Would you marry a girl if you found out her nudes were readily available on the internet?
Would you marry a girl if you found out her nudes were readily available on the internet?
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You should post her nudes user. That's the only way we can give you an honest answer.
Yes, I'd prefer it
I'm not a cuck but I fucking love guys jacking off to my bitch
>I'm not a cuck
I'm pretty sure you are, senpai
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch?
She doesn't have any... this comes out of several conversations I've had with friends.
Apparently they think it's weird she doesn't have nudes... and it's normal to sext and shit. I've always found that off-putting. Then I found out my friends send out dick pics all the time too.
Here I am an adult in his 30s, married, has had sex and obviously been on the internet and I've never done any of this shit nor has my wife. But apparently it's now normal.
you can't
your own post faggot.
Isn't that pretty much the definition or something?
I suppose it's a brave new world. I kinda feel bad for the internet generation in this respect.
user, I trust you.
I want to be completely honest before we go any further.
My ex boyfriend Chad was a real jerk and posted some bad pictures of me on something called /fit/
I hope you don't think less of me...
dlelelte u count
Unironically and sincerely kill yourself right now. Get pills, rubbing alcohol, a noose, strangulation, a gun, I don't care what. Just fucking use the closest thing near you and get off this planet.
My wife's nudes aren't readily available on the internet because they're illegal but they are on the internet.
Yes. I'm dating a nude model right now and I think she's possible marriage material. Just debating over the number of children right now.
I don't get off on it but I don't care about it either. She's marvelously fucking hot and one day she won't be. I'm happy for her to cash in and immortalize herself doing classy shots right now.
She's turned down Penthouse for example, so there's a certain artistic level she stays at.
Depends on the nudes. BTW ladies, when posting nudes on the Internet, always try to provide a rear view. Thanks in advance.
I would only marry a virgin, so it wouldnt bother me.
He said your a cuckold
Good luck with that my friend!
Also, I'm not going to post or provide links because she has a public presence and I'm not going to steer any more shit to her inbox than she already gets on a daily basis.
It's too bad she isn't reading this thread, she lurks here time to time.
See I don't even have nudes of my wife... because they don't exist. She never took any... because she's intelligent enough to know there's no way to be sure something like that stays private once it exists.
I like this. It means I've seen something nobody else has seen or ever will see and strengthens our bond. I feel sorry for all the couples out there who will never have this.
She hurts my soul
Is FreshBlush. From the thumbnail I expected her to start smoking.
If I wanted to listen to a woman babble about nonsense I'd go on a date. At least then you have the chance of disappointing sex at the end of the night.
As long as she wasnt fucking other guy and getting nutted all over
if its just her, it's fine
if there's anyone else, its not fine with me
>this is my code
I live it, one day at a time
Heh I have the same fetish
I whore out pics and vids of my gf on omegle and love watching dudes blow loads to her and hear what they want to do to her
If she was ever unfaithful I'd kill her and the dude though
Yes as long as she was a virgin and young
You're not that faggot on Sup Forums about a month ago are you? The one who posted pictures of his gf for other people, had her whore herself on Omegle and then denied being a cuck? If not you definitely sound like him, or maybe it's this faggot If it's one of you or neither you're both cucks regardless.
If she was a virgin frankly I would be ok with it.
I rarely go on Sup Forums
Who does that to themselves and why
I'd take a young virgin with nudes leaked over a whore with no nudes leaked.
Naked pics online? That's disgusting. Where did he post those? What thread though, there are so many of them. That's so disgusting. Where though
No. It tells me she has no self control, and no foresight.
I agree teenage nudes are the best
U okay bro?
I'm not sure about the women in your country, but those aren't the only two options.
lel based Mac before he was a permafaggot.