This completely changed my perspective on Brianna. When are we going to start taking her seriously?
This completely changed my perspective on Brianna. When are we going to start taking her seriously?
Who knew she was psychic?
>early 2015
Holy shit what other predictions has she made? We need to stop her for she holds untold power. She is a prophet and we must work against her at all costs.
>2017, knew transsexualism would lead to a suicide
there is nothing more entertaining than a low iq narcissist
cunts like Brianna Wu think they can coast on their good looks. Can't wait to watch her crash a burn.
Not gonna lie, this really made me think.
>cunts like Brianna Wu think they can coast on their good looks
>Brianna Wu
>good looks
good one friend
fuck off with that transphobic bs
when my gf browses Sup Forums and sees shit like that it literally makes her cry
john flynn get the fuck off pol you aids infested tranny faggot
Psycho =\= psychic
Nice digits btw. Praise kek
>cunts like Brianna Wu think they can coast on their good looks
>good looks
user, I...
>post event predictions
Why are they always so accurate?
This is his next major event
GUYS. The RUSSIANS are trying to hack her. Surely she knows something.
>good looks
Mate have you seen >her
nice b8 m8
>gamergate led to the alt-right
hardcore video gamers think they're WAAAAY more influential than they actually are
Yeah but what if you threw an iPhone from the moon? It would destroy the earth.
We need to meme this man into congress
This. Also there's no such thing as the "alt-right"
thank you
this is some good b8 m8
Isn't this the same man who predicted that astronauts would drop moon rocks on our heads?
Hahahahahahahaha, that stupid whore is going to Titanic the Democrats. Let's meme her up to be a great visionary.
he's like fuckin Wustradamus
How can you say this? She fought the alt-right and won.
Good post
Kek has decided that Brianna Wu is in fact of the female gender.
This. Although gamergate did make a bunch of basement dwelling autists like myself aware of SJWs.
Hi brian. Fuxk off you faggit
> Wu wants the DNC nomination
Oh Kek, entertain us!
>When are we going to start taking her seriously?
Only if he threatens himself again and makes even less believable
Yeah and Don Quiqote fought dragons and won
But that's a lie.
After John loses his campaign, then I predict his suicide.
"gamergate" is the "alt-right"
a (((narrative)))
Argentina, if you want to be white, you have to be literate. (((She))) said nomination, not presidency.
>Brianna wew
Can a man manslpain another man?
The iPhone was just an android knockoff and the "alt-right" isn't even real. Pretty amazing that he knew Trump would win the nomination in early 2015 when Trump didn't even announce he was running until halfway through the year, though.
Brianna stop referring to yourself in the third person.
You can't just make a political tweet to post on Sup Forums and think it'll boost your publicity.
>democrats going further left.
Hope they enjoy not winning anything for the next century.
Y2K knew I would be a crazy freak
>password was hacked by Russians
The memes write themselves.
I rate this 8 out of 8
what the fuck are you doing in fucking el salvador
What a fucking con artist. Everything he is claiming to know is just echoing what other people have said.
When the iPhone came out everyone was saying it was going to change everything. Gamergate created a very vocal division of people that was tired of superficial identity politics.
The left is having an ongoing schism because of corporate Democrats very blatant misuse of power. All his points about that are copy and pasted from plebbit
Someone load that AIDS ridden fraud into a helicopter already
Are you mansplaining us? Fucking privileged white male
I live here mate :3 life is good
>still trying to use goofygoober to stay relevant
So I don't understand this one.
He says "ID it asks you to sign into", but I don't see the ID.
how many things did john predict that didn't come true? like becoming a real woman when he chopped off his dick and started taken hormones?
Fopbopadoowop, a bop Bing bow!
Is it comfy there
What is your extradition policy like
Bernie winning.
Hillary winning.
the same way some Sup Forumsacks think they won trump the election
Most Americans are independents. and unfortunatley for the left, there isn't really that much separation between a right-leaning centrist and the far-right.
but there is a huge gap between a left-leaning centrist and these commies. its one thing to virtue signal about more gibs, its another thing when it starts coming out of your paycheck.
I still don't understand what gamergate is even about
shut up leaf, meme magic is real
His hallucinations have been noted.
jesus fucking h christ fuck my eyes with sizzling iron rod
We did more or less.
Our takeover of reddit through the_donald spawned enough memes for us to redpill a huge amount of normies, as well as destroy faith in democratic politicians.
We controlled the meme flow.
True, but if >she want to show off her prescience, this image makes her look like a fucking idiot.
For all that is holy, in the name of Kek, we must meme him into congress. It'll seriously be the funniest goddamn thing to ever happen.
S.2943 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 Sec 1287 global engagement center
Wu was literally at Clinton HQ on Election Night tweeting about how she was going to be so close to Hillary when she became Potus.
>implying it wouldn't be funnier to destroy his happiness again
Oh god those fucking teeth and that shovel face
>We need Universal income because work is hard and i dont want to even look for work to be eligable for government hand outs, also make sex reassignment surgery paid for by tax payers even though less then 1% of people are trans, and even fewer actually go thru with cutting of their dicks
He won so hard against the dragons he turned into a store chain
Stop giving him attention.
When this war is over I'll use my position to have him executed.
If he knew Gamergate would lead to the alt right, why did he give them so much attention? If he knew Trump would win, why did he bother posting anti trump propoganda?
Hell if he knew the iPhone was going to change everything, why didnt he invest in Apple or make games for iPhones? Why even call yourself a feminist game developer if you dont make games?
Does he still have a dick?
>cunts like Brianna Wu think they can coast on their good looks
Might wanna get those eyes checked. Also, I'm assuming that you're calling him a cunt on a purely metaphorical level since he physically doesn't have one.
When you disappear forever, Flynt.
Ok, I kek'd. Here's your (you)