Why haven't you joined the military yet?

Why haven't you joined the military yet?
>Pt. 2.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because it's for white trash and stupid minorities.

It's not a job for respectable people.

Most of you don't understand this because you're stupid poverty fucks.

I would never die for a country that does not even believe in itself.

Stfu white trash

I like having my butthole intact

Stupid fucking tripfag get off my board

You shut your whore mouth.

I knew I recognized that tattoo from somewhere


>lives in mommy's guest room
>takes out the trash for hot pockets

I live by myself, bruh.

I'm a grown man lmao.

because it is for people who can't get real jobs

Because i have a job and i am not a puppet.

I intend to

A grown ass man with no exponential value using a fucking trip on an anonymous image board. You make me reeee niggerfaggot

I am in the process of it but I need to let the cancer subside I am sure the zog will allow me in right:?

>tfw comfiest job in the coziest branch of the military.
>tfw Uncle Sam paid for my Bachelor's degree.
>tfw on my way to becoming an Officer.
>tfw will be able to retire at 39 with a lifelong pension.
>tfw biggest worry in life is contemplating whether or not it's worth my precious time to cash in my G.I bux to pursue a Master's after retirement.
Feels good man.


How can basement-dwelling Sup Forumstards who jerk off to sweaty men in uniforms ever recover?

They wouldn't let me in even if I wanted to join

>Why haven't you joined the military yet?
Because I don't want to die fighting for beliefs that aren't mine.

When will this meme die? 80% of the jobs in the military are non-combat, you stupid fucking leaf.

I have breathing problems and extreme misophonia. Sleeping in the same room as snorers puts me in a murderous rage filled state. Plus I don't want to go to war protecting goatfuckers from other goatfuckers, I want to kill them all slowly.

is 27 too old to join the army?

I have. It's pretty gay

Not in 'Murica, not sure about your shithole of a country. Why don't you try googling it?

>tfw 28 and enlisted at 18

Only 10 more years till a pension

Pick one.

I'd move there in a heartbeat just to get away from niggers. It's too bad they're full.

Because I have ass math and Cuckdeau isn't worth fighting for. I could lie about the ass math to join the reserves but I could get in serious shit if I get an ass math attack while running in the winter.

I'm not sure why Sup Forums immediately spergs out whenever the military is mentioned. It's always "hurr enjoy dying for Israel goy" and "military is for niggers lol"

Meanwhile I have exactly 16 months until I can go to college where ever I want for free plus living and housing allowance with $50k in the bank from deployments and all I had to do was take orders and learn to shoot a gun for a few years.

When you think about it, it's kind of dumb to NOT join the military, isn't it? I mean, you don't have to be an infantryman, you can be a fucking computer nerd in the Air Force or an electrician in the Navy and still get the same benefits as someone getting their dick blown off in the desert.

So as someone from an average lower to middle class upbringing who wants to go to college why would you not just spend a few years taking orders instead of spending 20+ years in crushing student debt? Please enlighten me.

I was rejected because I have schizophrenia, 4 convictions and did time in the last 10 years. You would think they dont care about that, but apparently they do.

>defending a place your leader refers to as "post-national"
>I'm supposed to die for a post-nation playground for chinese millionaires

AOC Officer still on?

Why support this nation? I have no investment in the future of this state or people. It could burn in eternal hellfire and it wouldn't change my opinion.

The nation I'd fight for has long since passed.

if you can't follow laws why would you follow orders? Your condition makes you a danger to the army, a defect, plus taking criminals would disgrace the nation.

>he thinks it changes at all

I did 6 years

It's not as great as you think it is

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, hard working, reliable, and above all, happy with your own life. We live in first world countries, and have opportunities that most people on the planet do not. Make the best of that. What does your family think about you? Do people in your life trust and respect you? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of that.

If you can't achieve these things in your real life, you are wasting your precious time here. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life. You can't help yourself or the white race if your life is fucked up

do u think the man in t pic is ticjklish? i waanaa run my hamds all over his smooth, vulnberable naked body n make him squirm

Because im a big fat lazy fuck without motivation for anything

Wy u call wite peeple fagits enun?

>tfw he was raped

Because I'm a weak little bitch and couldn't handle it.

I can follow the laws, but the laws dont work here.

And then when you come to bring the justice, you end up in a prison.

>grown man
>tripfags on Sup Forums


I'm telling you what they see. Maybe you're fit for the army, but given your past+mental health you must understand why they don't want you.

How's the Navy surface nuke program? I'm planning to join since I can't find a job in my field.

>mfw after 5 years of service, I'm randomly diagnosed with MS and am getting medically discharged

Everybody look at this faggot. He comes to one of the few places on the internet that still values a lack of identity, and what does he decide to do? He becomes a trip fag and creates an identity.

Your are specifically trying to stand out on an image board that prides itself on anonymity.You crave the validation and recognition that you get nowhere else in your life.

If you want recognition go the fuck back to facebook you tripfagging cum dumpster.

I'm in Korea right now supporting Key Resolve.

Navy is gay, you're a faggot, everyone in the entire military is a pussy except marine infantry

>t. underage who played too much COD.

Poor defective user, I'm sorry for your news.

female :) :) :)

>t. Army bulk fuel specialist

>Why haven't you joined the military yet?

I have Asperger's syndrome

If I was Jewish I could join the Israeli army

Yes Jim. Everyone's a fag go play with randy

convicted felon

All the people who diss military members will never go through the ritual of manhood and forever be a numale cuck. Enjoy your vidya and super hero movies faggots

nah dude your right, join up until 40 i think.

I did 11 years. Put out for working 16 to 18 hr days and it being declared unhealthy for me by docs, now I collect 1344 a month for the rest of my life.

I tried to when I was 17 but they wouldn't accept me due to a back injury I had when I was 16. Really bummed me out. My dad also tried joining in Vietnam but he's missing a thumb so they wouldn't let him join either.

Medical Disqualification, they wouldnt even tell me what they found out. It might be something my ol folks witheld from me as there was alot of tests done on my in my childhood. Ill just wait for a conflict and try and join then.

>but they wouldn't accept me due to a back injury I had when I was 16
>telling MEPS anything about your medical history
No worries, you obviously aren't bright enough for the service

Done it, hated it - learned a lot though and would do it again. Most of the best lessons in life aren't enjoyable.

Was briefly tempted to transfer over to New Zealand or Australian Army (there's a "lateral transfer" scheme for experienced guys from other Commonwealth militaries) but simply didn't have the energy to keep living a soldier's life so just went civilian.

If you're a young guy there are few better things to do than join the military (Army or Navy - for Christ's sake don't join an Air Force if you want to be taken seriously) for gaining discipline and a lot of experiences you wouldn't get anywhere else. A lot of the time it's miserable work, and mindnumbingly dull and bullshitty, but it's something you can only do when young and does set you up nicely for the rest of your life even if you don't decide on making a full career of it.

>he thinks he'll be on the surface

Was it heel spurs

I have migraine and thus not allowed into the military : (. Hug me while I cry anons


So this happened yesterday night:

>be me
>take the damn dog for a walk
>hear slaps and yelling in the park
>some guy is beating the shit out of his girlfriend
>time to be a movie hero is here
>punch the guy in the face couple of times, break his nose and one tooth
>crazy bitch literally starts screaming at me, sticking her nails in my face and biting my ears like some crazy raged fuck
>slap the fucking shit out of her

Three hours later:

>got arrested by the police
>they both press charges on me
>have to wait for a letter from the court

I don't give a fuck about anyone anymore I swear. The only reason to live at this moment is an incoming race war.

>being a whiteknight

I actually made a reply instead of a thread.

>Why haven't you joined the military yet?
Because I value life and I'm not desperate enough for muh GI bill? I've experienced enough through ROTC to know the military attracts the worst kind of people.

the question is sergey, how did they find you? did you tell them your name and adress sergey? sergey? are you retarded sergey?

I tried to join the Navy here in the UK. I failed the medical sadly.

>being a whiteknight cuck
Bubba gonna push yo shit in.

Get in here faggots, I'm retarded:

military is a joke... most soldiers are only taught how to fire a gun and how to run

real training is to throw yourself into the bush for 2 months and see if you can survive... you learn how to track and after that give yourself a gun to learn and you'll have a navy seal training without even licking at your drill seargent's ass


