Would you marry a girl if you found out her nudes were readily available on the internet?

Would you marry a girl if you found out her nudes were readily available on the internet?

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You should post her nudes user. That's the only way we can give you an honest answer.



Yes, I'd prefer it

I'm not a cuck but I fucking love guys jacking off to my bitch

>I'm not a cuck

I'm pretty sure you are, senpai

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch?

She doesn't have any... this comes out of several conversations I've had with friends.

Apparently they think it's weird she doesn't have nudes... and it's normal to sext and shit. I've always found that off-putting. Then I found out my friends send out dick pics all the time too.

Here I am an adult in his 30s, married, has had sex and obviously been on the internet and I've never done any of this shit nor has my wife. But apparently it's now normal.

you can't


your own post faggot.

Isn't that pretty much the definition or something?

I suppose it's a brave new world. I kinda feel bad for the internet generation in this respect.

user, I trust you.
I want to be completely honest before we go any further.
My ex boyfriend Chad was a real jerk and posted some bad pictures of me on something called /fit/

I hope you don't think less of me...

dlelelte u count