In canada for them to have their own communities
more like the Asian strength and coordination with the intelligence of an African, and thus no ability to extract the natural resources
There's supposed to be a shortage of women for Chinese men but I go on OKC and POF and I see Chinese whores everywhere. Figurative ones, I mean.
Some of these women are 40 and older and still pretending they want to have kids.
They're all dumb shits like our women:
>I love travel
(spending my money not settling down and having kids)
If the gender balance is so skewed these women should be able to pull high status chink men and have nice families even if they're not particularly bright, pretty, interesting etc. But most of the ones on these sites are more than fuckable.
>clit already removed so she doesn't care for sex
>100% loyal
>dat thicc ass and nice chocolate milk tits
Would you? Your kids would technically be how you want them, she will obey you 100%.
Chances are they are first generation Chinese, which is why you see them everywhere.
I mean, it would literally create Filipinos but even darker and more niggerish with retard level IQ.
You know what, the chi coms funded Mugabe, and put the whites through hell. Now they come in, and guess what. The same thing is going to happen to them. Africa is a finger trap, a cookie jar of gold and diamonds to get your hand stuck in. the same thing happened to the stupid conquistadors. Now look at them. What good is gold if it isn't backed by honest labor? nothing!
Nah I like my qt white gf
Claiming blacks are getting cucked lmao, whites trick Chinese men into African migration, marry into black lines and get aids. AIDS in China will be an epidemic by 2024. White man wins.
100% STD too.