My faggot brother is a monster because of liberal culture

My gay brother eats my food, puts me on the spot last minute to drive him to the bus stop so he can do drugs with and fuck his boyfriend (an hour round trip and he has a car our parents bought for him) and he lectures me anytime I question his actions on how I'm a bigot to deflect from his general narcissism and selfishness. He is the product of babying and worship from our liberal parents. He spent over 6 years on a college campus living in a safe space where everyone thought he was a hero for sucking dick. He also lectures me on how I'm a bigot for being a right leaning libertarian (I don't have religious convictions and don't care about gays). He blew up at me one time for saying I like Ronald Reagan and he threw a fit. Why the fuck are we raising our gays to be narcissistic SJW manchildren?

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You could always, you know, stop giving into his shit and grow some fucking balls you whiney bitch.

I would smack him right in his hepussy if our parents didn't get involved. They protect him like their little faggot jewel

>if our parents didn't get involved.
Are you expecting a hefty inheritance or something? It sounds like your brother should be their problem and not yours.

No, but I still rely on my parents for housing. I pay for everything else. And they make it my problem. For example when my brother wants a free ride to the bus stop because he is a lazy fuck he will take the bus home from his apartment (which my parents pay for) and pretends like he forgot and then my parents essentially force me to drive his ass. He uses our parents as leverage and they are complicate because they are cucked libtards.

You sound like a faggot too op. Why are you letting this twink get to you. Ignore him like an annoying woman.

If I could I would but my parents won't let me and I need them ATM. Not making enough for rent and all my other expenses. Meanwhile my brother gets a free ride in every sense and abuses my parents white liberal guilt

Move out then. Or sit down with your parents and have an honest discussion with them.

But really you should move out.

So if I'm understanding this correctly, you are living with your parents (but otherwise sustaining yourself) and they pay for your brother's apartment an hour away?

Why can't he ride the bus back home?

I will as soon as I can. And I tried that. They don't care. In their warped view of reality I am "privileged" because I like pussy and my attempts to reason with them is in vain. They won't hold my brother accountable and will force me to baby his ass and he is a grown man.

>I don't have religious convictions and don't care about gays
So fuck off. You earn what you sow.

desu I would say deal with it up until you can move. I assume your parents know he's doing drugs and are okay with that shit?

He takes the bus to the city to avoid driving but that forces me to pick him up and it is an hour round trip and he does it very frequently. Basically he makes me drive an hour to pick him up and an hour to drop him off so that he doesn't have to drive home or to the city.

They do but he can do no wrong. And he does hard shit too

Give them aids

Move out IMMEDIATELY. Right now. Start packing your bags, find someone looking for a roommate on craigslist, GO. That's a situation so toxic you could easily wind up going to jail because your idiot parents call the cops on you for being rude.


Yeah.... gas the fags race war now! Totally solves my problem -____-

Lol OP is getting cucked by his faggot brother.

Evict him. Pack the fudge, get the nudge.

As someone who was not my parents' favorite son, I can commiserate. But seriously, get over your resentment. They can't help it, and will NEVER change. My brother is a literal sociopath, made my childhood miserable. I brought it up one time when we were all drunk at easter and they lectured me about how I needed to "get over my resentment." Never a single word about how anything he did was wrong. I knew they don't disbelieve me (unless they were hopelessly delusional) because they had physical evidence of everything when we were growing up.

I realized right then and there that all the shit he did to me-- twisted my arms the wrong way, shot me with a BB gun, cut me with knives, and intentionally broke all my stuff I didn't hide from him-- didn't matter to them as much as me being "mean" to him whenever I stood up for myself. It wasn't that they were malevolent, it was that their perception was that distorted. Their little boy is still and extension of them, and since I was not as impressive when I was little, I was outside their ego's circle, and so I was allowed to be a separate person.

So I took their advice. I decided to let go of resentment, as much as I could. It was good advice, even if it was given for the wrong reasons.

I still don't let him push me around, though. For example, he wanted me to join in on some cell phone plan so he could save money* and I refused. I can live with the reputation of being the "disagreeable" one. They really can't help seeing me that way.

*(for comparison, last time we did this, he kept telling me different amounts for how much I owed, increasing in five or ten dollar increments, it turned out when I went to Verizon after about a year of this that I was covering a little more than half of their total bill, for both him and his wife's phones and my own. This was back when you had to pay extra for text and data, and I used very little of the former and none of the latter.)

Just move out man, for your sanity

Read the thread. the brother doesn't even live in the same place.

How? Ebola Chan graced us once but where is Aids Chan?

Do I smell sodomy?

Yeah it fucking sucks. Jokes on him though because he is unemployable

Why don't you get a job and a house in another state and disown him? Never let him in your house and never talk to him.


>Fruits into Vegetables

How so? general ineptitude or diagnosed condition?

Find someone with aids. Shouldnt be too hard. Put some blood in their food but not enough so it can be tasted.

Thanks man that's good advice. I look forward to moving out and moving on

Lack of discipline and accountability. He literally can't take criticism or conflict because he's "perfect"

>raising our gays

Had a roommate like this. Afraid you're just gonna have to suck it up for now. He won't change until he has to, and right now society rewards people like that with an endless lifeline of gibs as long you play the victim and guilt people effectively. Things may be changing a bit, but until then you'll have to muddle through. I recommend meditation and exercise — you can't improve him, but you can improve yourself.



Good advice thank you

Who talked about gassing anyone ?
There is a high probability he would not delude himself into homosexuality if your family and you had a reluctant attitude toward homosexuality. You said you are libertarian with no religious view ? Right. So you should accept this situation as your beliefs command you to do and not complain.

Good for you man. Agreeableness is a shit big5 trait anyway.

That was fucking hilarious man thanks for that kek

Yep. Just do the dumb things you gotta do. Render unto Caesar and nothing more.

I don't care about fags I do care about people that use faggotry as leverage and I resent my parents for treating me like a black sheep because I'm not gay

His brother and parents are constantly violating the NAP though

Your brother was already a narcissistic freak before liberal culture. Your parents dun goof'd.

Dude just watch this it'll give you the answers you're looking for

>Why the fuck are we raising our gays to be narcissistic SJW manchildren?

Why the fuck are you allowing this faggot to completely step all over you and disrespect you and your family? Sounds like you're the beta faggot in this situation.

You need to raise an army of child sex slaves to go suicide bomb his apartment when hes home one day

OP is a faggots little bitch

I also have a sociopath older (25) brother, though not as bad as yours. In my case its not a matter of delusion. Its a common liberal mode of thought I think, similar to Stockholm syndrome, where it seems the worse someone acts the more they feel they have to coddle them. Despite his having a job and savings they refuse to kick him out because "hes our son", despite his childishness.

>raising our gays

It's 2017, the only place you should be raising gays to is a rooftop tbph

Then I get my ass kicked out of the house. If I could I would. I would give him the beating our dad gave him. But if I did I would get kicked out.

Our dad never gave him*

>if I did I would get kicked out.
>implying your family wouldn't also press charges and get you in the legal system for hate crimes

I know they would kick me out. I don't know about pressing charges.
They probably would though because they are so cucked.

This, fuck OP, his fag brother, and his nigger tier shit parents.

Light the BBQ in the hallway tonight and MAGA, pussy.

You sound so fucking stupid, you'll probably get away with it. Tell the cops the house was cold from the blizzard.

As funny and edgey as this is I would be making the issue marginally worse by lighting the house I live in on fire......

You really are dumb...
It's the sweet sweet carbon monoxide that your home requires.

Maybe if I was taking the nigger drugs my brother takes I would have the urge to do that

If I'm being honest, I'm actually extremely agreeable. It was a big problem for me growing up, and the reason I was so easy to pick on. I have control over it now, and if being agreeable is going to get me screwed over, I do the opposite of what my instincts tell me to.

If I just pretended I was actually some kind of hard ass by nature, I probably wouldn't be able to be that way when I needed to.

Way to home in on the big 5 terminology. Are you a JP fan? I actually understood most of this stuff before I started watching him, but he did help me define a lot of terms for things I thought I had figured out on my own.

Honestly, It sounds like you either need to suck it up or you need to sit down with your parents and have a 'serious' talk.

>I know you love him
>I know he is family
>I love him too
>I don't care that he's gay
>I DO care about the drugs, and refuse to facilitate him with that, for me it is morally wrong.
>I DO care that he is unemployed and not looking for work.
>I DO care that he uses me, who has a job and responsibilities, to make his life easier when he has NO COMMITMENTS OF HIS OWN.
>It's not healthy for HIM. It's not good for HIM.

Almost verbatim the points I made and they said I don't understand what he is going through..... And all I could think was, What getting free shit and walking all over everyone because he is gay?

You need to keep having these talks with your parents man. My older bro was a complete sack of shit, didn't have a job at 30 years old. Never once in his life. Smoked the shittiest weed in his room and sperg'd out if anyone asked him ANYTHING.

First time I complained, my parents didn't care, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, they didn't. After the 15th time they started to realize where I was coming from and started giving him ultimatums. Find a job or your out, didn't work, they tried again and stuck to their guns, he left the house for a few days and came back. Eventually they had enough of his shit and realized the only way to make him grow up was kicking him out for good.

Some people just need to be left on their own to realize what a stain on society they are, than they can grow up and be productive. He can play the victim card to his friends in the beginning, but than they'll see eventually that he is an awful person.

Stick to your guns, bro.

Thanks this gives me hope I'll try again

I don't think you should blame a sexual preference because your brother is a narcissist and you have bad parents. Your parents are also to blame for your obvious lack of common sense, which would tell you that the issue lies within your brother, your parents, and not in "liberal culture".

You have to realize, he's talking about their little boy user! They have to defend their precious child from the evil torments of their... less-precious child!

I think another dimension to it is that anything one of a parents' kids says about another one can easily be dismissed as sibling rivalry. "Oh, you're just jealous!" That way they also never have to face the fact they're favoring one of their kids over the other.

What EXACTLY do they think he is going through?

Do they really think being gay is that big of a cross to bare? it's CURRENT YEAR for heavens sake.

Regardless, hammer home that what he is doing isn't helpful for him in the long run, and that before they know it he's going to be 30 and living the exact same life. That it scares and worries you that they don't seem to care. That they just want him to be 'happy and safe and their little ball of joy' except that he is a grown ass man that they are coddling and you are scared that THEY are going to ruin their beloved son's life.

I would write a letter to your parents explaining exactly how you feel. Arrange to find another place to live (friends / family?), and THEN shit stomp that little faggot.

Good posts right here.
Address the issues of him not working, not caring, and you being used.

I'm glad it worked for you, but in addition to my brother I have three sisters who all tried to drill the same message into my parents' heads. It didn't take.

Sometimes we could get her (of course you already knew it's the mother when you hear these kinds of stories) to accept some of this, but the next day she'd just relapse completely into "he a good boy" and still send him money and all the other shit that comes with that.

Also, one of my sisters is a developmental psychologist with a phd who described exactly what she saw in him, the two others were teachers who were trained to spot kids like him in the classroom. Didn't fucking take, man.

Maybe your parents are retarded?

Just because he is your brother does not mean you have to do a god damned thing for him. Tell him to fuck off you pussy.

Yea I know it's a hard nut to crack. Luckily my parents were split up, and while my mom took care of him and he was a 'good goy' my dad would pretty much berate my mom for letting my bro walk all over her.

He was a complete asshole as well, would cuss at my mom, get in fights with my sister that I had to break up(luckily he's a twig man from sitting in his room and being malnourished all day), ruin family get-togethers, etc.

We pretty much had to have an intervention with my mom to convince her that my brother was just bringing the family down, it was pretty crazy but worth it.

When your bro asks for a ride tell him you don't feel comfortable driving someone around that does hardcore drugs. If he tells your parents, tell them that, or just find a way to make them realizing they are choosing between you and drugs, not you and the other son.

Quit being a bitch and stop driving him places you disgraceful soon to be faggot bitch, fuck your parents, you think they are proud to have faggots? I'm trying to do you a favor here, kick your brothers ass and redeem back honor from your parents

>fuck him in his boipucci
>make him addicted to your cock
>get him to do whatever you want

Why is no one stating the obvious answer that is on everyone's pozzed mind?

I get where your coming from but that won't work on his parents. He has to pretty much manipulate them into realizing what a shitty person his brother is. Quickest way to do that?

Pounding this post into their heads.

Just enlist faggot. Or if you have a degree try to go WOFT. It'll get you a trade and housing for 4 years and newfound motivation once you get out. Also a GI Bill

That's crazy enough to work

That's not a bad idea. Serving my country is a good way to get away from my toxic family

Another thing... Perversely enough, it may be easier to mentally demote your children who you can see have their shit together than to let yourself believe anything ill about the kid you know somewhere deep down is an irreconcilable shit.

If you start judging a tree by its fruit, instead of just which ones are giving you the most bad feelings at the moment (regardless of their intention) then it may lead to a traumatic realization you don't feel ready for.

The whole denial thing.

Yeah, they say that asses are a lot tighter than vaginas, so you would probably enjoy it, and he's a faggot, so he'd probably enjoy it, too.

If he's very effeminate (soft features and long hair, for example), I would guess that it might even feel like you're just fucking a woman.

The only question is how would I avoid donkey punching his annoying ass? It would be a hate fuck for sure

Smells to me as if you are living with your brother and perhaps your parents.

The gi bill will pay for your schooling and you receive the same stipend as an E5 with dependents for housing. I literally got paid to go to school.

Good idea, man. That's actually what I did. Just go Air Force and get into IT/Comms and you will have good experience to bring into the world after you separate.

I got out in 2014 but it was still in high-demand, I'd imagine not too much has changed on that front.

They pay for your housing and food, so all your money is expendable. Just be a bit financially responsible so after your 4 years you can move into your own place and not back with the parents. Unless your bro is dead by than, than it wouldn't be a bad idea to move back.


Use the missionary position, maybe?

What state and how much you get payed?

I was checking out school in the winter for my GI Bill and it was around 1k in Oregon. Sounded kind of low. Debating keeping my job, fire fighter, or finally starting school (like I should have done a year ago).

>Why the fuck are we raising our gays to be narcissistic SJW manchildren?

The real question is why do we tolerate and encourage mental illnesses like homosexuality.

Bar of soap in a sock. Beat his pansy ass senseless whenever he's passed out from the drugs he's doing. Repeat as needed.

Central Cali. Find a cheap apt. Or better yet one with a roommate. Also you already have a great job, most people would kill to be a firefighter

And pay was around $1500/mo

OP, you should know by now that mothers simply don't change. Move out ASAP. Tell your parents that you move out specifically because you realized that you are being an enabler to your drug addict brother, and you feel guilty about it.
Then leave them to suffer with the little rat.

Yea man, I worked NetSecurity while in the military and I feel kind of bad for letting it go to waste.

I actually live with 2 others in a 2br house and we all split it 3 ways which is pretty cool, each pay around $430 a month.

I know $1000 would be easy to survive on, I just keep getting caught in a loop where when school comes around I stay with my job as I make good money from it and can add to my savings.

I'll make the jump eventually, I do want to continue my education, just can't pull the trigger.

>strip him naked
>prop his feet up on your shoulders
>hold his hips
>fuck him in the ass

Simple, I would imagine.

Do everything you can to move out. Hell, you'll have more time, because you won't be spending an hour driving him.
Then accept that your parents will probably disinherit you and leave everything to him. They will likely do this anyway actually, they will rationalise this as him needed help where you can take care of yourself. I've seen parents indulge and favour their least deserving child over other children many times.
You could just walk away, that's the high road, but where's the fun in that?

Perhaps more satisfying to completely lay things out for them.
>no-one discriminates against gays. Most people don't give a damn, for every person who mutters 'damn fags' there are ten who will bend over backwards to give him an easier time.
>They've spoilt him to the extent that he will never function in society without help. Once they die, he will trash the house, sell it for nothing, and be dead in no time.
>But thank them - seriously - for not giving you help. You parents' overcompensation for your brother is hurtful, but ultimately it has helped you stand on your own two feet.

This assumes that you actually do it and move out.