Sup Forums will defend him

Sup Forums will defend him

lmao no we won't
trump only needs to shift the blame of the health care thing onto him.

is he /ourguy/?

He's a globalist and should get the Axe and have his career shattered. praise kek. it would be funny if they took his gov healthcare from him.kek

That plus he looks like fuck'n Eddie Munster.

No, fucking everyone on pol hates him, you cant prove me wrong


I cant beliefe one and a half year ago, I thought this was a respectable person. He should be hanged and quartered.

When has this board ever defended this cuck? Redditors and their cancer need to leave.

he's hot :3c
rule34 when?

no I won't

I always hated him.

I'm not defending Paul Fucking Ryan, are you crazy?

No one here likes Paul Ryan.

Sup Forums supported Nehlen in the GOP primaries in Ryan's district. Unfortunately, voters in that district are cucked beyond belief, and Nehlen lost by 50 points.

Wrong Paul

Wouldn't piss on fire to put him out

What exactly is wrong with his health care plan?

How is it different from what Trump proposed? I don't understand.

Just piss my shit up

Sup Forums will do no such thing

Nope, he's a RINO prick. So glad we dodged that bullet and didn't have him as VP.

His career is dead. He just doesn't know it yet.

He is a coward.