well Sup Forums? pull the lever or leave it alone?
Well Sup Forums? pull the lever or leave it alone?
Pull the lever as the trolley is halfway past, putting it on both tracks
Pull it, get in the trolley, reverse, and go again.
Top track obviously.
I'm assuming that's what your fiends and family in the middle are for, to prevent you from multi-track drifting.
how are you gonna deal with the police?
Multitrack Drifting would kill your loved ones too.
That's why they're there, to keep you from doing that.
Personally, cheaters are the worst.
Whores with no commitment are fine, I could care less that they're contracting the clap and AIDS
But once a woman is settled on a committed relationship, by god, you better be loyal for the rest of your life.
How would a 9 foot dick even work?
I reject mass transit and thus the premise.
that wouldn't work since you would also hit the people in the middle of the tracks
Bottom track
I can just inform the 4 cucks that their wife is sleeping with a nigger on the sideline. I am sure as shit not going to sacrifice my red pilled family who all voted for Trump just to get the other side of trash.
He is PUSHING that lever
8 death niggers are better than 1 , so obviously bottom
Your family is only there to prevent multi-track drifting. The top track is objectively better because you're preventing 4 times as many nigger births.
The one with the most niggers, I love killing niggers. Then go and shot down the last nigger left. What the white women did is none of my business.
ur point?
Let's assume that the trolley has a fairly high clearance
but i want to hit the people in the middle of the tracks too
fuck, i died
>Your family is only there to prevent multi-track drifting
If my family wasn't in the middle I wouldn't fucking flinch on pulling the multi track drifting. I only chose the bottom because one I hate sand niggers. And two I can easily destroy 4 coal burners marriages with just a phone call.
Trouble with the trolley.jpg
Top track.
The bitch on the bottom will probably be killed shortly after the affair by a pack of mudslimes.
Honestly, it's not the mudslimes fault the chick is a whore, on the other side its a bunch of fucking whores acting like whores probably getting pregnant
>implying I don't have a cell phone
Obviously, you crank it up just when the train reaches the intersection, so the train derails and kills the police. You pick up a gun from the police, shoot top and bottom rows, then kill all the relatives and friends that didn't cheer.
>don't pull
>untie family and strongest friends
>tie police to other track using stronk friends
>pull lever
>wait for the next train
"No way of reaching help" is written very clear in the thought experiment
I like the way you think, even if your country is upside-down and full of poison and emus.
>multitrack drifting
I pull the lever and then go lie down next to them.
Let it run over the Muslims on its own then free the people in the middle, kill the nigger, and leave his harem to die
Bottom track.
When I walk away leaving the rest tied down, the women would be too weak and the black man too dumb to figure out how to get the ropes off. Mudslimes would somehow work their way out.
I love that this has reached the stage where your family is put in the middle preemptively because people kept drifting.
(the family members are all safe because they are laying down but also not on tracks, the train passes over them)
Don't touch the switch at all. Pull out a Mac 10 and kill the cops first. Then pipe bomb the fuck out of the survivors on the other two tracks.
I am not authorized to deside who's going to live.
Don't touch the lever. I would be going against the nap if I did
Thankfully my waifu has wizard powers that let her teleport the people in the middle to safety.
Multi-track drifting it is.
killing mudskins is better since they will continue to rape other cute and innocent females while the cucked males will just fap in a corner and ultimately be self destructive and the females will end up getting AIDS and die, rather than causing harm and destruction outwardly
>tfw you have a 9ft dick and you pass out from low blood pressure everytime you get an erection
Whichever one kills the most whores. The brown people can be deported afterwards.
That bitch is still getting multitrack drifted, I have nothing to lose
>don't pull lever
>tell cops & family I didn't want to choose who lived and died, they understand
>sue the shit out of the person who tied a bunch of people to the railroad track for some crap like mental distress effecting my work and school
>inform husbands of infidelity, use winnings from lawsuit and pool funds to get amazing divorce lawyers
Top one.
Not even about race anymore once sociopathic gold diggers are involved. No man, regardless of race and ideology, should suffer at the hands of a gold digger.
>driver approaches on speed expecting to go straight forward
>some ebin philosopher autismo pulls lever because muh morality
>trolley enters secondary lines sharp turn on full speed, flips and causes mayhem killing everyone on its path and on board
>mumble something about dilemmas and run away
Multi track drifting obviously
multi track drifting, again
Pull the lever that kills the nigger harem. Why? A nigger harem has the potential to sire many subhumans in 9 months than a whore siring one subhuman every 9 months. It also gets rid of multiple race traitors and unfaithful whores in one fell swoop and save white men from financially supporting the race traitors, the niglets, and the nigger.
This is pretty much the scenario where you remain vigilant and you protect freedoms (or whatever) or you slack off or quit and everything falls.
I'd keep pulling the lever even if I know it's all futile. Keep everything from falling. For all eternity, if needed be.
This guy know's what's up.
One women with multiple muslims will just have - at best, a few kids. The muslims will no doubt fight one another at some point, or kill the woman for being dishonorable to them. Solves itself.
The multiple women, one black guy is the problem.
Multiple nigglets, the women are decietful rats, and the nigger's a nigger.
Besides, if you're in america the bottom option would be dealt with by trump eventually anyway.
>No Multitrack drifting
i like this one
kek underrated
This makes me happy.
i leave the train parked, walk over and shoot every non white in the head
derail the train to run over the cops
Send train left then borrow handgun from cops to finish off right
That's easy, I just pull out.
I've posted the true hard mode.
>I don't know which is the correct pad, but I know that you don't know either.
eliminates A and B (and thereby 5 and 6)
>At first I didn't know which was the correct pad, but now I do.
eliminates 1
>Now I know which is the correct pad too.
eliminates D (and thereby 2 and 4)
i'll say C3
Save my dick
"what do?"
Killing niggers and race traitors is something I can advocate for with a clean conscience.
Monty Hall problem, change the track
I'd kill Tyrone and all his coal burning sluts.
I'd then pull an uzi out of my suit jacket and tell the police to disarm and kick their guns over to me. I'd then execute the dumb whore and her smelly muslim guys. I'd then shout at the cops to get lost. After they leave, I'd put my uzi away, bring out a duffle bag, and put all their guns in it, keeping them to sell later on the darknet. I'd then make a webm of my car's dashcam video (*great for proving innocence in traffic accidents, btw*) brag about the entire thing on /baphomet/, Sup Forums, and /leftypol/ just to see some commie cucks call me a monster. I'd have my face censoredout of the video with
>pic related
to cover it. Once people confirm the video as real I'd become a hero to all Sup Forumslacks and edgy neo-nazi wannabes on stormfront. The video would eventually end up being posted on Sup Forums and that is where I'd end up making this board proud.