>Why did you kill me Mr. Twump?
Well Sup Forums? Do you now see how disastrous his presidency is?!
Why did you kill me Mr. Twump?
working as intended
but she's still alive in that photo
What did she mean by this?
Her daddy was a fucking terrorist.
All Muslims must be purged from the world
Your gay frog god is subservient to the will of Allah.
Sage hide report
So you're saying Allah is gay? Kind of a double standard there famalam
>Something that happened hundreds of times under Obama
>leftist media doesn't care
>happens once under Trump
Obama has drone striked more innocents than possible indirect deaths Trump may have caused
That girl is definitely Halal!
Allahuh Akbar!
Learn to read infidel dog. Your frog is fake and gay but if he was real he would have to obey Allah because all have to obey Allah.
pretty much this. Obama kills a hundred thousand civs and "eh nothing to see here". Trump kills a few, OMG OMG OMG IMPEACH. Who can take these faggot leftists seriously anymore. It's all just autistic screeching.
Why should I feel pity for a dead Mohammedian? They are the enemy of Western civilization. Why didn't you listen?
why did you kill me Obama, and your supporters (mostly lefties)?
So how big of a dick do you think Allah can take?
yuck. fucking disgusting. she should have been killed in the womb. or better yet her mother killed before conception. or better yet her grandmother killed. or better yet her great grandmother killed. you get the idea.
Allah is beyond the concept of 3 dimensional size. The question is faulty.
I shit in your pedophile god's mouth. Heyooooo!
So a nice big meaty dick then? Does he enjoy reach-arounds? What about ass to mouth?
Why the fuck do terrorists have a "Bring Your Daughters to Work" Day, again?
>worshipping a magic Arab that fucks children and lives in a big magic box in the desert
Kek, you filthy retards are pathetic, no (You) for mental midgets
I don't think Trump was the one that Obamadrone'd you though, sweetie.
Checked. I have been converted.
He saved the family from having to murder her after her brothers gang rape her
Mmm. Checked.
I have a challenge. If Allah is real, may he suck my dick. If he doesn't, he is a false god.
Can Allah create a stone so large even he cannot move it?
>implying that killing that little bitch wasn't the plan all along.
You're leftist brain simply can't compete with Trump's transcendental chess game.
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Located in S.2943 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 Sec 1287 global engagement center
Spreading American fact based propaganda to counter foreign disinformation
Oh shit guys... It happened. Allah descended from the heavens to the sound of glorious trumpets. He got on his knees and gave me the the most divine head imaginable. He tongued my balls. He gargled the gravy. wtf I love islam now
>babby's first paradox
I hope also killed the rest of her family
Obama already did that.
Her husband must've been devastated
Can Allah make a dick so big that even he couldn't take it to the hilt?
human shields.
Shit thread. Fuck you OP.
Sorry bro I have your 5 right here.
polite sage
Oh look! The anti- war Left has come out of hibernation now that we have a Republican back in the white house. Feel free to fuck right off.
If I have to choose from random sandnigger or security my fellow countrymen, I choose latter and continue bombing.
Post the brushing gif.
I can't even read those sand scribbles. For all I know she could be a rapeslave/suicide bomber in Muhammad's private army
I don't cry for the deaths of my enemies and their children. The less of them, the better.
qt3.14 would fondle her cunny desu
based latuff
Ha! Dwumpf BTFO!