As a gay nazi, how do I contribute to the continuation of my white race?

As a gay nazi, how do I contribute to the continuation of my white race?

Hitler wrote "we must safeguard the existence and reproduction of our race and our people", but down goes the lever when I see the beaver...

Suicide followed by organ donation to those more worthy.

Donate sperm or something?

Donate sperm or something

This. Fags are abominations.

Just don't show your homosexuality in public.

>gay nazi

That's like being a Jewish Nazi. You do realise that gays were exterminated along with kikes in Nazi Germany, right?

Fucking gas yourself.

And Hitler was a 1/4 Jewish gay National Socialist, whats the big deal?

I wonder how well it would go over if I told the sperm donation place that I only want my cum going to whites lol. Solid advice tho

If being gay is wrong I don't want to be right darling ;)

>organ donation
His STD ridden organs are unsaleable.
Only oven.

Maybe, but Hitler also knew that in times of great struggle you recognize true allies.


sieg heil brother

Only the real queeny ones, and I hate them anyways. I mean fuck my ass, but don't be a fag about it...

Is it true all gays are that way because an older milo type abused them?

>down goes the lever when I see the beaver...
I'm crying

Hug a riding train

>As a gay nazi, how do I contribute to the continuation of my white race?
By ejaculating your Aryan seed into the vagina of a woman.

Checks out.

A life of celibacy. We can sterilize you if you can't keep it in your pants. Also fighting as dying on the frontlines, just don't let your comrades know about your condition.

Stop being gay or kys, that's it.

Try this

If there's a gay gene, he risks spreading it to future generations if he does that.

I think you mean castrate.

You're gay? That's fuckin' disgusting and spread AIDS.

Pic related.

> We can sterilize you if you can't keep it in your pants.
How would that stop him from fucking, dumbass niggas in this board I am telling you

Theres nothing wrong with donating sperm to bleach non white genetics either

not from my personal experience, but to his point, if a James Franco looking guy tried something when I was a teenager, I definitely would've loved it

There is no gay gene.

Just redpill people and encourage whites to breed.

Donate sperm

come to terms with your molestation, get therapy for it, and start dating women.

Being gay is a response to sexual trauma, it's how they reproduce.

Good idea, except for the organ donation


homosexuality is mostly genetic you turbofag. if you get so asspained by two dudes sucking eachothers dicks, the fastests way to get rid of them short of shoving them into ovens, is to let them out of the closet so they wont feel pressurized to get their benis in vagina.

> what is biology 101

To answer the OP: you could adopt kids, that would make much more sense

Fuck women.

I'd definitely be down to have Pence zap me, as long as he was wearing a leather thong and furry boots rarrrrrr