The US is dead. There will be no more legitimate elections. Trump wants to be a king. he is a fascist. he is a monarch and he wants america to be turned into his private kingdom. president bannon is currently leading the charge but trump will get his throne. He is pulling strategies straight out Putin playbook. Congrats on destroying this country assholes.
The US is dead. There will be no more legitimate elections. Trump wants to be a king. he is a fascist...
Bannon's Endgame:
1. Place puppets in federal agencies.
2. Fire all attorney generals to keep states from fighting back.
3. Release order asking for cabinet members to demolish their agencies. Bannon himself has likely already written these letters or will tell them exactly what he wants them to say.
4. Destroy the federal government.
This is Bannon's endgame. This is what he's been striving so hard for. This is why Donald Trump has been made so quiet recently, Bannon needed Trump to survive at least until this is complete.
> ShareBlue-Sample
Go do something productive user
I'm confused, does Trump want to be a king or does he want to get rid of the government he is in charge of?
>the us is dead
>there will be no more legitimate elections
Good. Democracy is fucking garbage.
Democracy is overrated anyways. There is no better form of Government than a "dictatorship" you agree with.
On the same hand, there is no worse Government than a dictatorship you disagree with.
But I happen to agree with Trump on quite a bit.
if anyone didn't want to relinquish power, it was Obama. and that didn't work very well for him.
he's in his DC cuckshed right now probably crying into his husbands boyfriend's arms. Trump is also old af. he's going to be seriously old after 8 years too.
he may not even want to be president after 4 years of this shit.
Non whites cant handle egalitarianism without turning it into a racist war on whites.
They lack the empathetic faculties (lucky them)
I just wanted to add that Obama has nothing going on in his sad life, he didn't have shit to do before being President, he was practically a nobody nigger. and now he can't decide what he's supposed to do except travel around looking for book deals and community organizing. Obama needs the power and prestige of the DC facade,
Trump can ride off into the sunset at anytime with no regrets or worries.
I wish this was true.
I wish that everything you said is true desu, but it isn't.
It's as good a time for a Tausendjähriges Reich as any I suppose
I don't know what to think anymore.. Apparently something about Steve Bannon is going to drop next week.. have any other anons heard this?
I am so tired of my country being fucked up. Why is all of it falling apart?
Shoo shoo, shill
Unfortunately there is still much work to be done before that goal is completed.
Good, not only do I relish in the coming Trumpenreich, but your faggot fickong bitchkike tears make it all the more sweeter, my semitic little future rudimentary light fixture component.
>There will be no more legitimate elections. Trump wants to be a king. he is a fascist. he is a monarch and he wants america to be turned into his private kingdom. president bannon is currently leading the charge but trump will get his throne
Oh please let this be true, democracy has shown itself to be garbage.
Better than Destroying it in a war with Russia led by a corrupt old which who had to cheat in order to beat a fucking socialist.
Sounds great. Hail the Trumpenriech!