Pol silent

pol silent

it's a movie about faggot liberals only being nice to black for their own gain. peele is redpilled and married a jewess with a fat fucking ass.

Is that why many black people hate the movies? Because white people in that movie are merely pretending?

This. Dumbasses think it's a "WHITIES BE EBIL" movie, but it takes a giant shit on liberals.

there will come a day when this whole black vs white thing will be a fucking joke and an embarrassment written in a history book teaching kids that at one time time humans didnt like other humans who were a different color....and they'll laugh.

>Rothschilds bow to them etc. etc.

Good for him, hopefully it inspires more blacks to get out of the ghetto and become successful.

Not so long as there is a profit to be made for Hymie in identity politics. In Peele's case, substitute Chelsea Peretti for Hymie.

Racism will never die as long as the races are different. If it was merely skin color, that'd be one thing.

So much this.

So many libtards are going to see it when the movie is all about them and their hypocrisy.

The movie can be summed up in one tiny paragraph.

The main protagonist is an African-American who clearly has his life together and is succeeding despite his crappy start. He has white gf and they're going to see family. Summing up the next hour is that liberal white people are very nice to black people and pretent to care about racism and all those issues but when it comes down to basics they only accept black people into their circle who act exactly like them, like liberal white people.

That's what the whole brain transplant plot twist is all about. The white gf and her whole family refuse and reject the African-American protagonist because he literally refuses to delete his own original identity in order to become something that's white liberal acceptable.

He looks like he needs to make a phone call.

Tyler perry is going to be pissed.

Shouldnt it read another half black half white man makes history. But we're only going to focus on the black part even though he came out of a white vagina like we did for Obama.

Key and Peele aren't bad m8

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Peele isn't, but Key would actually transplant his brain to fit in.

Ha ha he's half white, same with the first black president. Ha ha ha.

He is not black he is biracial. Half white

why the race baiting?

Peele was born in New York City, New York. His father is black, and his mother, Lucinda Williams, is white.[1][2] He attended the Computer School in I.S. 44 for Junior High School and went on to attend The Calhoun School for high school, graduating in 1997. He then went on to attend Sarah Lawrence College as a member of the class of 2001.

Is this the same man? When did this director show up in the show business

The plot for this movie is the dumbest shit I have ever read. How did it make money

Spike Lee BTFO

but yeah... it's about |race|. so interesting

Spike Lee BTFO

Or you know, it might actually be a good movie?

Who would've guessed it was about race of all things?!


Suprise surprise
Normies eating up kike nigger propaganda shit.
Who would have thoug-
>looks at culture trends of the last 60 years
Oh wait, this is totally normal. At least it's normal for delicious double burger land

He isn't redpilled, he just resents White Liberals like most mullatos. At any rate the thing most black people take away from it is just going to be "isn't it fun when blacks kill whitey because reasons".

It's sounds like a totally average movie. I have no interest in seeing it. I was aware from the start that it's not an anti white movie. Americans are just starved for something decent to watch.