This is trending

>This is trending
oh boy

Yes, all in with Bernie, get in.

It's just a shower guys. You also get free college.

Yes! All in!

No refunds.

maybe if we all chip in and donate enough money to Bernie he will finally be able to smash the establishment and give us all free college, legalize marijuana, and free healthcare for our marijuana overdoses

>Trumps been president for 2 years. Heres how Bernie can still win

>Bernie died a week ago and the wake is tommorow, heres how he can still win



>Bernie's been in the ground for 6 years and is nothing but a pile of worm-eaten bones, here's how he can still win

We should of gone with the jewish hotdog vendor. Mistakes were made.


I miss Chad Warden.

Gevalt, the gas bill must have been higher than he expected.


>Social Democracy
>The ideology that killed 80 gorillions
That's an unacceptable retardation level.
That's as retarded as saying that the people who don't want to take in 100k arabs and niggers a day are akin to nazis.
Delete this image from your computer.

All 10 inches baby

>muh "social democracy"
Stop trying to sugar-coat it; it's socialism, and the ultimate goal of socialism is communism.

I found this picture in the Sup Forums archive. Socialism is always bad.

He can still make it!

I love how Bernie Sanders is Democrats golden ticket to success but they absolutely refuse to give him any power and instead constantly shoot themselves in the foot but putting up neo-liberal shills like Hillary or Perez. He's the savior of the left who can't stop being cucked by the people he's trying to empower to actually be that savior for.

Social democracy adds another step of bureaucratic tyranny into the process.


Is he ever going to shut up and go away? I thought he got himself a beach house or something with all the Bernout money.

Bernie was never going to win, he had less votes than Hillary during the primaries. They rigged it yes but he never had a chance anyway.

Get #norefunds trending

He could have made a difference for the Greens but chose to be cucked by DNC.

what did he do now?

God I am so sick of this fucking guy.

40 years he's in Congress, nobody gives a shit about him. He promises free shit and suddenly he's the greatest politician of our time.

Fuck, his fans are so fucking annoying.

True but Bernie is just some controlled-opposition shill. Anyone got that Wikileaks leaked email from the DNC how they basically implied how Bernie is just controlled-opposition to get young people to vote for them?

he still Ballin' no need to be sad.